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Author: modem

Kenapa Rufaqa Di Haramkan ?

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Post time 11-7-2007 10:47 AM | Show all posts
Iwant to say about ABUYA Struggle, May it is become a useful informationfor you brothers and sisters in Islam, one of the ULAMA in the worldtoday, ABUYA ASHAARI MUHAMMAD;
  • Abuya      is an exemplary husband and father in a polygamous marriage.
  • Abuya      is a model father and grandfather.
  • Abuya      is a teacher and lecturer with vast knowledge in Sufism and pragmatic      Islamic struggle.
  • Abuya      is a prolific writer of books, poems and adages.
  • Abuyahas produced followers disciplined enough to simultaneously becomedevoted worshippers and upholders of progress in the world and theHereafter.
  • Abuya      returns all transgressors to the path of Allah.
  • Abuya      is the initiator of an Islamic congregation of international stature.
  • Abuya      is the first Malay to pioneer the setting-up of Islamic businesses without      relying on bank loans.
  • Abuyais an effective Islamic da抴ah worker whose approach stresses love andcare, at the time when many others exploit militancy and politics intheir fight for Islam.
  • Abuya      is a counsel-educator who has saved many broken families.
  • Abuyaelevates Muslim women to strive for and practice Islam withouttransgressing the laws of Islam and the rules of modesty and femalechastity.
  • Abuya      educates wives to obey their husbands, and respect them as heads of      families.
  • Abuyahas transformed the Malays into performers of the daily prayers in theearly hours of the designated prayer time.
  • Abuyais the main figure responsible for popularizing the culture of coveringthe awrah (body parts which are forbidden from being publicly exposed)among Muslim women in Malaysia,      Indonesia and Asia.
  • Abuyaempowers his male followers with the capacity to wear headgear whenthey go out of their houses. In Islam, it is a transgression for mennot to cover their heads outside.
  • Abuya      constantly puts on the turban and rida

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Post time 11-7-2007 10:50 AM | Show all posts
  • Abuya      produces students for whom their eternal lives the Hereafter are a      priority over the mortal world.
  • Abuyasuccessfully converts his female followers from fearing polygamy toaccepting it. In fact, all his daughters practice polygamy.
  • Abuya      teaches his children from various wives to be loving among themselves, and      respectful towards their stepmothers.
  • Abuyaconvinces his Malay-majority followers that living independently isbetter and more honourable than being wage earners.
  • Abuya      revives those who have neglected their religion to become devout      practitioners of the religion.
  • Abuya      purifies Islam from all secular concepts, returning it into a wholly      God-oriented conviction.
  • Abuyacleanses from the hearts of his followers the belief that practicingIslam is better without adopting any school of thought (as taught bythe Wahhabi sect). He fills them with denomination-based teachings,thus re-activating their hearts. Wahhabi teachings had wiped out thesouls of Islam and its theology.
  • Abuyaprotects his followers from the Shiite influence. Abuya defends theProphet Muhammad (PBUH) and his family and companions in front of hisfollowers. They are raised to the loftiest position and revered in theminds and hearts of his followers. Abuya wipes out any prejudicesagainst them.
  • Abuyasays that Allah cannot be forgotten even for an instant. Abuyapractices such God-consciousness and trains his students likewise.
  • Abuyateaches that the daily prayers are the greatest act of worship capableof building noble attributes. He guides them spiritually so they canunderstand their prayers and perform them in total devotion. Many ofhis followers have changed from their previously negative characters.
  • Abuyaintroduces the Supreme Zikr (chants) capable of generating the Ikhwanand Asoib ethnic categories. Abuya gives courses to his followers inits theory, practice and intensive training, including in them variouskinds of assignments so as to elevate his mostly Malay followers fromsluggish into striving and devoted Malays, with the help of Allah SWT.These new Malays, says Abuya, are capable of salvaging the world,balancing the world and the Hereafter, and saving the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
  • Abuya      transforms bad-mannered children into kids who help, respect and serve      their parents.
  • Abuya      changes ill-tempered mothers into mothers who are patient of and loving      towards their hopeful children.
  • Abuyarescues wild teenagers gripped in smoking, girlfriends, amoraldressing, rudeness towards teachers and parents, drug abuse, alcoholand all other damaging and devilish practices; by inculcating faith inGod in their hearts.
  • Abuyarectifies the distorted system of belief and emotion among humans. Theway they think, believe and feel have gone astray, whereby they seepleasures and find false happiness in worldly pleasures. Hence Abuyacorrects their spiritual vision so that they see that Allah iseverything and living for Allah is happiness. After practicing hissystem, people discover its veracity.
  • Abuyahas almost 1000 motivators of various levels

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Post time 11-7-2007 10:57 AM | Show all posts
  • Abuyamakes his followers maintain feelings of insecurity, uncertainty andhelplessness, though they may have given everything in their effortsand sacrifice. Only Allah is secure, certain and able.
  • Abuyasucceeds in producing those who constantly lamenting for their fate inthe Hereafter, especially after performing their prayers.
  • Abuyaproduces doctors from among his followers who are capable of treatingcommon and rare ailments that cannot be treated by ordinary doctors.
  • Abuyaproduces successful entrepreneurs from among his followers, who are atpar with corporate figures bred in the secular system.
  • Evenduring ill health, Abuya can attain many new achievements for himselfand his struggle. He can read a person more accurately with intuition.His knowledge and ideas become more refined. His strategies become moreglobal, making his enemies regret in vain. He also gains more followersof various ranks, while the authorities become more pliable.
  • Fromhis educational system, Abuya produces popular authors, script writers,composers, novelists and journalists, acknowledged both locally andabroad. They become producers, publishers and dealers of variousprinted media products. These are in turn translated into variousnational languages, all carrying the message of Allah.
  • Abuyaalso has studios with all their audio, video and multi-media equipmentsthat produce various electronic products to help convey his message tothe whole world. All of those involved in this sector are purely taughtand trained by Abuya. While their expertise is originally derived fromthe conventional technological system, but their skills are sharpenedwhen they acquire blessings from Allah SWT, as a result of implementingAbuya抯 system of taqwa.
  • Abuyawas once known as a manufacturer of Islamic halal food such asvermicelli, chili sauce, soya sauce and bean-curd. Of course Abuya didnot produce all these with his own hands; but they were produced by hisfollowers under his guidance and supervision. Abuya is nowre-establishing his production plants which were once forcibly closeddown.
  • Abuyatalks about the great future of Malays. No Malay leader has ever comeabout with such an optimistic vision. He says that Malays will becomelike Arabs during their supremacy. They will become an empire toreplace the declining West. Malays will defeat the Americans and Jews,dominate the Arab nations, conquer Palestine      and regain Al Aqsa Mosque. Malays will also be the caretakers of the      Haramayn.
  • Abuyaimpoverishes his family and his personal self to enrich hiscongregation. But they still live comfortable lives on the prosperityof Allah SWT. Allah will provide everything that is needed, material orotherwise, as long as one is willing to make correct oneself. Peoplesay that Abuya is wealthy. Yes, but with an unprecedented kind ofwealth. The congregation is rich, but its members are poor. Such astate of affairs is intended to ensure that His servants succeed inthis world and also gain salvation in the Hereafter.
  • Abuyapossesses a character which accepts both trials and bounties with aneutral disposition. They do not affect him whatsoever, for both arefrom Allah. Such attitude goes to prove that Abuya possesses nobletraits that are unequalled by anyone.
  • Abuyaprays for his enemies. He treats those who hurt him with kindness. Heendeavours to bring everyone to salvation, friends and foes alike.

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Post time 11-7-2007 10:58 AM | Show all posts
  • Abuyawill not attack anyone in his lectures. His words are to bring peopleto repentance and penitence. No matter how bad is one of his audience,one will not be degraded in Abuya抯 session. Everyone is given thechance to be taught, guided and loved. Abuya is therefore respectedeven by his enemies.
  • Abuyaneither answers libelous allegations nor does he attack his slanderer.He overcomes such attacks correcting himself, for Allah will thenprotect him, as has always happened.
  • Abuyaneither pampers his children nor lets them live in luxury. 揃oth willonly spoil them

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Post time 11-7-2007 12:45 PM | Show all posts
Tu diaaa.... kalau dah panjang macam ni mereka tak terima lagi...sah buta perut tu!!

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Post time 11-7-2007 01:48 PM | Show all posts

Reply #784 paranormal_85's post

hah...kalau camtu bila abuya nak ambik alih pemerintahan?

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Post time 11-7-2007 10:36 PM | Show all posts
Oh ya buku terbaru Abuya, Jun 2007,


sudah boleh diedarkan ke khalayak ramai, kerana sudah diberi kebenaran KEmenterian Dalam Negeri.

Harap maklum.

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Post time 11-7-2007 10:49 PM | Show all posts

Reply #787 rainbows's post

Yeh! Aku nak baca sebab aku suka membaca...
Dari dulu lagi aku dah baca buku2 Abuya ni tapi.... aku baca jer ar.. sama cam aku baca kitab yang lelain tu...

