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Author: Rhyno

Slumdog Millionaire

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Post time 16-1-2009 11:57 AM | Show all posts

Reply #78 adi_iskandar's post

Aku rasa City of God lebih sesuai dibandingkan dengan Gomorra yang dicalonkan utk Best Foreign Film Golden Globe baru2 ni.

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Post time 16-1-2009 03:01 PM | Show all posts
owhhh kalo x silap city of god ni ade tercalon gak utk category best foreign film kat golden globes tahun bape ntah, tp kalah.

[ Last edited by  izzati at 16-1-2009 03:10 PM ]

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Post time 16-1-2009 11:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by adi_iskandar at 15-1-2009 05:38 PM
movie ni rip off dari filem Brazil, Cicade De Deus/ City Of God (2002). sebijik tiru.
Originally posted by adi_iskandar at 16-1-2009 10:26 AM
of coz la tak ripoff bulat2, tapi tema, plot, flow of story dan methodnya amat serupa. and of coz la SM tu based on novel, tp Cidade De Deus pun based on true story. tak dinafikan SM ni cuba nak  ...

macam tak berapa masuk je dua phrase tu

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Post time 17-1-2009 11:06 AM | Show all posts

Amitabh blasts 'Slumdog Millionaire'

Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan has slammed Danny Boyle's Golden Globe award winning underdog drama "Slumdog Millionaire" for showing India in poor light.

"If 'Slumdog Millionaire' projects India as Third World dirty underbelly developing nation and causes pain and disgust among nationalists and patriots, let it be known that a murky underbelly exists and thrives even in the most developed nations," Amitabh said in a posting on his blog on Wednesday from Paris, France.

"Its just that the 'Slumdog Millioanire' idea authored by an Indian and conceived and cinematically put together by a westerner, gets creative global recognition," he added.

The 66-year-old also talked about the changing trend in recognition of Indian cinema.

"The commercial escapist world of Indian cinema had vociferously battled for years, on the attention paid and the adulation given to the legendary Satyajit Ray... and not a word of appreciation for the entertaining mass-oriented box office blockbusters that were being churned out from Mumbai.

"Ray portrayed reality. While, the other - escapism, fantasy and incredulous posturing. Unimpressive for Cannes and Berlin and Venice (film festivals)," he explained.

He further wrote: "But look how rapidly all that is changing. Dedicated TV channels running Hindi cinema on prime timings. Premieres at Leicester Square (referring to 'Chandni Chowk To China'), the home of all Hollywood royalty, thronged by hundreds on the street in cold biting weather."

tak berbaloi si jamal terjun lubang taik

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Post time 17-1-2009 06:24 PM | Show all posts
ramai fanboy SM kat dalam ni. dah sah kaki hindustan. jai hindd !!

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Post time 19-1-2009 10:17 AM | Show all posts
Baru tgk cerita ni last night (download nak dekat sebulan sebab computer lembab nak mampus). Sangat best. Time dia orang dance Jai Ho nampak mcm awkward , maybe sebab dia orang pun bukan bollywood actors kot. Tapi pasal awkward itulah yang nampak comel je menari

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Post time 19-1-2009 10:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by adi_iskandar at 17-1-2009 06:24 PM
ramai fanboy SM kat dalam ni. dah sah kaki hindustan. jai hindd !!

Ni bukan filem Hindustan. Ni filem Hollywood. Sama macam Bend It Like Beckham gak le...

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Post time 19-1-2009 11:41 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by adi_iskandar at 17-1-2009 06:24 PM
ramai fanboy SM kat dalam ni. dah sah kaki hindustan. jai hindd !!

aku tak fanboy SM dan aku tak minat bollywood dan aku rasa SM neh citer light yg biasa2 saja and still aku tak nampak citer ni rip off citer city of god...:re:
jgn hengat kau sorang je yg pernah tgk city of god :re:

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Post time 19-1-2009 12:43 PM | Show all posts

