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Author: ayushuhada04

[SBS] Six Flying Dragons ~ Yoo Ah In, Shin Se Kyung, Kim Myung Min [Part 3]

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Post time 2-3-2016 02:36 PM | Show all posts
ismaha replied at 2-3-2016 02:11 PM
tanya sbb tak tau
kan cekgu dh pesan bila tak tau kena tnay sampai paham

ecececeh buat2 x tau plak

writer mcm tau2 kita tertanya trus ada scene atas katil walaupun ckp syarat je

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 Author| Post time 2-3-2016 02:44 PM | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 2-3-2016 02:35 PM
alaaaa x suka pn part tu..nk tgk BW je skg ni  YH kan geng SB so x suka la dia

amboi....mmg dh buang BJ le yer....sbbkan BJ gang SB ek??

ermmm now BW dh jadi rebutan antara kita dan juga @ismaha

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Post time 2-3-2016 02:51 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 2-3-2016 02:44 PM
amboi....mmg dh buang BJ le yer....sbbkan BJ gang SB ek??

ermmm now BW dh jadi rebutan antara k ...

BJ ok xnk tgk YH...tlg la sesape selamat kan BJ dr kancah SB

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 Author| Post time 2-3-2016 03:11 PM | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 2-3-2016 02:51 PM
BJ ok xnk tgk YH...tlg la sesape selamat kan BJ dr kancah SB

apa lagi ida....sila bagi tau kat writer...buat skrip
yg BJ akan marah dan terus kuar dari gang SB...
dan join BW lak...

nowdays tgk muka BJ adessssssss naper muka dia
nampak sedey je kan.....
MH gak yg nampak segak....

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Post time 2-3-2016 04:59 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 2-3-2016 01:57 PM
New actors was/will be added. Most of them belong to Team Bang-Won in upcoming first strife of Princ ...

lg 7 ep...sabaq no..
lawan ttp lawan..


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 Author| Post time 2-3-2016 05:10 PM | Show all posts
nohas replied at 2-3-2016 04:59 PM
lg 7 ep...sabaq no..
lawan ttp lawan..

harap..ada le scene sampai BW naik takhta kan...

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Post time 2-3-2016 05:20 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 2-3-2016 05:10 PM
harap..ada le scene sampai BW naik takhta kan...

mesti ada kan..sbb ada 2nd strife of princes..
SB kena bunuh dlm 1st strife...semakin hampir..


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Post time 2-3-2016 10:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mmg dorang dpt tawan liaodong ke?

lg 1 kelemahan cite ni x mentioned timeline setiap kejadian

pelik bila SB ckp buat persedian bertahun2 reformasi tentera tp dlm
cite ni mcm br smlm je dia resign sume jwtan

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Post time 3-3-2016 08:34 AM | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 2-3-2016 01:32 PM
dh tgk ep 44...ada adengan BW ngn LM atas katil tgh lps la kot tu

spoiler lg  ...

uda selesai marathon epi 43  dan 44 malam tadi

siyes menyampah nengok scene tu..wakakaka...tak taw sebab apa ai tak suka

walhal da halal laki binik..

awatla bw tak hugs by masa selit klip rambut tuu...

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Post time 3-3-2016 08:35 AM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 2-3-2016 12:26 PM
mana ada sukjong the great ler..

yg ada Sejong The Great....anak pada BW (Taejong)

nama dia lebih kurang la kak ayuuu

malu sendiri aii...wahahahaha

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Post time 3-3-2016 08:36 AM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 replied at 2-3-2016 12:26 PM
ahaks....cukup le apa yg ada ni....

yg penting ada fakta sejarah okay

ok la..ok la...

cukup laaa

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Post time 3-3-2016 08:36 AM | Show all posts
ismaha replied at 2-3-2016 02:13 PM
pecah tanah?
terus igt dekat JOJ dgn King

is....JOJ tu ai leeerrr  

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2016 08:39 AM | Show all posts
nohas replied at 2-3-2016 05:20 PM
mesti ada kan..sbb ada 2nd strife of princes..
SB kena bunuh dlm 1st strife...semakin ham ...

mmg harap sgt ler...
sbb utk 1st strife ni...watak2 baru kan dh ada...
so maknanya....yg 2nd strife sure ada le kan...

dan kita tau YAI adalah hero...mesti sampai dia naik takhta...

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2016 08:40 AM | Show all posts
idakamaruddin replied at 2-3-2016 10:03 PM
mmg dorang dpt tawan liaodong ke?

lg 1 kelemahan cite ni x mentioned timeline setiap kejadian

tu kena le Ida kena cari ler yer...

rasanya dh byk kali kak ayu tepekkan....
psl timeline ni...

