Kebetulan je tuh, nk ambik gambor jip aboh koi berlatarbelakangkan langit mendung, tak perasan pun ada mende tu... gambar ke dua pun camtu jugek... bila belek2 semula baru terperasan ada 2 mende nih.
kadang2 yg tak ditunggu tu lah yg kita dapat, kalau nak cari n tunggu belum tentu ada hasilnye...
Originally posted by mziskandar at 4-11-2008 15:12
ada bunyik x?.. gambar no 2 mcm ada sonic boom..
takde bunyi cume bunyi anak2 sedara yang gelak sakan main bunge api adelah malam tu...petang tu hari mendung tapi tak hujan...'flying rod' tu pun dapat time hari macam nak hujan...:victory:
TheHistory Channel series Monster Quest season 1, episode 111, first airedon January 9, 2008, includes footage where a "rod" is capturedsimultaneously by a traditional video camera and a high-speed camera.While the video recorded by the traditional camera showed abrightly-illuminated "rod" with multiple undulating wings, thehigh-speed video clearly showed a common moth flying across its fieldof view.
Subsequentinvestigations proved that the appearance of flying rods on video wasan optical illusion created by the slower recording speed of the camera(done to save video space). This is the empirical evidence showing thatthe "rods" themselves can be captured, and that they do indeed prove tobe ordinary animals.