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Author: Zaheera

JYJ S'case Tour 10 Live In M'sia ~ FAN ACCOUNT

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Post time 5-10-2010 09:56 AM | Show all posts
Best2 baca fanaccount. Sebagai pemerhati dari counter VIP mmg nampak semua keadaan yang di ceritakan. Minah2 yang bising sambil angkat tangkat ala2 karam singh walia dan juga menunding jari kat K fidah. Pastuh muka momo ngan JC ala2 nak bertekak. Very the kecoh keadaan tuh. Tapi alhamdullilah semuanya selamat ;)

Tak terjangkau nak pikir presale Super Show 3 TT_TT mesti havoc....

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Post time 5-10-2010 10:00 AM | Show all posts
Update: Order dah sent kat supplier...sama2 lah tunggu ketibaan belon

RM1.80 each
Min purchase: 3pc
Payment: PM kalau nak Bank In/Cash time amik wristband SuJu

List Order Untuk Belon:

1. Zaheera - 20 (Paid kat hadiff)
2. Kia - 3 (paid)
3. K Bel - 5
4. Momoko - 6 (Paid)
5. amyhisashi - 5 (Paid) hadiff
6. JUSTcircle - 8 (Paid) hadiff
7. chibi_mawad - 3 (Paid)
8. Hana - 5 (Paid)
9. Nicrye - 3 (Paid) hadiff
10. K fidah - 3 (paid)
11. Mulan - 3 (paid)
12. LuvAngel_Mosh - 4 (paid) hadiff
13. Yana - 10 (PAID)
14. just_aku - 3 (paid)
15. Jue - 3 (PAID)
16. KuN - 3 (paid)
17. Chimei - 3 (paid)
18. Rimy - 6
19. 1cinta - 3 (PAID)
20. moondance - 3 (paid) kat hadiff

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Post time 5-10-2010 10:04 AM | Show all posts
hope masuk 3-3 mag tuh.. wakaka! kompom kia kena belikan aku epop bukan depan.. x der pasa ...
JUSTcircle Post at 4-10-2010 07:00 PM

owh, no hal punyer kalo nak belikan ko epop segala. mcm x biasa pulak aku jd dealer utk mag2 korg tu... just bgtau aku la muka korg tubik mag maner, nnt aku tolong belikan...

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Post time 5-10-2010 10:08 AM | Show all posts
Best2 baca fanaccount. Sebagai pemerhati dari counter VIP mmg nampak semua keadaan yang di ceritakan ...
anylia Post at 5-10-2010 09:56 AM

biasa la tuh kan, yana... kalo yg dah dtg lmbt tu, ada jer alasan nak bg kengkonon dorg nak beratur depan...

xper, utk SS3 nnt aku willing nak tolong belikan gak tix. nk merasa gak dok kecoh2 mcm korg!! and mmg kena recruit lg ramai dlm pembelian tix utk memudahkan lg operasi... maner la tau kot2 dorg buat mcm JYJ ni gak, bukak kaunter according to rege tix kan...

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Post time 5-10-2010 12:42 PM | Show all posts
Reply  momoko

yg insiden 1 tue, tade hal sgt..silap ahjumma tue..
yg nomot 2 tue.. ...
amyhisashi Post at 5-10-2010 07:52

ahjumma tu..kekeke. die marah nak awal.yela..nak untunggg
org pon mls layan sbb tau die mrh bukan sbb btol2 nak beli jumpe jyj, nak gain profit jeh

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Post time 5-10-2010 12:43 PM | Show all posts
Reply  momoko

momoka kyana nak pegi zuno tuh. mari pergi bersama? kekekekek
anylia Post at 5-10-2010 09:41

gigihh k.yana....! tu yg first Q momo tanye..junsu ade??kekeke. bermotip sgt kann...

