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( Salam Bombay ) #RanbirKapoor #Top100HighGrossingHindiFilms

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Post time 8-6-2016 01:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
leon_mclaren78 replied at 8-6-2016 01:29 PM
Ai rasa semakin berumur si Ranbir ni, dh dh boleh fikir jauh & dh boleh menilai apa yg hati dia nk ...

Tp rahul duda dlm cte tu uols  
Plus iols team aman mehra

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Post time 8-6-2016 01:40 PM | Show all posts
amka replied at 8-6-2016 01:29 PM
sape dah tgk cter nih? best ke idak?

Bhaag Milkha Bhaag

Farhan Akhtar yek... ai x brape minat dia ni... tp kalo ada yg suggest film ni best, baru ai akan layan...

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Post time 8-6-2016 01:46 PM | Show all posts
amka replied at 8-6-2016 01:37 PM
Tp rahul duda dlm cte tu uols   
Plus iols team aman mehra

Uols ni..... team Ranveer gak kew????   Dlm film KKHH tu, ai suka gak dgn Aman... kesian dia... tapiiiiiiii true happiness tu hakikatnya tertulis utk Rahul-Anjali... bukan Aman-Anjali.

Huhu... ala.. konsider Ranbir tu duda si Kat la... voley???

Apapun nama Ranbir telah tertanam di tengkuk Deepika foreverrrr...

p/s: iols team Ranbir-Deepika.

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Post time 8-6-2016 02:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
amka replied at 8-6-2016 01:03 PM
harus uolsss sheolss makan ati

Ai perasan Kak Kat ni suka buat statement nak sejukkan hati sendiri.. Macam statement sheols baru2 ni dkt vogue India, pun umpama nk sejukkan hati sendiri..

Ada dulu2 pernah keluar gosip katanya Alia Bhatt ada crush dkt RK, pun Ai rasa statement nk sejukkan hati sendiri. Padahal entah2 takut kalau Alia Bhatt caras RK drp dia....

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Post time 8-6-2016 02:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
amka replied at 8-6-2016 01:11 PM
sedei n sweet kan depa duorg

cam @saaya kata lahh....cinta tak semestinya bersatu gitu...

Kannn Ai pun tak harap RK n Deep kmbali bersatu. Lgpn Deep dah okay dah dengan Ranveer. Ai kesian kt Ranveer pulak if Deep balik dgn RK. Susah tau nk cari lelaki yg memahami mcm Ranveer tu....

Ai #TeamAmanMehra  

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Post time 8-6-2016 02:31 PM | Show all posts
leon_mclaren78 replied at 8-6-2016 01:29 PM
Ai rasa semakin berumur si Ranbir ni, dh dh boleh fikir jauh & dh boleh menilai apa yg hati dia nk ...
  1. Walopun dia & Deepika bcinta kejap jah, tp kesannya sungguh mendalam to both of them.. compare dgn 6 years relationship dia dgn Kat, betapa mudah dia lepaskan... rujuk balik pun x nak...
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kan...iolss pon notice part nih...deepika n ranbir memasing bg impact btol even dah clash..

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Post time 8-6-2016 02:33 PM | Show all posts
leon_mclaren78 replied at 8-6-2016 01:40 PM
Farhan Akhtar yek... ai x brape minat dia ni... tp kalo ada yg suggest film ni best, baru ai akan  ...

iolss dah sedut ...ada masa kang layan...mlm nih try smbung fan dlu

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Post time 8-6-2016 02:34 PM | Show all posts
leon_mclaren78 replied at 8-6-2016 01:46 PM
Uols ni..... team Ranveer gak kew????   Dlm film KKHH tu, ai suka gak dgn Aman... kesian di ...

iolss team atas pago uolss buley tak? dedua pon iolss sian...hehehehehe tp sbgai fans YJHD opkos iolss ske ranbir-deepika....cuma nya ranveer pon baik gak buat iols sian kt heolsss

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Post time 8-6-2016 02:40 PM | Show all posts
saaya replied at 8-6-2016 02:08 PM
Ai perasan Kak Kat ni suka buat statement nak sejukkan hati sendiri.. Macam statement sheols baru2 ...

Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif break up: Top 5 rumours doing rounds on social media platforms behind the lovebirds split
Check out the speculations that are going on behind this shocking split

The news of Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif’s break up is official but the reason behind the split is not clear yet. There are many speculations doing rounds on social media platforms with regards to the couple’s separation and they will actually leave you stunned. Some of the reasons were expected but the latest ones that are topping the headlines will make you wonder how that could even happen.

It has been over a week now that Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif have separated ways. Here are the top five reasons researched by BollywoodLife that are doing rounds on the Internet with regards to the B-town’s favourite lovebirds break up

1. ‘Tamasha’ with Deepika Padukone

One of the major reasons that were heard was Ranbir Kapoor’s growing bond with his ‘Tamasha’ co-star and his ex-girlfriend Deepika Padukone. They way the duo (Ranbir and Deepika) shared onscreen and off screen chemistry post break up, never one could feel that they were uncomfortable. In fact even Ranbir’s gorgeous ladylove Katrina mentioned that she is bit uncomfortable with her boyfriend and Deepika’s bond but she left the choice up to him

2. Commitment Issue

According to leading media reports, there was lot of trust issue between the popular couple – Ranbir and Katrina. The ‘Fitoor’ actress even had the fear what if Ranbir does not turn up when she is standing at the altar or mandap. Isn’t that a saddening thing? The way Katrina was giving hints, it looks like it was just her who was all possessive and serious about Ranbir and their relationship

3. Kapoor khaandaan not accepting Katrina

Family is always involved when it comes to love saga. Right from the start of Ranbir and Katrina’s relationship, it was heard that Ranbir’s parents (Rishi Kapoor and Neetu Singh) were not fond of their son’s lady love. But it was bit surprising to see Katrina attending the annual Christmas brunch last year with the Kapoor khaandaan. With that get together, the fans felt that all is well now between Katrina and Ranbir’s family. But soon the news popped up that Ranbir’s mother Neetu Singh skipped the get together because of Katrina’s presence.

4. Katrina Kaif to join Salman Khan on Bigg Boss 9 to promote ‘Fitoor’

From the time Ranbir and Katrina broke up, news leaked that the actress would be joining Salman Khan for the grand finale of the reality show Bigg Boss 9 to promote her upcoming flick ‘Fitoor’. According to reports, this decision by Katrina was not at all liked by Ranbir which caused lot of spat.

5. Bond with Alia Bhatt

This is the latest rumour that is going on with regards to Ranbir and Katrina’s split. When the nation was thinking that either Salman Khan or Deepika Padukone could be the reason, there comes a twist. It is heard that Ranbir’s growing closeness with Alia Bhatt created fear in Katrina because of which she even hoped that the duo don’t work together in Ayan Mukerji’s next.

Alia Bhatt iolss rasa agak x logik...tgk laa taste ranbir..klu alia bhatt cam downgrade bebenaww gitu cam dr erra fazira g ke zarazya


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Post time 8-6-2016 02:42 PM | Show all posts
mujur sgt

[size=1.1875em]Saif Ali Khan rejected Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge: Saif Ali Khan rejected the most iconic movie of the Bollywood, DDLJ. We are glad that he did because we love SRK as Raj!


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Post time 8-6-2016 02:48 PM | Show all posts
Edited by leon_mclaren78 at 8-6-2016 03:21 PM
saaya replied at 8-6-2016 02:08 PM
Ai perasan Kak Kat ni suka buat statement nak sejukkan hati sendiri.. Macam statement sheols baru2 ...

obviously insecure kekdahnya... ada boipren yg hot gituh, biasa la tu kan... patutnya kool aje udehhh... skrg burung sudah terbangg... hang jugak melopong...

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Post time 8-6-2016 02:49 PM | Show all posts
saaya replied at 8-6-2016 02:14 PM
Kannn Ai pun tak harap RK n Deep kmbali bersatu. Lgpn Deep dah okay dah dengan Ranveer. Ai kesian  ...

eh x pe uolsss... Ranveer tu petik jari jah beratur jelitawan2 offer diri... dh la body sadooo... haa...