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Post time 13-7-2007 10:06 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rainbows at 11-7-2007 10:36 PM
Oh ya buku terbaru Abuya, Jun 2007,


sudah boleh diedarkan ke khalayak ramai, kerana sudah diberi kebenaran KEmenterian Dalam Negeri.

Harap maklum.

Ini ke bukunya?   

Jais kesan usaha hidupkan al-ArqamOleh Tuan Nazuri Tuan Ismail

Ashaari terbit buku baru mengagungkan diri

SHAH ALAM: Ketua kumpulan al-Arqam, Ashaari Muhammad yang diburu Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor (Jais) kerana mengamalkan ajaran Aurad Muhammadiah, dikesan menerbitkan sebuah buku baru berjudul Politik Islam Membawa Kasih Sayang dipercayai sebagai usaha menghidupkan semula ajaran berkenaan yang diharamkan sejak 1994.

................Exco Agama, Belia dan Mesra Rakyat negeri, Datuk Abdul Rahman Palil, berkata beliau belum membaca isi kandungan buku itu, tetapi percaya ia mengagungkan Ashaari sebagai pemimpin terulung abad ini, sama seperti buku dirampas dan diharamkan sebelum ini.


Abdul Rahman Palil lagi.  Ni kira fatwa ke?

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Post time 13-7-2007 10:49 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ibnur at 13-7-2007 10:06 AM

Ini ke bukunya?   

Jais kesan usaha hidupkan al-ArqamOleh Tuan Nazuri Tuan Ismail

Ashaari terbit buku baru mengagungkan diri

SHAH ALAM: Ketua kumpulan al-Arqam, Ashaari Muhammad ...

Nak tau apa isinya dan benarkah dakwaan si Rahman Palil ni, sila ke thread minah rock yg dh kena moved ke politik tu...

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Post time 13-7-2007 10:56 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Mawar Merah at 13-7-2007 10:49 AM

Nak tau apa isinya dan benarkah dakwaan si Rahman Palil ni, sila ke thread minah rock yg dh kena moved ke politik tu...

Dakwaan Rahman ada dalam berita harian.  versi internet tulis begini:

揔ita akan mengambil tindakan lebih tegas terhadap bekas pengikut ajaran ini yang masih berdegil, di samping mengadakan operasi berterusan untuk membanterasnya,

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Post time 13-7-2007 04:38 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ibnur at 13-7-2007 10:56 AM

Dakwaan Rahman ada dalam berita harian.  versi internet tulis begini:

揔ita akan mengambil tindakan lebih tegas terhadap bekas pengikut ajaran ini yang masih berdegil, di samping mengada ...

Apa beza cerita syok sendiri Rahman atau tidak, dia nih seblm ni dh biasa keluar kenyataan berbohong. Seblm ni pun dia ada dakwa yg buku Islam Hadhari Abuya ada ajaran Aurad Muhammadiah dan nak menghidupkan semula arqam, padahal langsung tak ada. Main hentam keromo je.

La ni dia dakwa pulak buku Politik Islam tu mengagungkan abuya dan nak menghidupkan semula ajaran arqam. Nampak sgt dia hentam sekali lagi. Dia ngaku pun tak baca buku politik tu. Jadi apa hal, dia memutarbelit fakta dan mereka2 benda2 yg tak ada dlm buku tersebut. Ulasan dia hanya berunsur hasad dengki dan prasangka.

Bila buku abuya yg terbaru ni keluar, ia hanya merupakan 'mata' atau 'peluru' bagi si Rahman ni sbb isu2 rufaqa dh mula sejuk dan dia pun dah habis modal.

Antara dakwaan mengarut dia yg popular seblm ni ialah.....di kata kami menganggap Abuya Tuhan kedua dan satu nasyid khas utk abuya tu pepandai pulak diubahnya pada bait "lalu tersungkur kami di depanMu ya Illahi" jadik "lalu tersungkur kami di depanmu Abuya." Kedua2 dakwaan tersbt siap dicanang2 dlm siri2 penerangan ciri2 kesesatan rufaqa termasuk dlm khutbah2 Jumaat terutama di Selangor.

Pengarah Jais tu biasalah spt Jakim sendiri seblm2 ini, di mana akan diheret jadi tukang mengiyakan aje dakwaan si Rahman ni.