Balas #87 nad03\ catat

agree!ko tgk muka dev patel ms nari mcm nak bunuh org jek

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Post time 19-1-2009 02:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by juwaini at 19-1-2009 10:51 AM

Ni bukan filem Hindustan. Ni filem Hollywood. Sama macam Bend It Like Beckham gak le...

rasa aku bend it like beckham tu bukan hollywood. danny boyle pun bukan org hollywood. aku tak tau kenapa, tapi aku menyampah dengan geng2 Paki dan hindustan ni.  sibuk nak cari publisiti kat dalam industri hollywood.   bila orang putih dh buat filem ni banyak komplain pulak. aku dengar lepas ni geng2 hindustan ni nak balas dendam, depa nak bikin balik satu movie yang tunjuk pasal slums kat white britain pulak.  

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Post time 20-1-2009 06:28 AM | Show all posts
jangan lupa Salaam Bombay ialah filem India dan dibenci org tempatan kerana sebab yg sama....aku ingat projecktonist pernah dibaling kerusi dipaksa hentikan tayangan sebab filem sulung arahan Mira Nair yg pernah menang Camera D'Or di Cannes itu  bukanlah satu "dadah" yg membawa keseronokan lari dari realiti hidup getir sebaliknya kebenaran yg menghiris....

Kenapa tidak setuju yg SM tak sama dengan COG dikata fanboy?

Kenapa Danny Boyle dituduh hilang sentuhan? apa maksudnya?

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Post time 21-1-2009 01:12 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by GAIA at 20-1-2009 06:28 AM
jangan lupa Salaam Bombay ialah filem India dan dibenci org tempatan kerana sebab yg sama....aku ingat projecktonist pernah dibaling kerusi dipaksa hentikan tayangan sebab filem sulung arahan Mir ...

so far aku tak nampak org lain or pengkritik pilem yg sependapat dgn dia..
adakah semua yg tak sependapat dgn dia akan di cop fanboy SM?

hakikat yg sejati theory dia dah boleh masuk longkang sbb yg pasti aku bukan fanboy SM dan bollywood dan masih tak setuju dgn pendapat dia

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Post time 21-1-2009 05:48 PM | Show all posts
aku baru jer tgk citer nie...mmg aku lg suka lakonan salim drpd jamal...salim bdk kecik pun best...biler dah besar pun best...mati pun dlm tab yg penuh ngan duit...

jamal tuu kaku gile biler menari..taekwando champs maner laa nak reti menari

aku puas hati laa tgk citer nie

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Post time 21-1-2009 06:24 PM | Show all posts
masih tak caya? cuba tengok filem terbaru Aamir Khan dalam Ghajini yang tengah main kat wayang skang. sekali lagi geng2 bollywood ni cuba cedok dan recycle idea hollywood. Ghajini tu terang2 rip off dari filem Memento (2000). sape nak tengok Ghajini sila tengok Memento dulu. yes, bollywood apologetics akan sedaya upaya claim kononnya filem2 ni tak tiru, filem2 ni tak sama kat sini dan situ, of coz lah mereka fully aware of the fact ianya rip off, ala2 reverse engineering, mereka pandai tiru tapi tak berani nak ngaku.

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Post time 21-1-2009 06:45 PM | Show all posts

Balas #95 adi_iskandar\ catat

yg ni bley la alih ke thread ghajini ek

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Post time 21-1-2009 08:21 PM | Show all posts
aku fanboy danny boyle je


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Post time 22-1-2009 03:42 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by adi_iskandar at 21-1-2009 06:24 PM
masih tak caya? cuba tengok filem terbaru Aamir Khan dalam Ghajini yang tengah main kat wayang skang. sekali lagi geng2 bollywood ni cuba cedok dan recycle idea hollywood. Ghajini tu terang2 rip  ...

org dok citer pasal slumdog millionaire kau dok citer pasal pure bollywood movie yg lain...
apa ke sengall kau neh...:re:
setahu haku slumdog millionaire tuh bukan citer bollywood pun :re:

kalau dah ghajini tuh ciplak memento pun apa kaitan dgn citer SM??

