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Author: annrich72

Phyto Science Double Stemcell

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Post time 7-11-2013 05:52 PM | Show all posts
nuralisa posted on 7-11-2013 01:14 PM
yg spray tu brp rm ek??

bole ke bgtau kat sini?

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Post time 7-11-2013 05:53 PM | Show all posts
kamar22 posted on 7-11-2013 03:22 PM
Tringin nk cuba. Sapa bole cod di putrajaya?

COD kena tanye stokis2 yg duduk area sana kot.

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Post time 7-11-2013 06:20 PM | Show all posts
ok... nie info pasal spray Triple Stemcell plak. pun dari website company. kopipes je kekdahnyer. kekekeke


Skin care has become a science in the modern, In addition to more women, many men also began to focus on the quality and safety of skin care products. Our experts constantly to explore, finally got the breakthrough developed cell therapies Triple Stemcell Miracle Intense ESSENCE. In addition with PhytoCellTec Malus Domestica(Apple Stem Cell), PhytoCellTec Solar Vitis (Grape Stem Cell), PhytoCellTec Argan(Morocco Argan Fruit), DermCom Crocus Chrysanthus Bulb Extract(2012 Europh Innovation Prize),Hyaluronic Acid, Wheat Extract, Acid Hydrolyzed Cassava Extract, and has extensive with mineral springs.

Triple stemcell Miracle Intense Essence combining three kinds of plant stem cells, the invention won two European Innovation Invention Awards and twice Nobel Prize winner’s Dr. Linus Pualing recommended trace elements with small molecules and high penetrability , certainly be able to let you have immediate surface reaction, radiant, and confident.

Triple Stemcell Miracle Intense is very simple to use, simply sooner or later cleansing face, spray in the face. If there are some other parts, simply spray to see the miracle.

Uttwiller Spatlauber Apple Stemcell: Successfully developed by Mibelle Biochemistry chief scientist Dr Fred Zulli, this variety of apple stem cells can activate dormant stem cells in 80% of the human body cell regeneration and delay the aging process.

Gamay Teinturier Freaux Grape Stemcell: Successfully developed by Mibelle Biochemistry chief scientist Dr Fred Zulli, the product very rich in anthocyanin pigments,its delay the aging process effectively and prevent UV damage to skin tissue.

Argania Spinosa Morocco Argan Fruit: The world's first proven have shown that the active substance having a dermal stem cells, the efficacy of protection and activation. Specifically for dermal stem cells  ability to regenerate. In order to achieve a deep skin regeneration, Skin restore firmness, and reduce wrinkles up to 26%.

DermCom Crocus Chrysanthus Bulb Extract: Won Innovation Award 2012 European invention, Its flower bulb extract based, by activating the communication between the cells of the skin, and thus reversed the degree of skin aging, the major applications are to promote the formation of collagen and elastin, improve skin density and help regain youth.

Sodium Hyaluronate: able to maintain skin elasticity, but also able to retain a relatively large amount of water , get smooth and moisturizing skin tissue, skin look plumpy, young and exlasting.

Wheat extract: By ECOCERT organic approval, Effectively inhibit the formation of melanin , but also to prevent UV-induced coloring, more rapid whitening.

Hydrolyzed cassava extract: Has immediate surface reaction, reduce wrinkles and fine lines, Firming the role of the skin

Mineral springs: Has a very rich trace elements, is a powerful anti-oxidant, fight again free radicals.

Copper: Neutralizes free radicals, contribute to the formation of collagen and elastin, and maintain the skin's defense systems.
Selenium: against free radicals. Silicon: Contribute to the formation of collagen and elastin.
Zinc: can reduce the fine lines of the skin surface and uniform expression to the skin surface.
Magnesium: along with zinc to help skin tones.
Manganese: participate in the metabolism of collagen and eliminates free radical

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Post time 7-11-2013 06:22 PM | Show all posts
nie plak dari website company pengeluar di swiss (mibellebiochemistry) pasal TS