[ Last edited by  Mawar Merah at 13-7-2007 04:42 PM ]

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Post time 13-7-2007 11:00 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ibnur at 13-7-2007 10:56 AM

Dakwaan Rahman ada dalam berita harian.  versi internet tulis begini:

揔ita akan mengambil tindakan lebih tegas terhadap bekas pengikut ajaran ini yang masih berdegil, di samping mengada ...

Ya, memang dah dapat kebenaran KDN...

Kau ni ibnur, bila Rahman Palil kata JAIS ada fatwa WAHABI ajaran sesat, kau kata si Rahman ni dah tak betul...tak boleh ambil buat kes kata2 dier...

tapi bila bab Rufaqa ajer, bkn main kau sokong dia lak....nampak bebeno BIAS kau yer....

padahal dah terang2 kau tengok apa si rahman ni punya ckp yg tak ketahuan, bagi komen psal buku tu, tapi dia sendiri belum baca lagik...

................Exco Agama, Belia dan Mesra Rakyat negeri, Datuk Abdul Rahman Palil, berkata beliau belum membaca isi kandungan buku itu, tetapi percaya ia mengagungkan Ashaari sebagai pemimpin terulung abad ini, sama seperti buku dirampas dan diharamkan sebelum ini.

aku igt nasihat ibnur ttg bercanggah sana sini tu bkn kat aku, tapi kat Rahman Palil tu...asyik bagi statement bercanggah jer....

[ Last edited by  rainbows at 13-7-2007 11:05 PM ]

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Post time 14-7-2007 08:10 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by rainbows at 13-7-2007 11:00 PM

Ya, memang dah dapat kebenaran KDN...

Kau ni ibnur, bila Rahman Palil kata JAIS ada fatwa WAHABI ajaran sesat, kau kata si Rahman ni dah tak betul...tak boleh ambil buat kes kata2 dier.. ...

Tak nak cakap banyak...  bagi nombor siri kelulusan KDN tu.

bukan main lagi fatwa wahabi sesat dari rahman, tapi bila rahman kata arqam/rufaqa sesat bukan main bantai rahman.

[ Last edited by  ibnur at 14-7-2007 08:11 AM ]

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Post time 14-7-2007 01:19 PM | Show all posts

bila kubaca 2 post kat atas haku nih, cam bermain matematik jer laa... Dua kali lima dan lima kali dua jawabnya sepuluh jugak....

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Post time 14-7-2007 01:29 PM | Show all posts

Reply #795 saifulms's post

Betul jawabnya 10.

Dah 32 page dah.

So apakata bagi rainbow menggulung perbahasan sebelum kedai ini ditutup?

Perbincangan lepas dari tu boleh disambung dalam thread-thread mengenai arqam dan rufaqa' di subboard mazhab tu.

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Post time 14-7-2007 04:40 PM | Show all posts

Reply #796 ibnur's post

Eh, nak tutup dah ke?

Takut nama Rufaqa popular di main board ke?

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Post time 14-7-2007 04:51 PM | Show all posts

Reply #792 Mawar Merah's post

"Antara dakwaan mengarut dia yg popular seblm ni ialah.....di kata kami menganggap Abuya Tuhan kedua "

Tuduh org menduakan Tuhan samalah juga tuduh org syirik/keluar Islam/murtad. Ni macam kira dia fitnah org Rufaqa murtad. Kalau betul, atas keyakinan aku bahawa Ust Ashaari tak sesat dan atas hadith ini:

DariAbu Zar.r.a bahawasanya dia mendengar Nabi SAW bersabda: "Tidak
boleh seseorang lelaki menuduh seseorang lelaki yang lain dengan
fasiq dan tidak boleh juga dengan kafir, jika tidak akan berbaliklah
tuduhan itu kepada penuduhnya sekiranya yang tertuduh tidak begitu."
(RiwayatBukhari dan Muslim)

besar juga kemungkinan raman palil tu dah jatuh murtad (time dia buat fitnah tu). Kita doakanlah dia sedar kesilapan dia, ngucap balik & bertaubat.

Still, buleh caya ke org macam ni?

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Post time 14-7-2007 05:10 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by observateur at 14-7-2007 04:51 PM
besar juga kemungkinan raman palil tu dah jatuh murtad (time dia buat fitnah tu). Kita doakanlah dia sedar kesilapan dia, ngucap balik & bertaubat.

hah...  yang ni kau kena tanya rainbow.  dia yang bawa fatwa rahman palil kata wahabi sesat.  tapi dia tak mau terima fatwa rahman palil kata arqam, rufaqa sesat.

sekarang ni tunggu nombor siri kelulusan KDN utk buku abuya.  Kalau nobor siri tu sahih maka jawabnya JAIS sudah salah serbu kedai jual buku abuya.

setahu aku, sebelum ni aku bawa fatwa dan pendapat JAKIM.  Yang kata-kata rahman palil tu aku saja nak suruh org rufaqa ambil sekali sebab beriya benar nak sesatkan mazhab wahabi.