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2016 08:44 AM | Show all posts
cantleyi replied at 3-3-2016 08:35 AM
nama dia lebih kurang la kak ayuuu

malu sendiri aii...wahahahaha

ahaksssssss lain ler...Sukjong dgn Sejong...mana sama daaaaaaaaa

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2016 08:45 AM | Show all posts
cantleyi replied at 3-3-2016 08:36 AM
ok la..ok la...

cukup laaa

klu ant baca semua fakta sejarah yg kak ayu gigih tepek kan..
sure leh faham....

dgn timeline sekali.....

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 Author| Post time 3-3-2016 08:46 AM | Show all posts
Six Flying Dragons : Civil War

Team Bang-Won + Nameless (Moomyung)


Team Sambong + Hidden Roots (Milbon)


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 Author| Post time 3-3-2016 08:55 AM | Show all posts

Six Flying Dragons (2015~2016, SBS)


  • In September, King Gongmin was assassinated.
  • After losing his beloved wife Princess Noguk, the king’s madness had been aggravated. He forced his other consorts to sleep with his royal guards (Jajewi).
  • When he learned from Eunuch Choi Man-Saeng that Lady Han (one of his 4 consorts) was pregnant with Hong Ryun, he decided to kill Hong Ryun as well as those who knew the truth. He wanted to make the baby his own child, so he talked about his plan to seal their lips under the influence of alcohol and fell asleep.
  • Eunuch Choi Man-Saeng was afraid of being killed, so he let the royal guards know about it. As a result, Hong Ryun and Choi Man-Saeng killed the king sleeping in the bedroom, and gave false testimony that an assassin from outside killed the king.
  • Yi In-Im (the historical figure that Yi In-Gyeom is based on) investigated the assassination case and found out the real culprits. Hong Ryun and Eunuch Choi Man-Saeng were executed. (ep. 2, Yi In-Gyeom’s flashback)
  • In October, Yi In-Im enthroned the late king’s 11-year-old son Monino (King U) despite of the queen dowager’s objection. Three years ago, the little boy had been officially declared by King Gongmin as his son from palace maid Lady Han, not from Shin Don’s slave girl Ban-Ya. In fact, it is one of the biggest mystery of Korean history whether he was a real son of King Gongmin or not.
  • By crowning the boy as a puppet king, Dodang trio including Yi In-Im took over the reigns of the court.
  • In November, a Ming Chinese envoy was killed in Goryeo. The conflict between Ming China and Goryeo was turning ugly.


  • As a result, the Dodang trio wanted to reestablish the ties with Northern Yuan (Mongols). They appointed Jung Do-Jeon as a greeter for the Mongol envoy.
  • Jung Do-Jeon rejected their order, claiming “It is against the late king’s will. If you appoint me as a greeter, I will either kill the Mongol envoy or sent him away to Ming China!” Therefore, Jung Do-Jeon was arrested by the raged nobles. (ep. 2, Jung Do-Jeon’s Jangpyeong Gate Uprising)
  • He spent 4 years in exile in Naju, Jeolla province, where he learned a lot about the impoverished conditions of Goryeo commoners and designed the concrete revolution plan.


  • In March, Ban-Ya claimed in front of the Queen dowager’s palace that she was the current king’s real mother.
  • Yi In-Im ordered to kill her by throwing her away to the Imjin river.
  • In December, Dodang decided to kill the baby girl born from Lady Han with Hong Ryun, the cause of King Gongmin’s assasination.


  • In April, Japanese pirates attacked the capital. General Choi Young and Yi Seong-Gyedefeated them.


  • In August, The naval battle of Jinpo against Japanese pirates. It was Goryeo’s first military use of gunpowder which was created by General Choi Mu-Seon. (ep 16, Yi Bang-Woo’s comment)
  • In September, in the battle of Hwangsan, General Yi Seong-Gye’s armies defeated Japanese pirates in Woonbong, Jeolla province. At that time, Jung Mong-Joo accompanied General Yi’s army as a civil offier. (ep. 8, Jung Do-Jeon’s flashback of fake Japanese pirates)


  • Yi Bang-Won entered Sungkyunkwan.
  • Professor Min Je of Sungkyunkwan decided to make him his son-in-law.
  • Yi Bang-Won married Min Je’s second daughter. She was 2 years older than him. (ep. 15)
  • Hobaldo, the poweful Jurchen chief in alliance with Ming China, invaded the northeast region of Goryeo. (ep. 11)