It was only at the end of 2009 that a research group from the University of Toronto identified the dermal stem cells. This finding now opens the door to the next generation of stem cell cosmetics: specifically, the protection and vitalization of human dermal stem cells for a deep-seated rejuvenation of the skin, which in turn will result in the restoration of the skin’s firmness, as well as wrinkle reduction.
The first active with a proven protecting effect on real dermal stem cells is PhytoCellTec™ Argan. PhytoCellTec™ Argan is based on plant stem cells derived from the very resistant and rare argan tree that has been obtained through our unique PhytoCellTec™ technology.
Claims with PhytoCellTec™ Argan
•  Dermal rejuvenation of the skin
•  Vitalizes dermal stem cells, which are responsible for collagen and elastin production
•  Accelerates skin's natural repair process
•  Combats chronological aging
•  Fights wrinkles and loss of firmness

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Post time 7-11-2013 06:26 PM | Show all posts
dlm erti kata mudah - TS nie sembur kat muka : selain meng'elokkan kulit, anjalkan kulit & kurangkan kedut, dia bole di spray kat tempat lain macam breast & buttoct. utk kasi tegang & anjal. almaklumlaa semakin berusia, semakin kurang anjal.

satu lagi - testimoni dari kawan, sembur kat kawasan hitam (macam celah kangkang & ketiak) - bole cerahkan balik kawasan tu secara perlahan2. dia guna utk anak dia (bawah 10 tahun) - anak dia ashtma, selalu peluh. so kawasan situ mmg gelap katanyer. lepas 3 minggu spray, dia kata dah nmpak cerah sikit.

so multi-purpose gitu. kekekeke

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Post time 7-11-2013 09:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kamar22 posted on 7-11-2013 03:22 PM
Tringin nk cuba. Sapa bole cod di putrajaya?

I ada kt ptrjya klu nk cod. js gv me a call. no ada kt bwh sinun..

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Post time 8-11-2013 08:15 AM | Show all posts
okay ni testimoni aku lepas guna sejak awal muharam aritu.

aku amik DS *serbuk* tu sehari dua kali. smpai hari ni aku x nampak apa2 perubahan pun. sama je. muka berminyak je bangun tdo, tp 1st day tu pun aku 1st day period jugak, so mungkin aku ni kebal, xde plak jd ajaib mcm org lain, muka terus tak berminyak bla bla bla.

aku ni terus jd ahli sbb cousin aku sibuk mempromote katanya dia pakai sgt berkesan terus x rasa lesu, terus cergas xde mengantuk2. so aku pun jd la ahli sbb nak murah drpd harga retail dia dan demi nak bg cousin aku ada la downline utk dia. mende MLM, mesti la diorang obses kat bab kaki2 pairing apa segala ni. aku niat nak test dan kalau berkesan, aku nak beli utk personal consumption je. nak jual2 jumpa orang ni aku x berapa rajin. hohoho. yg buat aku  tertarik ialah sbb produk ni claim boleh kurangkan rambut gugur, so aku pun cuba. tgklah nanti habis 2 pek *14sachets x 2*, aku bg testimoni lagi.

utk TS *spray* aku baru dpt semalam sbb hari tu xde stok kat cousin aku dan aku lak terus outstation. mlm td dah spray kat muka, bgn tidur td muka tak berminyak tp aku x boleh terus ckp sbb mende TS ni. kenapa? sbb malam td aku tdo kat umah sndiri dan on aircond kuat. dlm aircond mmg muka aku elok jer la x berminyak. tiap2 kali musim period pun begitu. kalau x on aircond, bgn pg muka berminyak. kalau on aircond, muka x berminyak.

so setakat ni untuk aku takde perubahan miracle semua tu. cousins lain yg mencuba ckp diorang dah tak lesu, rasa cergas jugak, muka rasa lembut. tp diorang tu memang umur dah senior2 atas 40s, yg memang bermasalah bab kecergasan etc. aku ni muda kot, cergas takde penyakit takde lesu lembik tak bermaya ni so aku x nampak apa2 perbezaan.

nanti habis guna 2 pek DS ni aku bg testimoni lagi.