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Post time 5-10-2010 01:28 PM | Show all posts
Admin Fee Payment

eastGodsholic - RM17
Kwn Kia 5&6 - RM8

Mulan & kwn - M Paid (thanks kasi upah rm3)
Hana H & Moondance - RM7
Amyhisashi - RM18

Afyss - J Paid (Bal RM2)
Kazu & kkaa - RM12
Icsha & daff - RM12
Kwn momoko (nady) - RM6
rere - RM9

Adina80 - J Paid
Kwn Mawad 1-4 - RM16
Muun - RM6
Nicrye & Nisa - RMRM8
wengoo - RM16

JC - J Paid
Momoko - M Paid
linome - RM6
Mawad - M Paid
ki_aries - M Paid (Bal RM41)
kwn momoko (hanis) - RM6
nurinjunsu - RM17
kwn Mawad 5 - RM6
1cinta & kwn - RM12
smaj - RM24
kwn kia 1-4 - RM24
Kia - RM6
Kwn Mawad 6 - RM6

tell us early if u want to pay at event or not.. Thank you.. If u can pay early.. by this week.. lebih baik.. supaya senang kitorg nak kira2.. x pikir2 apa dah..

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Post time 5-10-2010 01:44 PM | Show all posts
Admin Fee Payment

eastGodsholic - RM17
Kwn Kia 5&6 - RM8
Mulan & kwn - M Paid (thanks kasi upa ...
JUSTcircle Post at 5-10-2010 13:28

alamak.....utang blom byr..
ok nt jmpe sana aku byr lamsam..sengget tu keep the change lah

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Post time 5-10-2010 01:49 PM | Show all posts
hahaha..ntahnye....xleh blah jc ckp: hei. xnmpak yoochun pandang ahjumma wat muke garang tu??*tg ...
momoko Post at 4-10-2010 10:40 PM

    tu la pasal.. lawak tul la biler ingat balik ahjumma tu marah2 kitorg.. dia rsa dia TERTUA masa,kiter kena hormat dia la..

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Post time 5-10-2010 01:50 PM | Show all posts
Reply  JUSTcircle

alamak.album break time tu err..err
haahla..ade sesapa yg nak pegi zuno sho ...
momoko Post at 4-10-2010 10:46 PM

    teringat la plak nama budak yg distribute fliers tuh.. bukan nama yg aku harapkan..

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Post time 5-10-2010 01:52 PM | Show all posts
hehehe... small matter... tak sama dengan kegigihan korang tlg member2 kat cni...
really apprec ...
nzhass79 Post at 4-10-2010 11:10 PM

gigih perlu ada kak zu.. demi YooSu tercinta saya.. hehehe!

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Post time 5-10-2010 01:53 PM | Show all posts
fuh!! mantap r jln citer...wlupon x g dpt la gak bygkn kesushn korg n susne kt situ...ape2 pown  ...
nurinjunsu Post at 4-10-2010 10:53 PM

thanks jc..coz belikan ticket
1cinta Post at 5-10-2010 12:09 AM


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Post time 5-10-2010 01:53 PM | Show all posts
alamak.....utang blom byr..  
ok nt jmpe sana aku byr lamsam..sengget tu keep the change la ...
re_re Post at 5-10-2010 01:44 PM

    wokeh... no hal...

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Post time 5-10-2010 01:55 PM | Show all posts
Reply  JUSTcircle
panjang dan detail ko nye fa.heheh.
giler ramai owang dlm gmbr tuh.*tetibe ak n ...
chibi_mawad Post at 5-10-2010 07:24 AM

dalam gambar tuh kalo ko ada pasan sorg minah x bertudung... paling tingi hgak la.. rancak berbual.. line dorg adalah sebelah Kiri RELA.. sebelah Kiri pakcik RELA tau.. bahu kiri RELA tu.. hehehe!! dia ada kat belakang2 skit.. masa ni aku ngan momo x nampak sbb kitorg duduk... Hadiff10 aku nampak tudung dia jerk dlm gambar tuh... ekeke!

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Post time 5-10-2010 01:56 PM | Show all posts
sah2 aku wajib beli epop chinese n malay bln ni n bln depan... fuhh glamer agik muke kowan ...
Hana_Hirokawa Post at 5-10-2010 07:46 AM

sila beli Hana.. kalo x dok gambar kitorg.. maknanya x terbaik la gambor tuh.. ada yg lebih cun agaknya.. ekekeke!
tapi kalo ada.. nanti kot nak jumper aku.. korg jgn luper bwk bg aku sign.. nak autograph x? wakakaka!

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Post time 5-10-2010 01:58 PM | Show all posts
Reply  JUSTcircle

siap ade 3 lagi FA...
tapi mmg kagum la dgn korang...siap leh to ...
amyhisashi Post at 5-10-2010 08:04 AM

    bukan cha ya nun alip aku rasa.. Malay gak.. but ala2 urban giler la kunun... ada la skit2 yg selit kot..tapi obvious mmg dorg 4 org tuh jek.. 2 perempuan Melayu depan dorg kewl jerk. sbb dorg tau kitorg awal..