  • Jung Do-Jeon went to Hamju and met General Yi Seong-Gye for the first time. They became close friends. (ep. 7~8)
  • In April, Yi Bang-Won passed the civil service exam and became a government official.
  • In August, Yi Seong-Gye defeated Hobaldo and submitted the border stabilization plan to Dodang. (ep. 9~12)
  • In September, Yi Seong-Gye returned to Gaegyung and entered into politics. (ep. 12)


  • Jung Do-Jeon made his comeback to politics by the help of Yi Seong-Gye. (ep. 17)
  • In July, Jung Mong-Joo and Jung Do-Jeon were sent to Ming China as envoys.


  • In August, Yi In-Im (“Yi In-Gyeom” in SFD) resigned from politics because of his old age. (ep. 13)


  • In January, Jo Ban’s rebellion broke out. It was fabricated by Yeom Heung-Bang (”Hong In-Bang” in SFD). (ep 15~16)
  • General Choi Young joined forces with Yi Seong-Gye and drove out the corrupt Dodang trio.
  • Yeom Heung-Bang (Hong In-Bang) and Yim Gyeon-Mi (Gil Tae-Mi) were arrested and executed. Thousands of their relatives were killed, too.
  • Yi In-Im (Yi In-Gyeom) was not killed. He was exiled to his hometown because he was good friends with Choi Young. (ep. 19)
  • As a result, Choi Young and Yi Seong-Gye became the top 2 leaders of the Goryeo court.
  • In March, King U married Choi Young’s daughter to maintain his power. (ep. 19)
  • Around the same time, Ming China demanded the return of Goryeo‘s Northern territory.  It was the land that the former king (King Gongmin) had ordered General Choi Young to retrieve from pro-Mongol forces in 1356. Yi Seong-Gye and his father also had helped it. (ep. 1)
  • It had been a national project for Goryeo to retrieve the lost territory of ancient Goguryeo kingdom. Therefore, Ming’s demand made the diplomatic ties between the two countries significantly damaged. (ep 19~20)
  • In April, King U and General Choi Young drafted soldiers in the name of a hunt. They ordered General Yi Seong-Gye to carry out a preemptive strike against the Ming Chinese base in the Liaodong peninsula. (ep 19)
  • Yi Seong-Gye suggested 4 reasons why they should not go to war, but his opinion was dismissed by Choi Young. (ep 20)
  • In April, Yi Seong-Gye and Jo Min-Soo were sent to the Liaodong Conquest. Choi Young was supposed to lead the expedition, but King U’s desperate request made his mind weaken and he decided to stay with the king at the last moment.
  • In May, Yi Seong-Gye’s army was stranded on Wihwa island, the northern border on the Apnok river between Goryeo and Ming China, due to increased water from heavy rain. Hundreds of soldiers dying in the process of driving a stake in the river to put a floating bridge.
  • Despite of Yi Seong-Gye’s desperate messages, Choi Young constantly urged them to cross the river.
  • Yi Seong-Gye arrested Choi Young’s messenger Kim Wan, and finally decided to stage a military coup.
  • May 22, Yi Seong-Gye and Jo Min-Soo started to retreat from Wihwa island. (* Wihwa island Retreat.  ep. 20)
  • Yi Seong-Gye’s eldest sons, Yi Bang-Woo and Yi Bang-Gwa, escaped the king’s camp and moved to his father. His 5th son Yi Bang-Won evacuated the general’s family to Hamju. (ep. 21)
  • In June, After the street battle in Gaegyung, the palace was taken by Yi Seong-Gye’s army. General Choi Young was arrested and sent into exile. (ep. 22)
  • Yi Seong-Gye and Jo Min-Soo became top 2 supreme power of the court.
  • King U led 80 armed eunuchs to kill the generals but his plan ended in failure. The king was deposed and confined in Ganghwa island.
  • Jo Min-Soo betrayed Yi Seong-Gye and joined forces with Yi Saek to enthrone King U’s 8-year-old son, King Chang. (ep. 22)
  • Jo Min-Soo tried to reinstate Yi In-Im to prime minister, but found out Yi In-Im was already dead while in exile. (ep. 23)
  • In July, Jo Joon submitted a petition for land reforms, and it became a big issue in the court. Jo Min-Soo objected to it. (ep. 23~24)
  • Jo Min-Soo was impeached by Jo Joon’s accusation of land plundering and corruption. (ep. 25~26 The bloody banquet)
  • In August, Jo Min-Soo was released from the exile on a special amnesty given on King Chang’s birthday.
  • In December, General Choi Young was executed.


