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Author: Sephiroth

Sephiroth's Little Corner ... 3rd one.

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 Author| Post time 3-5-2013 11:42 AM | Show all posts
13th General Election - is around the corner.

Can you feel the anxiety as we wait? It is the same anxiety we feel when we wait outside the maternity wards, as our sister or female members inside, giving birth. Yes, friends - a Birth of a New Nation is upon us, and it will be by your hands, which will deliver this Nation to the World. So, please consider what best for the Country and do your part.

Personal note for Indians, expecially living in Kota Raja and Andalas (Klang) - one of the HINDRAF fellow, Udayakumar is standing in your area as a representative. DO NOT VOTE FOR HIM. His brother, Wayamurthi already sealed a MoU with BN, selling off the Indian people to them as if Indians are some cattles to be sold off at the highest bidder. We cannot place our trust in either of them.

Also, it is a tactical plot by BN to employ Udayakumar. The purpose is simple - to thin out the Indian people's vote to the Opposition. If more people were to vote for him (which equals voting for BN), then there will be less vote for the Opposition and BN could coverted two of the areas where Indian people lives (Kota Raja and Andalas) which also area which has most wealthy Chinese people.

Think about this - Udayakumar is a laywer by profession and he does not own any business which could give him steady income (as far as I know, and I have been observing silently). So where does he get the money to compete in TWO areas, plus the large amount of money required for campaigning of his level? Answer :- BN.

Also, if Indians are angry at BN calling them "Immigrants", then please remember one simple fact - it was HINDRAF which actually taught them (BN) to call Indians as "Immigrants" by sending summons to British Government. How can you expect this people to lead you to a better future when they themselves calls you as foreigners and immigrants?

So ladies and gentlemen, do not be diverted by BN tactics by imploying this sort of low-level people to backstab Indian people. Last edited by Sephiroth on 3-5-2013 11:44 AM


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 Author| Post time 8-5-2013 03:09 PM | Show all posts
War is Coming

What I have feared, had happened. The GE13 was the last resort. If Opposition had won, everything could have worked out for the better. Yet, what Najib had done, could likely to destroy the Nation in the future.

A new government could have been formed if the Opposition won. It could be impossible for Huduh System to be implemented without DAP and PKR approval, and even if they did, it is impossible to rewrite our constitution which gurantees Non-Muslims' rights. The process will be long and hard even if they tried to change the Constitution and it could likely to lead to the Opposition's fall.

The fall from grace by Barisan Nasional could have made a positive impact on the party as well. The party will become a new Opposition and the leaders of BN will have to sit down and reexamine their attitude toward the People. They have to remove the unwanted elements like rasical pigs and fix their mistakes with the People (particularly the Indians and Chinese). In a long run, maybe a better BN could have been forged and the People could have forgiven them and accept them back, maybe.

However, BN won and my worst fear is coming to light. Like demon which had been lurking in the shadows, waiting for the right moment, the fears begins to crawl out of the shadows.

Everything was going fine the Saturday evening. I was so sure Opposition will win and the nation could be renewed again. But something in the air changed on Sunday morning. As I was driving to the Election boot, I KNEW that BN will win.

The Chinese people had made a terrible mistake of trusting the Malays. The Malays were too fragile, too impotent to hold their own ground. As soon as BN started to use their religion as tool, stating it is "haram" to vote to the Opposition (non-Muslims), many believed and abandoned their commitment, despite of Indians and Chinese did their part. It is not far-fetched to say that the Opposition lost not due to Chinese and Indian people, but due to Malays themselves.

Now, the Chinese society had made a powerful enemy. Many who had lost due to them will look upon the Chinese with discontend and hatred. The flame of distrust and rascial hatred WILL be fanned into flame. Already, people like Mahathir and Najib are doing it, and one week didn't even pass yet. And soon, this flames of racial hatred will burn bright and engulf the nation. And my worst fear will come to past. Last edited by Sephiroth on 8-5-2013 03:11 PM


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Post time 10-5-2013 05:31 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 22-3-2012 10:07 AM
Congrulation to all SPM students who have obtained good results (especially Hindu students). May you ...

i know hindus tamilans are good in study can do well...but the moment they hold very high can see two little horn starting growing...

am i rite??


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Post time 10-5-2013 05:33 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 8-5-2013 03:09 PM
War is Coming

What I have feared, had happened. The GE13 was the last resort. If Opposition had w ...
Now, the Chinese society had made a powerful enemy. Many who had lost due to them will look upon the Chinese with discontend and hatred. The flame of distrust and rascial hatred WILL be fanned into flame. Already, people like Mahathir and Najib are doing it, and one week didn't even pass yet. And soon, this flames of racial hatred will burn bright and engulf the nation. And my worst fear will come to past.

depend which chinese ...if         true buddhist and christian chinese are peace loving peoples....
my advise to indians ...not be wise ...apperciate what we have here....when u apperciate me...u will be bless ...when u do not appericate and seeking more.....we lose everything...