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Post time 8-11-2013 08:28 AM | Show all posts
alexandria_iz posted on 25-10-2013 10:05 AM
buat spree tak berapa untung (in future). kalo join ahli terus - next time beli lagi murah. RM 250 u ...

hat jd ahli & next time beli RM250 dpt 3DS + 1TS ni mengelirukan la. smlm aku jumpa cousin aku utk amik TS, aku terus tunjuk apa sis alex ni ckp & dia pun call upline dia utk confirmkan. on speakerphone sbb aku nak dgr sndiri.

so upline dia ckp mcm ni :

mula2 join member. amik la pakej2 mana2, plg murah smpai paling mahal tu. then utk dptkan yg RM250 3DS + 1TS tu, kita kena beli dulu RM190 2DS, barulah boleh beli yg optional RM250 tu. so bukanlah immediately join ahli pastu next time bleh beli RM250 tu. kena beli RM190 2DS dulu baru leh beli RM250 3DS + 1 TS. so kena spend RM190 tu dulu, diorang panggil ni maintenance package x silap smlm upline dia sebut. utk sesiapa yg nak guna sndiri, bukan nak mencari kaki2 ni. tp semua ni dikawal, setiap ahli boleh beli sekali je package ni dlm sebulan utk elakkan org jual murah2 x ikut harga. ini la yg upline cousin aku ckp. tak taulah kalau dia silap tp dia ni memang dah ahli tegar produk ni, bwh2 dia pun ramai org.

DS - serbuk letak bwh lidah.
TS - spray muka

p/s: momod sori ek aku sebut2 harga. aku just nak clearkan sbrg confusion di masa depan sbb aku pun nak harga murah jd aku laju je la nk confirmkan.


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Post time 8-11-2013 10:48 AM | Show all posts
anumqis posted on 8-11-2013 08:15 AM
okay ni testimoni aku lepas guna sejak awal muharam aritu.

aku amik DS *serbuk* tu sehari dua kal ...

sama... me pun amek 2x sehari. muka kalo belek sendiri mmg x nmpak kesan (sbb tgk hari2). me amek gmbar. kekkeke... and kengkawan yg tegur lepas seminggu nmpak "bersih" sikit. takde laa dari muka asal cam jalan tar (muka me) tetiba terus jadi bak telur dikupas. kekekeekek

TS belum try. nx week baru smpai. insha-Allah. baru dgr testimoni kawan jer.

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Post time 8-11-2013 11:20 AM | Show all posts
anumqis posted on 8-11-2013 08:28 AM
hat jd ahli & next time beli RM250 dpt 3DS + 1TS ni mengelirukan la. smlm aku jumpa cousin aku utk ...

bole anum.... utk semua ahli baru yg join selepas 1/10/2013 (tarik sebenar x ingat).... mmg dibenarkan utk grab promosi RM 250 utk 4 barang tu (harga utk semenanjung). sesapa ahli yg join awal dari tarikh tu - mmg x bole. diorang memang kena maintain dulu baru bole beli yg promosi.

tapi since oktober - company dah revise balik. semua ahli baru / lama dah bole amek chance utk grab promosi nie (sampai Mac tahun depan je pun promosinyer). sebab maintenance hanya perlu dibuat selapas 60 hari. so sesapa yg nk grab promosi, bole grab dulu. dah nak2 sampai hari ke 60 tu, baru maintain produk.

tu sbb ramai yg beli promosi dulu. sbb sangat jimat.

hope this helps.

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Post time 8-11-2013 11:23 AM | Show all posts
alexandria_iz posted on 8-11-2013 11:20 AM
bole anum.... utk semua ahli baru yg join selepas 1/10/2013 (tarik sebenar x ingat).... mmg dibena ...

okay, aku buat screenshot send kat cousin aku suruh dia tanya upline dia semula. kalau betul, memang kantoilah sengaja tak mau bg aku beli murah & nak paksa upgrade membership. nanti aku inform balik kat sini. TQ sis alex.


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Post time 8-11-2013 11:31 AM | Show all posts
anumqis posted on 8-11-2013 11:23 AM
okay, aku buat screenshot send kat cousin aku suruh dia tanya upline dia semula. kalau betul, mema ...

ok. jgn gaduh2 plak nnti. hahahaha.

sbb rasanyer ramai yg keliru pasal nie. tambah2 yg dah join lama. sbb offer nie baru berkuatkuasa bulan lepas (oktober).


