Kanak-Kanak Sekolah Rendah Bukan Islam Diarah Makan Di Dalam Toilet???
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wan72 posted on 24-7-2013 02:16 PM
Soalan aku ko pernah ke pegang jawatan2 tersebut?
Aku tak sampai lagi tahap kebangangan tersebut
gogo2 posted on 24-7-2013 02:08 PM
Saya rasa sekolah ini terdiri daripada guru2 yg bodoh2 belaka.
Tak pelik kalau anak2 kita semaki ...
mmg sgt bodoh cikgu dan bos dia ni
apa la salahnya kantin tu di sediakan 1 ruangan utk makan
mmg bebal tahap gaban
elok cikgu situ di suruh buka puasa 1 bulan dalam tandas tu
ni la masalah cikgu ni bz meniaga dan main politik
gogo2 posted on 24-7-2013 02:11 PM
jadi ko rasa bilik persalinan adalah tempat makan lah?
aku teringat komen Raja Petra Kamaruddin dalam artikel dia yg lepas...
Wow! So many comments talking about the correct name for bak kut teh, how it is made, the ingredients, halal or not, where it came from, whose mother makes the best bak kut teh, yada, yada, yada. It is a 'when caught start talking silly' strategy.
lebih kurang sama mcm situasi sekarang.. http://www.malaysia-today.net/mt ... is-not-chik-kut-teh
back to topik, kenapa dicanang berita dgn tajuk kanak2 bukan islam diarahkan makan dalam toilet? sapa yg cuba jdkan isu ni perkauman pd mulanya? |
gogo2 posted on 24-7-2013 02:06 PM
eh, ko pon rasa bersalah... jadi mmg makan dlm bilik persalinan adalah ok?
mkn lam blik persalinan mmg personally aku rs tak ok.. cume aku rasa bsalah sal aku igt pengetua tu wat mende ni ms bulan pose.. rupanya sblm pose lg.. means that muslim ka non muslim sume kena.. maknanya pengetua tu takde la rasis pun.. cume bodo je..
wan72 posted on 24-7-2013 02:14 PM
Jamban pun ko tak kenal lagi. layak ke ko nak berdebat
So dik?..udah punyai jawaban kah?..kenapa pengetua rasis itu masih tempatkan pelajar bukan islam dalam jamban? Sedangkan akhbar udah pergi menyelidik yang kantin sekolah tiada apa2 renovasi....kantin kosong dan masih boleh digunakan?...selepas hari ini..cikgu ckgi pakat robohkan kantin pulakah mahu buktikan yang kantin emang bermashalah?sebab semalam cikgu2 pakat duduk bersrama buka puasa dalam jamban dengan muka terkulat2 telan makanan...khern?
apa lagi yg mahu dipertahankan
sedangkan pihak kementerian pun sudah arahkan ianya ditutup serta merta
kantin yg ditutup pun diarah buka balik
apa lagi yg mahu dipertahankan? |
JandaMerana posted on 24-7-2013 02:09 PM
bukan dengar kak...baca hehe....he he sometimes i tend to use politically right words and terms..d ...
salah pulak..hehe
C.K posted on 24-7-2013 02:01 PM
Yup saya rasis..saya rasis dengan melayu dna indon yang sedari azali diterapkan sifat2 rasis dalam ...
memang sah ko ni mental
Muntz posted on 24-7-2013 02:05 PM
Yg penting, aku rasa semua patut setuju yg bilik persalinan atau tandas tak sesuai dijadikan tempat ...
isu paling beso ialah lokasi bkn psl non muslim atau muslim..w'pun org muslim mkn di tpt sama, ia tak menjadikan tindakan sekolah tu tepat & betul
Muntz posted on 24-7-2013 02:05 PM
Yg penting, aku rasa semua patut setuju yg bilik persalinan atau tandas tak sesuai dijadikan tempat ...
Aku setuju .. terfikir jugak sebab apa tak buat khemah . Boleh guna duit PIBG ( bab duit ni mungkin ramai x setuju).
Lagi satu buat macam satu sekolah kat tempay aku.. setiap perkara dihebahkan kepada para waris melalui surat dan tandatangan menujukkan dah baca dan boleh bagi komen . Ada sekali dulu minta surat meminta supaya derma pasu pun ada untuk menceriakan sekolah. |
JandaMerana posted on 24-7-2013 02:07 PM
anyway..i dont give a damn with your shallow minded comments....go on ..write more...the more you ...
islam mengharamkan kita mencarut sesuai dengan ayat-ayat Quran.
saya ingin menambah pengetahuan sains kesihatan tentang amalan berpuasa ummat Islam ni.
satu kajian mendapati bahawasanya dehidrasi manusia meningkat lebih-lebih lagi pada bulan Ramadhan.
Evidence of hemoconcentration and dehydration has been found during Ramadan (El-Hazmi, Al-Faleh, & Al-Mofleh, 1987; Kayikcioglu et al., 1999; Ramadan et al., 1999; Schmahl & Metzler, 1991; Sweileh et al., 1992). Restricted fluid intake, leading to disturbance in the fluid balance, is likely to cause these conditions. In the initial stages of dehydration, the clinical signs are tachycardia, tiredness and malaise, headaches and nausea. Middle-aged or more elderly persons are usually more prone to the effects of dehydration (Schmahl & Metzler).
