guargum posted on 14-8-2014 07:33 PM
Kenapa u worry ya? Itu kan hal diorg ?
Lagipon laki depa sama2 main polo
so u nak kata apa? U na ...
Ye i terlampau lampau risau ni
risau gile sampai sesak napas memikir kannye
Yg u risau susah hati dekat kerisauan i dh knp?
Posting i suke hati i la nk risau celah mane pun
Post time 15-8-2014 12:01 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
kaogi posted on 14-8-2014 09:23 PM
Ala ... Termissed pula apa yg budak tu komen...
jumiekhan tu tag kwn dia suruh tgk cara engku ruby pakai tudung tu kelakar.
Mmg kurang ajar jumiekhan tu....siap tag kwn dia nk ngata e.ruby plak kat IG Pn sally..Pn sally dah delete..bagus cara e.ruby reply.
~x salah jd humble, tak salah dengan pakaiannya..kalau x suka semua nampak tak kena...asalkan dia tak hipokrit dan selesa jadi dirnya sendiri itu hak diri dia..
dua-dua pihak peminat sama saja, saling mengata antara satu sama lain..kalau untuk pertahan nd keluar juga segala perundangan, agama n kata-kata hikmah...kalau peminat fs buat mcm tu kritik kata tak perlu bukti, gosip shj bukan fitnah...mcm2 lagi kalau nak halalkan cerita asal kutuk fs...~~
Post time 15-8-2014 01:51 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
little_hana posted on 15-8-2014 01:02 AM
dua-dua pihak peminat sama saja, saling mengata antara satu sama lain..kalau untuk pertahan nd kelua ...
Sbnrnya dua2 ade kelemahan dab kelebihn masing2. I dont say both them teruk. Klau org biasa, nk jauhkn drpd unsur negatif delete aje istagram tu. Tp nk buat mcmana.. Dua2 masih nk cr kemasyuran dan populariti atas ticket artis. U tkbleh nk hlg org komen negativd or positive or whatsoever. Sbb both xprivate and they open ig to public kn. klau nk ckp psl human rights dosa phala blkg ceritalah. Dh klau nk exclusivekn diri dr org ramai ..tkyg jd artis, close social network and focus aje dgn hidup.
sebelum ni aman2 & happy aje ps & fam berposing ngan cucu & menantu, masuk aje nolimit trus jd huru hara lintang pukang, nolimit nak jd tuan besar mengarah itu tak boleh ini tak boleh, ps nak berpica pun nak kene berlimit2.....
kalu nolimit nak menggosip nora kat dd pun kurang2 nora takler bermesra ngan hero spai di luar waktu shooting & promo, mcm nolimit dulu spai adegan bermesra2an ngan hero & mcm pasangan kekasih hingga di luar waktu shooting....
I was star strucked in the wee morning at Tuas Checkpoint
And I shouted at the top of my lungs... DREEEEDREEEEEEEEEE ~
wakakakaka! Ned was so stunt, turn arnd, we wave and dre was smiling, and Ned raised his hand and smile at us, the other hand was firmly holding on to Dre while his bodyguard paying for Autopass, and this people happened at 5.55am in Singapore, mesti Ned heran ader org kenal ngan Dre...!!
all the affection that he upload in various insta, twitter or what hv you are all real, it wasn't for show otherwise I wouldn't hv witnessed his caring attitute when he knows there are no camera arnd , never thought to see them driving though, if reading what is being shared abt his gangstas background
dutchy posted on 15-8-2014 06:59 AM
i haffa confession to make
I was star strucked in the wee morning at Tuas Checkpoint
Hahaha! I don't know which is cuter, your account of what happened at Tuas (seemed as if you were really excited) or how I imagined Dredre responded. That kid is definitely one of the cutest babies around.