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Post time 8-6-2016 02:55 PM | Show all posts
amka replied at 8-6-2016 02:31 PM
kan...iolss pon notice part nih...deepika n ranbir memasing bg impact btol even dah clash..: ...

Ai speku... memula mmg Deepika marah kat Ranbir... tp lama2 mesti la ilang gak marah dia tu... that's why dia boleh maintain geng dgn Ranbir sampai hari ni.. nk balik semula, dia trauma maybe...

Ranbir plak x pernah benci atau marah Deepika... so rs cinta tu masih lg ada walopun dh ada awek cun mcm Kat.

Sbb tu dh breakup pun still boleh blakon film sama2... at least ada alasan la nk feluk2 & kissing2......bijak kan mereka...

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Post time 8-6-2016 02:56 PM | Show all posts
amka replied at 8-6-2016 02:33 PM
iolss dah sedut ...ada masa kang layan...mlm nih try smbung fan dlu

haha... nampak sgt film Fan ni x brape nk best... siap boleh pospon2 nonton lagi..

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Post time 8-6-2016 03:02 PM | Show all posts
amka replied at 8-6-2016 02:34 PM
iolss team atas pago uolss buley tak? dedua pon iolss sian...hehehehehe tp sbgai fans YJHD opkos i ...

Ai plak utk ms skrg ni ai kesian dgn RK sorang jah taw... mkn ati je tetiap hari... tgk muka dia tu tgh main bolasepak pun nampak murung jah... senyuman pun hambar... terserlah kesedihan di sebalik senyumannya ittew...
Bertabah la Ranbir laling....semoga menemui kebahagian yg hakiki kelak...

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Post time 8-6-2016 03:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
amka replied at 8-6-2016 02:40 PM
Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif break up: Top 5 rumours doing rounds on social media platforms behi ...

Ai pun setuju sbb Alia Bhatt tu mmg tak mgkin. Lgpun masa interview psl Alia crush kt Ranbir tu dia dah bt penjelasan. Siap laga2 pipi kau dgn Kak Kat...

Salman Khan pun mcm xberapa mgkin. Kalau Ranbir boleh berlakon dgn Deep, xkan Salman menjadi satu hal jugak. Lgpn xde pulak Salman keluar statement msih sayang Kak Kat..

Psl commitmnt pun Ai sangsi sbb Ranbir pernah kata dlm rancangan Kjo yg ada acik bebo tu, 'hopefully married soon' kannn. Nmpk Ranbir mcm dah ready. Tp mgkin je Ranbir sangsi adakah Kak Kat calon yg sesuai kan. So dia tunda2 Kak Kat pun xtahan menunggu...

Yg lain tu Ai xmau komen sbb kita dah byk kali mbahaskannya

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Post time 8-6-2016 03:05 PM | Show all posts
amka replied at 8-6-2016 02:40 PM
Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif break up: Top 5 rumours doing rounds on social media platforms behi ...

komen uols yg perenggan last tu mmg ai terus tergelak... hahaha...

p/s: Gambo Ranbir-Deepika yg 1st tu nampak gojes... i loike...

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Post time 8-6-2016 03:07 PM | Show all posts

ya hampun... baru tau... mujur la kan...

SRK jah yg fit dgn watak Raj dlmm DDLJ tuh..


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Post time 8-6-2016 03:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
leon_mclaren78 replied at 8-6-2016 02:49 PM
eh x pe uolsss... Ranveer tu petik jari jah beratur jelitawan2 offer diri... dh la body s ...

Wlpn sekali petik beratur jelitawan mnunggu namun dihatinya itu xsiapa tahu. Ai kesian Ranveer tp Ai kesian gk kt Ranbir.. Ai kennit choose huaaaaaaaaa

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Post time 8-6-2016 03:09 PM | Show all posts
saaya replied at 8-6-2016 03:07 PM
Wlpn sekali petik beratur jelitawan mnunggu namun dihatinya itu xsiapa tahu. Ai kesian Ranveer tp  ...

yes it's harsh... tp u still have to choose, bebehhh...

lain la kalo Deepika boleh madukan dedua bhaiya tu..

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