1) As we embrace the future, let us also reflect upon our past. For it will always be
the most important part of who we are.
TVC C Because of old Merdeka ceremony in Stadium..
2) Let us be proud of who we are, and confident of our capabilities.
TVC A Because of our locally made shoe worn by actor/acctress..
3) As people, we have grown together and enriched one another's lives. Now, as we
move into the future, let us always hold dear to our most enduring legacy.
TVC D Because of value in friendship between those 3 kids..
4) With confidence, courage and self-belief, we can overcome any adversity to realize
our true potential.
TVC E Because of one-legged boy who become successful..
5) The more we learn to appreciate what our country has to offer us, the more we realise
that Our Home is Our Paradise.
TVC B Because the kid have no idea what is the answer..
Aku punya slogan: "..di bahu kami terletak amanah dan tanggungjawab agar negara bermaruah dan berdaulat. Malaysiaku bangsa bermartabat!"