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Post time 8-11-2013 12:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mijaa posted on 6-11-2013 04:55 PM
kawan i pun da cuba stemcell ni memang terbukti keberkesanannya, baru 8 sachets die guna. wow sangat ...

baru 8 dah wow? amboi. dia makan 4x a day ke?macam umi aida makan tu?

dia makan DS ke spray TS? sbb TS org kata mmg effect cepat. ke dia amek 2 2 sekali? nie yg tak sabar tunggu TS smpai nie. kekekek

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Post time 8-11-2013 03:15 PM | Show all posts
Tq pd yg balas n pm sy.
Sy dh dpt ds n ts ni dri sorang stokist kat area sini...1st time ni..bru 1sct, kna tggu abis 1ktk dlu bru bole share testi plak. td lps sy cuba 1, dgn sng dn lega nya mmbuang segala isi perot. rasa btul2 puashati lah, sblum ni mmbuang ala2 segan2 je...

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Post time 8-11-2013 03:43 PM | Show all posts
alexandria_iz posted on 8-11-2013 12:49 PM
baru 8 dah wow? amboi. dia makan 4x a day ke?macam umi aida makan tu?

dia makan DS ke spray TS ...

dia cuma makan DS je. terkejut sgt tgk muka dia, licin bersih xperlu pakai makeup pun katenye. cuma compact powder. berat badan turun 5kg. dia pun xtau sampai jadi begitu. amek untuk kesihatan je sebenarnya. Hihi. beruntung dia, mungkin serasi.


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Post time 8-11-2013 03:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kamar22 posted on 8-11-2013 03:15 PM
Tq pd yg balas n pm sy.
Sy dh dpt ds n ts ni dri sorang stokist kat area sini...1st time ni..bru 1 ...

me x rasa perubahan plak dari segi membuang tu. hahahaha

tapi kulit mmg terasa "elok" sikit laa lepas dh 2 minggu makan. and kengkawan ada kata nmpak cerah. tak tau laa.

tapi selain muka, me perasan makan mmg otomatik akan jadi limited. sbb x bole sumbat. lapar laa camne pun, masak laa camne sedap pun, tapi tetap x leh masuk. dia ala2 ala limit gitu. me perasan sejak seminggu lepas.

nie pun perut masih terasa sangat sebu. sbb tambah *sikit* nasik tadi. nie yg buat eksaited nk carik weight machine nie. mana tau ujung bulan turun 1-2 kilo ke. sudah baik. kekekeke

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Post time 8-11-2013 03:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mijaa posted on 8-11-2013 03:43 PM
dia cuma makan DS je. terkejut sgt tgk muka dia, licin bersih xperlu pakai makeup pun katenye. cum ...

ye eh? aaaaiii laaa.... nie yg nk pi carik weight machine skrg jugak nie. sbb me pun perasan yg makan jadi kurang. isk. tak sabar plak rasanyer. hahahaha

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Post time 8-11-2013 09:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ai dah mkn DS hampir 3weeks..nampak perubahan pd kulit..cerah sikit n tekstur kulit rs halus dr dulu..kulit yang kering dkt bahagian betispun dah terasa halus..kalo tidak rasa macam kering n kasar jer..
TS pun dok spray jg kat muka n betis yg kering tu..nampak pori2 semakin mengecil dr dlu..
Pasal yg promosi rm250 utk 3DS + 1TS tu memang btulpun..btul apa yg miss alex gtau tu..ble jer bli yg rm250 tu..

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Post time 8-11-2013 10:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
anumqis posted on 8-11-2013 08:28 AM
hat jd ahli & next time beli RM250 dpt 3DS + 1TS ni mengelirukan la. smlm aku jumpa cousin aku utk ...

Anum..cuba masuk kat website PSDS..tgk kat time for maintain..jika lebih dari 30hari maknanya u bole jer bli harga promosi tu..tu yg upline ai gtau la..;) ai dah bli pun harga promosi tu..xda masalahpun..

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Post time 8-11-2013 11:17 PM | Show all posts
alyzfatiha_7953 posted on 8-11-2013 09:52 PM
Ai dah mkn DS hampir 3weeks..nampak perubahan pd kulit..cerah sikit n tekstur kulit rs halus dr dulu ...

me tgh tunggu tumit kaki plak. dulu kasar kemain. sekarang masih kasar - tapi blom btol2 halus. tunggu genap sebulan dulu kot. (kalo beli barang ke apa ke - mesti nk expect "miracle"... makan hari nie - esok baik). hahahahahaha.... tak sedar diri btol. me hari2 dok belek tumit kaki nie. hahahahaha

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