Last edited by Truth.8 on 10-5-2013 05:34 PM


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Post time 16-5-2013 11:59 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 10-5-2013 05:31 PM
i know hindus tamilans are good in study can do well...but the moment they hold very high post.... ...




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Post time 6-6-2013 02:51 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 posted on 16-5-2013 11:59 AM


Bekas pemimpin Hindraf terkejut dengan hukuman Uthaya

Bekas pemimpin Barisan Bertindak Hak-hak Hindu (Hindraf) terkejut dan kecewa berhubung hukuman penjara yang dikenakan terhadap pengasas pergerakan itu P Uthayakumar semalam.

"Orang yang lari menjadi menteri dan orang di belakang perhimpunan Hindraf dipenjara. Inilah hakikatnya," kata bekas ketua penerangan Hindraf S Jayathas.

Beliau merujuk kepada pelantikan saudara lelaki Uthayakumar - P Waythamoorthy - sebagai timbalan menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri dan mengangkat sumpah senator hanya beberapa jam sebelum Uthayakenumar disabitkan bersalah menghasut di Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Lumpur.

Jayaathas, kini timbalan ketua biro hak asasi dan hal ehwal undang-undang PKR berkata, Uthayakumarlah yang pada November 2007 menganjurkan perhimpunan Hindraf.

I think can make movie ...will sell like hot cakes ...better than Tanda Putra

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Post time 13-6-2013 09:58 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 8-5-2013 03:09 PM
War is Coming

What I have feared, had happened. The GE13 was the last resort. If Opposition had w ...
The Chinese people had made a terrible mistake of trusting the Malays.

hmmm maybe true....recently I hired a malay ...she good in some work ...I guide and teach my techinic to her....when I ask her to teach me her technic...she never teach and left my company....she promise to teach but never...

this kind of scenario do happen to me few time from this ethnic...

nothing to do with religion but most probably because of their cultural...dengkil .. i guess...


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Post time 25-6-2013 11:19 AM | Show all posts
hmmm truth pun dah lepak kat sini....

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 Author| Post time 25-6-2013 03:49 PM | Show all posts
fleurzsa posted on 25-6-2013 11:19 AM
hmmm truth pun dah lepak kat sini....

He is not lepak here. He is shitting all over the place with his nonsense, vulgarism and insults. That is why I reported.

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Post time 25-6-2013 04:25 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 25-6-2013 03:49 PM
He is not lepak here. He is shitting all over the place with his nonsense, vulgarism and insults.  ...


I thought u don't need me in handling him..

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 Author| Post time 26-6-2013 10:16 AM | Show all posts
fleurzsa posted on 25-6-2013 04:25 PM

I thought u don't need me in handling him..

I'm not a moderator, am 1?

IF it is up to me, I could permanently ban him from this forum. That fellow is not worth anyone's time to entertain.

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Post time 27-6-2013 09:56 AM | Show all posts
fleurzsa posted on 25-6-2013 11:19 AM
hmmm truth pun dah lepak kat sini....

ya lah...kesian tengok forum dkt sini macam sunyi sepi....macam ghost town...dtg sini buat komen pedas tapi fakta...tapi ada orang sakit hati pula...

itu lah....kebenaran memang pahit di telan...

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Post time 27-6-2013 09:57 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth posted on 25-6-2013 03:49 PM
He is not lepak here. He is shitting all over the place with his nonsense, vulgarism and insults.  ...
which  part of my  question that sound shitt???
oh btw...creating some stupid statments here when this topic related to agama example is this topic coming with your stupid comment on political issue...

This topic can change to "Madam Sepi Chat time"or shittt  time ...
Last edited by Truth.8 on 27-6-2013 11:04 PM


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 Author| Post time 14-8-2013 10:10 AM | Show all posts
Readers should ignore the Christian pig who found his way here.

How to differentiate between a False god and the True God?

I have a debate with an atheist recently. He asked one simple (but profound) question (Hooray to atheists) when I told him that all religions are not the same nor do they worship the same God. The question was - How do you differentiate between a false god and true god? What makes you think that you are worshiping the right God and someone else do not?

After careful thoughts, I have come to one conclusion - IF your God requires your religion or belief system to exist, then your God is false. IF your God does not require a religion or a belief system to exist, then your God is true God. That is how one differentiate between False and True God.

Religion exists because Men tries to retrace the steps of holy men (and women) to find their way back to God. They mimick what these holy men did, how they prayed and what actions (such as fasting) which the holy men had done in order to achieve God. In their mindset, they believe that if one were to follow the holy men's examples and conducts, they too will receive the same (or slightly higher result than shooting in the dark) result as the holy men did, at least logically speaking.

However, over the time, this practice becomes rigid and intolerant. People could pray and give offerings without knowing why, simply because their parents had instructed them to do so. They do not question their belief or attempt to find meanings to why they are doing as they were told. At this moment, their practise stop being Spiritual and become something of a forced belief. Such belief will not promote Spiritualism because the main ingredient in any Spiritual practice - FAITH - is not there (in their hearts). They have become like an automated machine, conducting prayers and rituals for sake of following what been told to do.