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Post time 5-10-2010 02:01 PM | Show all posts
Reply  JUSTcircle

fuh, best giler baca FA ko nih... gigih dok karang hikayat pjg sebegitu!! :lol ...
rukiaichigo Post at 5-10-2010 09:55 AM

    wakakaka! tu la pasal.. mcm split personality plak dah kitorg rasa masa tuh.. masa dorg scold2 Hadiff tuh.. aku ngan momo hangin betul2 la..
pastu masa depan kaunter.. senyum lemah lembut bagai.. pas dapat tix plak.. kan main kelam kabut nak betulkan tudung semua sbb nak bergambar.. ekeke!

k, kia..ko jgn luper tau.. belikan aku e-pop tu gak erk? cam x sangka aku ko kol masa tu tanya aku nak kau belikan aku e-pop atau x.. [pastu aku suh ko pastikan ada BEAST dlu baru beli.. kalo x der x yah.. ekeke!!
last2 xsangka tgh ari tuh.. aku akan pastikan ko beli e-pop bulan depan walopun x der pasal BEAST.. hehehe!

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Post time 5-10-2010 02:04 PM | Show all posts
Best2 baca fanaccount. Sebagai pemerhati dari counter VIP mmg nampak semua keadaan yang di ceritakan ...
anylia Post at 5-10-2010 09:56 AM

    Yana, masa tu.. wakaka! x tau nak ckp apa.. bile ingat balik.. rasa malu kat diri sendiri pun ada... ekeke! mesti dorg pun rasa malu ngan diri dorg gak.. aku hope sgt 'dorg' tuh ada la yg baca FA aku ngan momo ngn komen2 korg kat sini.. biar dorg tau camner start nyer aku meredah TURAPAN JALAN nak ke Fahrenheit88 seawal jam 6.30 nak dapatkan tix.. bukan cam dorg sampai kul 9 tapi bising mcm sampai kul 9.00 mlm semalamnya..

sushow mesti akan ramai yg prepare dtg awal nanti.. huhuh!! lagik la.. hope pasni lebih smooth n kiter semua kena pastikan dah ready org2 yg belikan tok every seat yg berlainan harga..

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Post time 5-10-2010 02:37 PM | Show all posts
Reply 927# JUSTcircle

sy akan khabar2 kan psl ni kat kwn2 sy, even dah sms pun dorg smlm...

psl epop tu, ko jgn risau la. just confirm kan jer ko nak ke xnk epop tu. nasib baik la tmpt aku ni sng nak carik majalah2 tu...

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Post time 5-10-2010 02:43 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by anylia at 5-10-2010 15:29

share news nih sebab ada kena mengena ngan showcase

JYJ to hold global showcase kicking off in Korea next week

Singers Hero Jaejoong, Micky Yoochun and Xiah Junsu of five-member boy band TVXQ, will set off on a global tour next week showcasing an album they have recorded as their new singing trio JYJ.

Prain Inc., the group's publicist, announced through a press release Monday that the three singers, back as Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu of group JYJ, will promote their new worldwide album "The Beginning" through a series of showcases kicking off in Korea on October 12.

Also the date for when the record goes on sale worldwide simultaneously, the showcase will be held at Korea University's Hwaseong Tiger Dome twice; at 6 p.m. and 9 p.m.

The trio will sing a total of five songs from the new album as well as performing the soundtrack to TV series "SungKyunKwan Scandal" starring Yoochun.  (yorobun cepat hafal chajatta!)

"We've fulfilled our hopes of presenting our worldwide album to our Korean fans first. We'll do our best to give them the best performances ever for the continued love and support they have shown us," the three were quoted as saying.

Proceeds from the showcase will be donated to worldwide non-governmental organization World Vision to help children around the world living in poverty.

Tickets for the showcase in Korea will go on sale on online reservation site Interpark at 8 p.m. on October 5. Details on the event's overseas locations -- nine cities throughout six countries -- have yet to be announced.

Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu will performing in front of local fans for the first time since halting their activities as TVXQ over a legal dispute with agency SM Entertainment.

Jessica Kim jesskim@
<&#9426;10Asia All rights reserved>
Shared by: killuazoaldyek @

boleh dengar chajatta live nih...yeay!!

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