minnie77 replied at 16-5-2017 03:34 PM
dah byk kali pegang nk beli tapi letak balik. lps ni bleh la beli terus. jgn time nak beli, color ...
up to u suka colour apa.....ai suka color nude n brownish sket...color selamat for daily wear... |
oo nak tau code dia. so far pegi watson, tester suma kering kontang, x bleh nak try 
minnie77 replied at 16-5-2017 04:17 PM
oo nak tau code dia. so far pegi watson, tester suma kering kontang, x bleh nak try
ai pakai code #05 rouge...
#01 revel, #02 ritzy, #03 ravish....pls try 4 code yg ai informed...
Rasanya #04 regal, warnanya deep/light pink fuschia kot.... |
ok.. tq, nanti i try
yes. best. tak berkilat sgt. just nice. tak keringkan bibir
cuba my fren punya tersuka pulak. best. tak berkilat sgt. just nice. tak keringkan bibir
setakat ni lipstick yg aku suke is dior rouge..best jeeee kat bibir.
tak kering and tahan lame.
kalau liquid matte..aku masih pilih huda beauty. texture die best
sape nk beli make up meh boleh pm iols.
iols jual original hokeeyyyyy  |
melatibiru replied at 15-5-2017 12:13 PM
in2it matte liquid mmg bagus....for the price mampu milik n good quality, ai bagi 10 bintang.
H ...
Need suede tu yang baru ke you? Haihhh i since balik hometown for good ni susah lah. The only place i can go for shopping watsons and gurdian je kot |
mokcikKSKB replied at 15-5-2017 01:39 PM
Alamak...ni yg x suka masuk sini.ada je godaan.
Alah uolsss, murah je pun, go buy nowwww |
need suede = nyx suede cream kah?
Baru x baru jugak lah....merata cari code sandstorm n soft spoken...out of stock/sold out manjang...pegi sephora robinsons mv, berlambak2 stock...
eh u pindah mana, hometown?? Bawah ni ai pakai soft spoken...everyday use mmg cun la..
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My current favourite - Nudestix Nudies All Over Face Color Matte. Yg ni boleh pakai as lipstick, blusher dgn eyeshadow.
I amik code Naughty N' Spice.. lepas pakai nampak muka cam sweet gitu sbb kaler ala2 pink sket 
Next target nak amik code Deep Maple.. Even kaler mcm brown tapi lepas apply jadik ala2 nude + maroon sket camtuhh |
sepertiitu replied at 18-5-2017 07:19 AM
Nampak tak i dah mamai sampai nyx jadi need
Yes i dah balik kampung halaman u. Yang pasti ...
yeayyy ada gang!
Both colour code lebih kurang je....so ok la nak pakai hari2...ai nak pegi urban decay lah later...sebab nak tgk sarah moon collection.. |
i pun tengah carik nude colour yang sesuai for daily use. selalu nude you beli yang mane? haritu terbeli last last muka jadi kusam sebab tak sesuai dengan kulit.
whyyyyy u whyyyy saje je bagi i sakit hati. nanti dah beli pape dekat urban decay tu, do update us here k 
i tak suka FAME. sebab dia lambat kering n bleeds. lama2 jd mcm org xreti pakai lipstick, bersepah. 
better lagi nyx n harga lebih kurang je.
tapikan i tgk ramai gak MUA kata Fame best. skang kalau tak silap NYX harga rm26 kat hermo.my
xtahu laa ni personal view i. colour cantik dh tp mmg lmbt kering plus bleeding. mgkin MUA pakai lip primer dlu beforehand kot
xtahu laa ni personal view i. colour cantik dh tp mmg lmbt kering plus bleeding. mgkin MUA pakai lip primer dlu beforehand kot
Edited by ellekarma at 19-5-2017 05:33 PM
dah nape triple post nieee  |
chuols penah dgr brand ni x? Smolder cosmetic.
i tgk IG @itsmuaashley pakai. mcm cantik jgk warna2 nya.
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