Jadi diminta rainbow menggulung perbahasan sebelum thread ini ditutup.

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Post time 14-7-2007 05:40 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ibnur at 14-7-2007 05:10 PM

hah...  yang ni kau kena tanya rainbow.  dia yang bawa fatwa rahman palil kata wahabi sesat.  tapi dia tak mau terima fatwa rahman palil kata arqam, rufaqa sesat.

sekarang ni tunggu nombor ...

ibnur, apsal nak tutup lak?...takut dgn rufaqa ker?...

wahabi sesat bkn Rahman Palil kata ajer, tetapi dah beratus tahun dan beratus buku yg ditulis oleh ulamak2 seluruh dunia mendakwa bahwa WAHABI sesat sejak zaman Imam taimiyah lagik dah...sejak 700 tahun yg lampau....

Yahudi menerusi Muhammad Abd Wahab sebg salurannya, merekacipta satu fahaman yg menggunakan hujah2 Ibnu Taimiyah dan anak muridnya Ibnu Qayyim dlm hal akidah utk menghasilkan fahaman yg dipanggil wahabi...

Muhammad Abd Wahab ini kemudian dipertemukan Yahudi dgn Ibnu Saud keturunan Badwi yg ghairah utk mendapat kuasa...mereka bergabung dan kemudian berjaya membentuk kerajaan Saudi yg berfahaman wahabi....ini terjadi setelah mreka melakukan pembantaian dalam btk keganasan, pembunuhan dan menghalau ahlulbait2 di bumi Mekah dan Madinah (keturunan ahlulbait - Syarif MEkah yg berketurunan Bani Hasyim) yg merupakan penguasa/pemimpin di kedua tempat itu.  

Ini ada di sebut oleh tabien RH,

As Sufyani mengirimkan askarnya ke Madinah dan menyuruh agar membunuh setiap keturunan Bani Hasyim (yg dijumpai) kemudian mereka menyerangnya. Bani Hasyim akhirnya bercerai berai di merata-rata padang pasir dan di gunung ganang. Apabila al Mahdi muncul, mereka akan dikumpulkan semula.

jadi ia tk sama dgn kes Arqam atau Rufaqa....Arqam/Rufaqa itu dikatakan sesat hanya oleh ulamak wahabi di Msia dan Indonesia. Sedangkan ulamak Nahdatul Ulamak yg diwakili oleh ulamak2 ASWJ di Indonesia telah mengeluarkan kenyataan rasmi bahwa Arqam, Aurad Muhammadiah tidak sesat...

Wahabi sejarahnya amat buruk tetapi kebejatan wahabi sudah sampai ke penghujungnya tk lama lagi...aku sentiasa mendoakan agar berlaku masanya keturunan ahlulbait akan dikembalikan semula menjadi penguasa/pemimpin di bumi Mekah dan Madinah dan berakhir fitnah yg dahsyat ke atas ahlulbait sptmana yg pernah disebut RSAW.

aku yakin di sini bhwa jika sesiapa yg dihatinya masih celik utk mencintai ahlulbait dan dpt merasakan kasihsyg RSAW ke atas umatnya, mereka akan sama2 faham dan diberi pengertian ttg apa dan siapa sebenar wahabi...bknlah setakat isu bidaah, isu fahaman, isu mazhab tetapi ia lebih daripada itu....telah byk ulamak2 ahlulbait yg bangkit menentang wahabi kerana mereka sgt ariff ttg fitnah wahabi tetapi seperti hadis RSAW itu, Al Mahdil bersama PBT lah yg akan mengumpulkan ahlulbait yg ditindas, disingkir dan dilupakan itu, hanya 2 figure ini yg mampu mengembalikan kemuliaan ahlulbait dan kepimpinan yg mulia yg dijanjikan Allah akan mendapat rahmat dan petolonganNya kepada umat Islam...

selagi perkara ini belum berlaku, Islam tdk akan kembali gemilang dan ahlulbait masih dibelenggu fitnah akhir zaman yg mencengkam...

p/s :psal kebenaran KDN tu nanti aku tanya.....yg pasti JAIS lain, KDN dan POLIS lain..

[ Last edited by  rainbows at 14-7-2007 06:04 PM ]

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