  • In November, Kim Jeo’s rebellion
  • After meeting King U in exile, Kim Jeo and Jung Deuk-Hoo conspired to kill Yi Seong-Gye on the Palgwanhoe (팔관회) festival day for the restoration of King U. But their accomplice Gwak Chung-Bo informed Yi Seong-Gye of their assassination plot in advance. (ep. 28)
  • Jung Deuk-Hoo killed himself. Kim Jeo was arrested and confessed that Yi Saek’s party conspired together. Even though it was unclear whether it was true or not, all of those involved in the plot were ousted and exiled.
  • King Chang was also deposed under the accusation of communicating secretly with his father, King U.
  • Yi Seong-Gye enthroned Prince Jeongchang, the descendent of Goryeo’s 20th ruler King Shinjong. (* King Gongyang, the last king of Goryeo Dynasty)
  • In December, King U and his son King Chang were executed by beheading.


  • Jo Min-Soo was executed.
  • In September, Jo Joon’s land reforms had finally been carried out. The land registers of corrupt nobles, being piled mountain-high in the street of Gaegyung, had been burnt for about 7 days. People watching this scene shed tears of joy.
  • As a result, the conservative privileged nobles lost their economic power and collapsed. Meanwhile, the reformist Sadaebu scholars gained new economic foundation. The age of Sadaebu scholars had begun.


  • In September, Jung Do-Jeon was impeached by Jung Mong-Joo’s party. King Gongyang didn’t kill him and exiled to Naju.
  • The power struggle between Yi Seong-Gye’s party (revolutionists to found Joseon) and Jung Mong-Ju’s party (reformists to maintain Goryeo) became a tinderbox.


  • March 15, Yi Seong-Gye was injured from falling off a horse.
  • April 1, Yi Seong-Gye’s followers such as Jo Joon, Nam Eun, Jung Do-Joeon were ousted and exiled by Jung Mong-Joo’s faction.
  • April 2~3, Yi Seong-Gye came back to the capital in the middle of the night by the help of his 5th son, Yi Bang-Won.
  • April 4, Jung Mong-Joo visited Yi Seong-Gye’s house. The last guardian of Goryeo Dynasty was killed on Seonji bridge by Yi Bang-Won‘s men on his way home.
  • April 6, Yi Seong-Gye’s faction was released from exile and came back to the government posts.
  • June 2, Jung Do-Jeon and Nam Eun returned from the exile.
  • June 8, Yi Seong-Gye’s faction took over the military forces all over the country.
  • July 1, King Gongyang proposed the alliance of sovereign and subject, but it was rejected by Yi Seong-Gye..
  • July 12, King Gongyang was deposed. (* The fall of Goryeo Dynasty)
  • July 17, Yi Seong-Gye ascended the throne. (King Taejo, the founder of the Joseon Dynasty)
  • August 20, Yi Bang-Seok (Yi Seong-Gye’s 8th son by his second wife Queen Shindeok) was installed as Crown prince at the age of 10.
  • On the same day, the names of Yi Bang-Won and other princes were excluded from the list of founding contributors.
  • October 25, Jung Do-Jeon was sent to Ming China as an envoy to announce the establishment of the new Dynasty.


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 Author| Post time 3-3-2016 08:56 AM | Show all posts
Six Flying Dragons (2015~2016, SBS)


  • March 20, Jung Do-Jeon returned from Ming China. The name of the country was officially changed into Joseon.
  • May 23, Hongwu Emperor of Ming China blamed Joseon for appeasing about 500 Jurchens and naturalizing them as Joseon citizens. Many of them had been soldiers working for Ming China, but they were originally Goryeo refugees living with Jurchens. Joseon was forced to deport them to Liaodong.
  • July 5, Jung Do-Jeon was appointed as a military commander of Northeast region. He visitedJurchen tribes there and made connections with their chiefs for the future Liadong expedition.
  • In October, Jung Do-Jeon composed formal court music by himself and played the songs in front of King Taejo.
  • In November, Jung Do-Jeon created various battle formations. King Taejo ordered to use them for military training.
  • December 13, Yi Bang-Woo (Yi Seong-Gye’s eldest son) died of illness. He refused to become the Crown Prince and secluded himself in a mountain hermitage. His anger at his father made him drink too much that he got sick and died.