And it is common occurrence as well. Shri Krishna had notice that the people of Dwarka follow such rituals (in worshiping Indra - Ruler of the Heavens) and had instructed those people to stop worshiping Indra and worship the Govindra Hill instead (which they followed). When Indra become angry and send down torrents of rain. Shri Krishna rescued them and show them that faith in the Supreme Being is above worship based on fear and worldly interests (such as achieving merits and going to heaven, abode of Indra).

Gautama Buddha also have came across similar situation where he had noticed that many people (especially the Brahmins) were conducting rituals based on repetition and not due to faith or Spirituality.

I conclude this with a verse from Bhavagad Gita - “There is no possibility of one's becoming a yogi, O Arjuna, if one eats too much, or eats too little, sleeps too much or does not sleep enough.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-gita, 6.16).

Meaning that overdoing something (fanaticism) or doing something for sake of doing it (without faith) will not make someone Spiritual (Yogi).

And I also add this verse - “Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear.” (Lord Krishna, Bhagavad-gita, 18.66)

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Post time 21-8-2013 04:19 PM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 22-8-2013 10:04 AM | Show all posts
uniq61 posted on 21-8-2013 04:19 PM

If an evil (entity) is not afraid of something (like a Cross), it means that the person who is using it has no faith in his heart. Cross is just two pieces of wood place over each other. It doesn't repel evil. What repels evil is the Faith you have in your heart.

Salt is used because it has some effect in the past. Back in the days where people get sick and often believe it was due to evil spirits, they could sprinkle salt in and around their house. And then, they found out that they don't get sick as much as others who doesn't do this so they believe Salt was a purification agent. The fact was, Salt acted as neutralizing agent to kill many of the germs, bacteria and parasites in the house, and this lead to less sickness to its occupants.

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Post time 22-8-2013 03:03 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 25-9-2013 10:44 AM | Show all posts
Suggestion - Thalaivaa and movies like it should be banned in Malaysia

I was watching Thalaivaa (Vijay's latest movie) and couldn't help but to wonder. With all these problems we are facing with Indian gangsters getting shot here and there in Malaysia, do we really need to watch this type of movies? It is like pouring oil over a fire. It is my opinion that this movie (and its genre) is highly inappropriate and sends the wrong message to the Indian youths who could be influenced by it.

In the movie, Vijay plays as a don's son who takes over his father's "business" (running a group of monkeys) in slums of Mumbai. The film potrays how two groups of Indians - one group is the ethnic Maharathas and another is ethnic tamilians who have been on each others throats since 1988 (when Satharaj's character, Ramadurai a.k.a Anna (brother in Tamil) takes over from a mafia don - Varadarajan Mudaliar). Seriously ... what does this film trying to say? That two sub-ethnical Indian groups cannot sit down and talk their problems like civilized people and have to resolve their problems with swords, axes and spears like some uneducated jungle people?

I find this aspect very disturbing and deeply insulting to people of Tamil ethnic. The film seems to state (unconsciously) that two groups (like Maharathas and Tamilians) who worship the same God (Lord Shiva) cannot even find the common ground to resolve their matters in civilised manners. This film (and its genre) seems to rationalize a notion that it is alright to fight among Indian people, regardless of our beliefs and background.

The aspects of Law and Order is questionable in the film. Indian films have long "romancitized" mob films. We all couldn't possibly forgot films like Nayakan (acted by Kamalhassan) and Thalapathi (acted by Rajnikanth) and many more. All these films have one thing in common - they bring forth a false sense of "heroism" where the main character can rationalise his actions by stating "If 100 people can live (due to one person's sacrifice), then it is (his actions) are acceptable". In my opinion, this is a fool's rationalism. A smart man will not sacrifice himself for anything because he knows that if he lives, he can help 1000 people in return. Nor will such person sacrifice others for his cause as it could become meaningless endavour if he tries to do good over the cropses of others.

Finally I like to remind what Perak deputy CPO Datuk A. Paramasivam said (but no one listened because it came from MIC) - “You must realise you are bringing shame and sorrow to your parents and society if you get involved in violent crimes, drug trafficking and robbery,” For once, I could agree with the MIC member here.

Finally, I think it is best for the Government (and MIC to push the resolution) to ban movies like these from entering into the country and influencing the youths. Telling them not to be influenced by it while still screen it in theathers is like putting candy in front of a child and warning him about toothache. It could not reach his head because his thought could be concentrated in enjoying the candy in front of him. Last edited by Sephiroth on 25-9-2013 10:47 AM


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 Author| Post time 1-11-2013 08:56 AM | Show all posts
Happy Deepavalli to all Hindus. May the Light continues to shine upon our struggles for the next year to come.

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Post time 4-11-2013 08:52 PM | Show all posts
happy deepavali ...

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