Dehydration is indicated by the increase of several serum biochemical parameters (El-Hazmi et al., 1987; Ramadan et al., 1999; Schmahl & Metzler, 1991; Sweileh et al., 1992). The increase in uric acid, however, should especially be noted (El-Ati et al, 1995; El-Hazmi et al., 1987; Fedail et al., 1982; Schmahl & Metzler, 1991), because hyperuricemia is one of the known sequelae of prolonged fasting (Murphy & Shipman, 1963). Hyperuricemia is associated with reduction in glomerular filtration rate, decrease in uric acid clearance and alterations in the renal transport of uric acid (Murphy & Shipman). During Ramadan, however, reports show that the increase in uric acid does not excessively deviate from the normal range and studies have not reported clinical gout (El-Hazmi et al., 1987; Fedail et al., 1982). Increased uric acid is, therefore, unlikely to affect healthy individuals.
Selain daripada kita mendapat dehidrasi yang mampu ancam kesihatan manusia, kita juga mendapati bahawa migraines meningkat sebanyak 3 kali ganda
An estimated 90 million of the world’s 1.57 billion Muslims are likely to suffer from migraine headaches during the dawn-to-dusk fasts during the month of Ramadan – which begins on Wednesday, at the height of summer heat. But Jewish researchers in the US and Israel have suggested how to help prevent the problem.
Dr. Ibrahim Abu-Salameh, Israel’s only Beduin neurologist – who works at Soroka University Medical Center in Beersheba – headed a team that found migraine attacks are three times more common during the Muslim fast than in the rest of the year.
Working with colleagues Dr. Igal Plecht and Dr. Gal Ifergan of the Beersheba hospital, Abu-Salameh studied 32 Beduin who suffered from migraine attacks during the Ramadan fast last year and compared the statistics to an ordinary month without the fast as a control.
Migraines were much more common in women than men; three-quarters of the women complained of migraine while fasting, compared to a much lower figure among the men. The Soroka study was published recently in the Journal of Headache and Pain.
. . .
Abu-Salameh said that he has gotten migraine headaches during Ramadan, and has treated Beduin who came to his clinic complaining about severe headaches. He noted that the medical literature has almost ignored the phenomenon until now.
Meanwhile, Dr. Michael J. Drescher of Hartford Hospital in Connecticut and colleagues at Sheba and Shaare Zedek Medical Centers in Israel recently suggested that otherwise-healthy Muslims suffering from migraine attacks during the Ramadan fast ask their doctors for a prescription for etoricoxib (commercial name Arcoxia) to prevent the headaches that come with fasting.
sementara itu, berpuasa semasa ramadhan juga tidak baik untuk ibu yang mengandung.
A new study by scientists in the United States has revealed that pregnant Muslim women who fast during Ramadan are likely to have smaller babies who will be more prone to learning disabilities in adulthood.
The researchers also found that the women were 10 per cent less likely to give birth to a boy if they had fasted during Ramadan. The trend was clearest if the fasting was done early in the women’s pregnancy, and during the summer months, when long hours of daylight called for them to go longer without food.
. . .
The study, which used census data from the US, Iraq and Uganda, also discovered long-term effects on the adult’s health and his or her future economic success.
"We generally find the largest effects on adults when Ramadan falls early in pregnancy," the Independent quoted Douglas Almond, of Columbia University, and Bhashkar Mazumder, of the Federal Research Bank of Chicago, the authors of the research, as saying.
"Rates of adult disability are roughly 20 per cent higher, with specific mental disabilities showing substantially larger effects. Importantly, we detect no corresponding outcome differences when the same design is applied to non-Muslims," they added dengan itu, cukup la dahulu saya lampirkan fakta sains kesihatan buat masa ini.
Salam Ramadhan dan selamat berpuasa
gogo2 posted on 24-7-2013 02:11 PM
jadi ko rasa bilik persalinan adalah tempat makan lah?
sah2 bilik persalinan tu dh difungsikan jadi tmpt makan..siap berhias apa yg pening lagi
ke sebab dh termalu gigih laung2 racis sblm ni so kene teruskan jugak kutuk walo apa pon jadi?
Nash^Roy posted on 24-7-2013 02:18 PM
mkn lam blik persalinan mmg personally aku rs tak ok.. cume aku rasa bsalah sal aku igt pengetua t ...
Yang pelik itu..kenapa kantin tutup bulan puasa? Sedangkan kantin kosong?...saya yakin.pengetua ini memang suka ambil enteng kebajikan pelajar dan bodoh tahap 7 petala langit...jika dia pengetua yang prihatin dan tahu ntuk kawal mashalah...dia udah selesaikan isu ini sebelum masuk bulwn ramadhan lagi...sekali masih duduk takuk sama jah...ibubapa mana yang ga meletup naik hangen khern?...BTW..pengetua ini ketua umno cawangan mana ini? Komen dalam facebook pun bodoh2 jah duduk berkempen politik dacing...isu ini akan menajdi pengajaran kepada cikgu2 seolah yang pemalas dan suka ambil enteng soal iebajikan pelajar....itulah..pergi seolah duduk berpolitik..MLM..mengumpat...promote tempat tuisyen sendiri..jual kain..jual kek....hari ini..rasain elhoe!
C.K posted on 24-7-2013 02:09 PM
Berkali2 udah dinyatakan..alasan renovasi udah dikantoikan menipu...kamu gegen pertahankan tindaka ...
kalau menipu pun apa kaitan dgn racist? Ko tu terlalu mental sangat. Orang melayu pun makan kat bilik tu jugak
kecimpret posted on 24-7-2013 02:20 PM
isu paling beso ialah lokasi bkn psl non muslim atau muslim..w'pun org muslim mkn di tpt sama, ia ...
damage done. tajuk thread pun racist. yg mula2 sebar gambar pun racist. kenapa non-muslim disuruh makan dlm toilet kununnnn.
Bodohnya pihak sekolah ni |
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