  • In April, King Gongyang of Goryeo and his 2 sons were executed.
  • Around the same time, not only Goryeo’s royal family but also their collateral blood relatives with a sirname of Wang were all killed or buried at the sea of Samcheok, Ganghwa island, Geoje island. (* The massacre of Wang clan)
  • May 30, Jung Do-Jeon wrote a book titled Joseon Gyeonguk-jeon and offered it to the King. It was the first constitutional law of Joseon.
  • In June, Yi Bang-Won volunteered to go to Ming China as an envoy (a.k.a. hostage) to solve the deteriorated diplomatic relationships between Joseon and Ming China.
  • In July, Crown Prince Yi Bang-Seok married Shim Hyo-Saeng’s daughter. Shim Hyo-Saeng was Jung Do-Jeon’s close colleague.
  • October 28, the capital city was moved from Gaegyung to Hanyang (Today’s Seoul, the current capital city of South Korea).
  • In November, Yi Bang-Won returned from Ming China.
  • Yi Bang-Won’s first son, Yi Je / Prince Yangnyeng, was born.


  • January 9, Jo Young-Gyu died of an illness.
  • January 25, Jung Do-Jeon and Jung Chong co-wrote 37 volumes of Goryeosa (‘The history of Goryeo’) and offered it to the King.
  • October 7, King Taejo ordered Jung Do-Jeon to name every buildings of the new palace,Gyeongbokgung. It was also designed by Jung Do-Jeon.
  • December 11, Yi Bang-Won’s 2nd son, Yi Bo / Prince Hyoryeong, was born.


  • June 11, Hongwu Emperor of Ming China demanded the extradition of Jung Do-Jeon who was supposed to write the diplomatic document sent to Ming Emperor.
  • August 13, Queen Shindeok (Yi Seong-Gye’s second wife) died of an illness.


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 Author| Post time 3-3-2016 09:01 AM | Show all posts
Six Flying Dragons (2015~2016, SBS)


  • April 10, Yi Bang-Won’s 3rd son, Yi Do / Prince Chungnyeong / King Sejong the Great, was born.
  • April 17, Hongwu Emperor of Ming China blamed Jung Do-Jeon for the root of calamity, and threatened to go to war against Joseon unless Jung Do-Jeon stop the Liadong expedition planning.
  • June 14. Jung Do-Jeon and Nam Eun tried to raise the army toward the border, but Jo Joon left his sickbed and vehemently opposed their military actions.


  • June 24, Hongwu Emperor of Ming China died. His grandson Jianwen Emperor ascended the throne. Joseon court didn’t know about it yet.
  • July 11, Jung Do-Jeon’s Liadong expedition plan brought him into severe conflict with Jo Joon.
  • July 19, Ha Ryun was demoted to a local officer by Jung Do-Jeon. He secretly advised Yi Bang-Won to raise the army during his farewell party.
  • July 29 to August 14, Yi Seong-Gye lay in his sickbed several times.
  • August 26, The first strife of Princes.
  • Yi Bang-Won killed Prime minister Jung Do-Jeon, his colleague Nam Eun, and Crown princeYi Bang-Seok.
  • In September, King Taejo handed over the crown to his second son Yi Bang-Gwa (King Jeongjong, the 2nd king of the Joseon Dynasty), but the actual power was in Yi Bang-Won’s hand.
  • October 3, Hongwu Emperor’s death was delivered to the Joseon court.


  • In March, King Jeongjong moved the capital back to Gaegyung.
  • Auguts 8, the civil war between the Jianwen Emperor and his uncle Zhu Di (Prince of Yan)broke out in Ming China. It lasted for about 3 years. (* Jingnan Rebellion 1399~1402)


  • January 28, The second strife of Princes.
  • Yi Bang-Gan (King Taejo’s 4th son) rebelled against his younger brother Yi Bang-Won but his coup ended in failure.
  • Yi Bang-Gan was exiled. Yi Bang-Won refused to execute his elder brother, so Bang-Gan had lived comfortably until he died of an illness in 1421.
  • February 1, King Jeongjong accepted Ha Ryun’s petition and named Yi Bang-Won as his successor.
  • In November, King Jeongjong abdicated and Yi Bang-Won finally ascended the throne. (King Taejong, the 3rd king of the Joseon Dynasty).


  • Jo Mal-Saeng passed the civil service exam, and became a government officer.


  • April 9, Yi Ji-Ran died.


  • In October, The capital city was moved back to Hanyang (Seoul) again.


  • Yi Seong-Gye (King Taejo, the founder of Joseon dynasty) died of old age.


  • November 24, Ha Ryun died of old age.


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