Kenapa wanita sukar meluahkan "I Love You"?
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ifanonline posted on 24-11-2014 10:18 PM
ur one confusing lady...gud luck to u...
i ?
no ... i am the one with the 'perspective'. ok i am here , nanti busy balik
ifanonline posted on 24-11-2014 08:19 PM
ok...u know u feel love...but r u prepared to say 'i love u' to him?
Hmm yup..
if he feel the same as i am.
i mean, tunggu he say it first..lol
Jwpannya ada kat situ : malu & hrp luahan lelaki tersyg.
Pompuan tradisinya dibesarkan dgn sifat receptive...in most of life aspect.
Diam tanda setuju, suka....kalau tetiba vocal mcm hilang sifat keperempuan kekdahnya |
Well..kalo bfo kawen..mmg ler susah.. for me la... but lps kawen i salu ckp i love u kat hubby..and even hubby pn the same.. kalo x pn..i buat2 majuk kt hbby.. ckp kat hubby.. hubby lame dh x ckp i love u kat syg...hahah
i xtawla org lain cmna..myb pelek bg org lain..tp sbb perangai i mmg cmtu..
and i akn salu tny..hubby cintakn i ke x?? Sj nk bermanja2.. hubby i pn lynkn je..heheh
Tp bfo kawen..mmg...helloo tak kawen lg.. so.. mmg susah la kn.. |
ifanonline posted on 25-11-2014 10:57 AM
we need ladies like u...to have more 'perspective' in this world...
well...what is there to say when there is no concrete context to start with?
nak cakap cinta awak?
in what sense? how meaningful can it be anyway without akad or without any indication of commitment ?
so i am of the opinion that you rather not say it until you , deep down know that those words are said with sincere, good , syariahly right intention laa
so tak payah cakap laa sebab kalau cakap selalu pun pada lelaki yg kita sendiri unsure macam murah sangat
words are cheap.
ifanonline posted on 25-11-2014 10:57 AM
we need ladies like u...to have more 'perspective' in this world...
why? do u have any better 'perspective'? well..
ifanonline posted on 24-11-2014 12:16 PM
..but how do u know when u love someone?
for me, i describe love when you start care someone more than yourself..different people have a different situation right? so, how about u?
tengok pada jenis orang gak kot.. her trait, personality.. umur, family/educational background, psychological status dan lain2..
pompuan yang inexperienced, with introverted personality dan/atau conservative upbringing mungkin lebih sukar nak luahkan perasaan dia.. |
hmm sbb pmpuan ego??? |
mbhcsf posted on 25-11-2014 06:48 PM
why? do u have any better 'perspective'? well..
no worries...you're pespective is 'good' enough...
feedback99 posted on 29-11-2014 11:00 PM
for me, i describe love when you start care someone more than yourself..different people have a di ...
actually it is pretty hard to describe love...how do u say i love you? do u mean it? why do u love me? because i have a lot of money? big house? i drive a bmw? or is it because i love u the real u? hmmm...istilah cinta ni subjective...women tends to associate love with tangibles things...like education, wealth and health...i think that is why it is hard for a women to say i love u...
Sbb ayat I love you sgt berharga.. Bila perempuan ckp I love you seolah - olah hidup die diserahkan pd lelaki tu.. Ni pd I.. Susah nk ckp I love you ni sbnrnye.. Kdg2 dh ckp I love you pn belum tentu di balasnya.. Mybe cinta Yg ade x cukup dalam.. Perasaan manusia adalah Yg paling sukar dijangka |
aku rasala kan, utk permulaan, memang wanita sukar nak luahkan rasa cinta dia pd org yg dia sayang..
tp lama-lama, dia juga yang selalu luahkan kata-kata tu lebih byk drpd lelaki.. |
Lelaki pun suka apa. Mungkin op tak romantik. |
sukar ucap I Love U sebab malu |
harus berani kalau takut terlepas |
Krn takut kena reject,skt hati ya |
sbb takut kena reject..nnt dh feeling ckp i love you ke tiba2 dy xde respond..pastu ckp sy xrasa mcm awk rasa nnt.. |
iggyevelyn posted on 17-12-2014 12:57 AM
sbb takut kena reject..nnt dh feeling ckp i love you ke tiba2 dy xde respond..pastu ckp sy xrasa mcm ...
respond tidak semestinya segera...
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan