On 7th August 1996,NASA (1) scientists made an announcement that made front page headlines throughout the world.Within a Martian meteorite,they had found evidence of a microscopic lifeform that may have existed on Mars more than three billion years ago. (2) Although other studies were later published which challenged this conclusion, (3) numerous recent discoveries,for example,the discovery by the Galileo spacecraft, (4) in February 1997,of a possible red-coloured sea under the ice crust of Jupiter's moon,Europa, (5) are raising hopes that we may soon be able to get an answer to one of the oldest and most interesting questions asked by humans-"Is anyone out there,or are we alone in the universe?"
However,it may be that none of us may live to see the day when scientists will give us a definitive answer to this question.For Muslims,that should not be a problem.We already have the answer.Although many Muslims are unaware of the fact,the Quran (6) explicitly mentions the existence of extraterrestrial life.
The existence of creatures of a spiritual nature,such as angels,in the universe,is accepted as a fact by all Muslims,as well as people of other religions, such as Christians.The point that generates excitement among the public,and scientists is the question of whether material lifeforms like ourselves,which can be found by science,do actually exist outside the earth. (7) The objective of this article is to present evidence from the Quran for the existence in the universe,of MATERIAL lifeforms ("Life as we know it").
Full article http://www.answering-christianity.com/aliens_in_quran.htm |
Originally posted by chiKenliTeL at 25-2-2007 16:57
i hv some pixs of aliens:
h ...
bandingkan dengan gambar ni ...
ternyata gambar yg atas sekali dah diedit.. |
Atau gambar ni diedit dari gambar di atas. Yg mana dulu...??? |
so dua2 tu gambar alien ka~~? :@ :@ |
aku yang masih keliru ~~~~ :@ |
lagi gambar..
kalau gambar2 ni pun dah diedit, memang tere sungguh le..
kesimpulan --> jgn le percaya 100% kat gambar alien/ufo.. ade yg original, ade yg hoax...
[ Last edited by guynextdoor at 4-3-2007 08:56 PM ] |
CEleven... Gosh...
i can't see those pics... could u just put the link and warn us that the pics are... like... a heartbeat stopper |
i hv to delete the pix as they contain obscene materials. thanx |
What? After all the technological breakthroughs, the alien still wears an underwear?![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
the truth is out there ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif) |
aku ada gak maklumat pasal alien ni.. ada dlm satu buku tuh.. tak hingat plak hape buku tuh.. kalau rajin t aku kasik tau info2 pasal menda tuh... and aku scan sekali nanti![](static/image/smiley/default/biggrin.gif) |
ALLAH kan berkuasa untuk mencipta selain dari manusia...
Kan ade species lain kat other planet.. |
tempat yg di edit mempunyai contrast yg tinggi... dan x blend ngan image asal...
![](http://i140.photobucket.com/albums/r5/mziskandar/MISC/ALIENInvert.jpg) |
alien ni...hmmm
mungkinkah dulu2...beberapa ribuan tahun dulu...
dalam sistem solar ni, 8 planet semuanya ada penghuni,
kemudiannya setiap planet ni bersaing antara 1 sama lain utk menerokai angkasa,
ataupun...pada setiap planet tu...terjadinya evolusi keadaan persekitaran yg memaksa penghuninya berpindah ke persekitaran yang lebih sesuai.(planet jiran or galaksi galaksi lain)
jadi pada ribuan thn dulu, diaorg telah berpindah ke tempat yg lebih sesuai.
tp dlm banyak planet tu.planet Bumi je yang tak mengalami evolusi ekstreme dan persekitaran masih lagi sesuai utk dihuni, jadi penghuni planet ni malas nak pindah dan terus stay kat sini...
tanpa memajukan teknologi utk travel ke angkasalepas...
dan lebih fokus utk memajukan dan membina objek2 ataupun monumen menyerupai tamadun planet jiran.
sbbnya itu mungkin kali terakhir mereka dapat merekodkan kewujudan jiran di planet berseblahan ni.
dan mungkin gak antara kita ni sebenarnya berasal dari planet marikh, or saturn dulu...
tu pasal ada sesetengah org yg obses dgn angkasa lepas, suka nak mengkaji, nak tengok bintang,
suka nak pgi ke angkasa lepas, suka nak wat space ship...
mereka ni mungkin dari susur galur jiran2 dari planet bersebelahan dgn Bumi.
cerita ini adalah rekaan semata2
tidak ada kena mengena dgn manusia or alien yg bermaustatin di bumi.
hak cipta mesti dipelihara |
boss.ika This user has been deleted
beratus billion galaxy dlm universe ni tak mustahil, tapi manusia tak perlu tahu & tak akan tahu atas kehendak Tuhan...? mungkin?
kalau ada lah, mungkinkah-
Jika ciri serupa dgn bumi:
-makhluknya juga manusia, tapi tamadun lebih kuno atau lebih maju?
-bentuk muka bumi, benua, negara semuanya lain?
-setiap manusianya adalah 'kembar/copy' setiap drp kita? tapi history & kehidupan berlainan?
Jika ciri2 berbeza dgn bumi:
-makhluknya bukan homosapiens(manusia), tak perlukan air utk hidup?
Lain-lain kemungkinan:
-tempat/keadaan/kehidupan kedua manusia dari Bumi selepas mati?
ini hanya imaginasi saya semata2...takde kena mengena dgn yg hidup atau telah mati
[ Last edited by boss.ika at 16-4-2007 05:18 AM ] |
Hmmm...alien...teringat ms dulu2 cerita ufo..Alien dia mcm manusia tapi dia ada pakai costum mcm astronaut kaler merah...helmet dia ada isi air kaler hijo..best
jugak..tp klu tv ada broadcast blk cerite 2 mesti kelakar gile...Universe kita ni terlalu besar n luas serta penuh dgn misteri...kita x tau apa yg ada di luar sn..teringatkan pulak
misi Opportunity ngan Spirit 2 ke Mars..Ape cerita skrg ye?ade sapa2 tau?
[ Last edited by berusgigiku at 17-4-2007 08:53 PM ] |
boss.ika This user has been deleted
dlm galaxy milky way kita ni pun ntah2 ada berapa solar system & planet sebenarnya...planet yg berpenghuni? setakat kita tau, Andromeda solar system, the second multi-planet solar system found in Milky Way
tu belum kira galaxy2 lain. |
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