dan aku tak rasa memento tuh citer hollywood pun, tak silap haku it's a french movie right??
so konsep kau bahawasanya itu pilem hollywood pun dah masuk longkang dah :re:

ini lah susah pabila org perasan dia maha mengetahui mengenai pilem hakikatnye?? :re:

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Post time 22-1-2009 07:45 PM | Show all posts

so kasihan

Slumdog actors Rubina Ali and Azharuddin Mohammed Ismail still live in the Bandra slums

The sprawling slums caressing the east side of Bandra railway station in Mumbai (Bombay) are no different from hundreds of slum clusters all across the city.

They are filthy, without a sewage system and have rows upon rows of makeshift rooms made of plastic sheets.

Malnourished children seemingly without any care in the world often run around the narrow by-lanes. Some go to schools but many don't.

Visibly the slums may be no different from those in the film sets of the award winning film, Slumdog Millionaire, but the reality is much harsher.

Slumdog finally opens in India on Friday, a day after the Oscar nominations and following worldwide success.


Slums and swanky buildings stand cheek by jowl in this city and yet their worlds don't meet.

People in the Bandra slums - like many others in the city - live in grinding poverty in the shadow of the city's new business district, the Bandra Kurla Complex.

Azharuddin Mohammed Ismail, who plays the youngest version of the main character's brother Salim in the film, lives with his parents and siblings in a makeshift plastic tent, pitched on a half-finished government park.

Besides friends and neighbours, he has a big garbage dump and armies of mosquitoes and flies for company.

Ten-year-old Azharuddin's mother says they have been homeless for a while: "We have been squatting on this government park since the time our hutments were demolished over a year ago and despite showing the right documents to the authorities we have not been allotted our room [a one-room tiny flat]."

Rubina Ali - who portrays the youngest version of the leading lady Latika in the film - is playing with Azhar and other children.

Their faces glow in the rays of the fading sunlight. They greet the BBC team with coyness. Ask them to pronounce the film's title and they fumble amid nervous smiles. "Aslum dog minaire," says Rubina. "No," Azhar tries to correct her, with his own incorrect version.

'Miseries and pain'

A few days before its release in India an intense debate is raging whether the film has been made in the image of a Westerner.

Many Indians are upset over what they feel is the film's reinforcement of stereotypical Western views about India. They believe the film bagged the Golden Globes because it depicted India's underbelly in a white man's image.

But Rubina and Azhar's poverty-stricken existence, with an uncertain future, makes this debate redundant.

Indeed the child actors' parents believe the argumentative Mumbaikars often tend to ignore their plight.

The parents question whether a camera can ever really capture the miseries and pain of the slum dwellers.

Interestingly, the film itself is a great leveller. Its cast includes children from the middle class and exceptionally wealthy families. The rich boys in the film say interacting with the slum kids was a humbling experience.

Tanay Chheda lives in one of the city's wealthiest enclaves. "It's the world's 10th richest street," he says.

Tanay, 12, plays the middle version of leading role Jamal.

He says that he now looks at the slum kids with more compassion and love and wonders why there's so much fuss about showing poverty in Mumbai.

"Danny Boyle [the film's British director] wanted to show the truth in the movie. If we only had to show something wrong or negative about India then we wouldn't have shown that a slum boy becomes a millionaire."

Asutosh Lobo Gajiwala, who plays the middle version of the main character's brother Salim, says that if "you put a rich man in a life like theirs, the person will go into depression, but slumkids find happiness in anything and everything".

Asutosh, 15, says he believes all human beings are equal. "I was always aware that God has given me everything, but working on this movie it has clearly underlined my thought."

'Love school'

Tanvi Ganesh Lonkar plays the middle version of Latika. She insists that Danny Boyle loves Mumbai regardless of what the critics say.

"He does not have any wrong views about our city. He always compliments this city. He always says this city is the best."

Certainly it appears that despite the merits or otherwise of capturing raw poverty in Mumbai, Azhar and Rubina's lives are in the throes of change, thanks to the exposure they had during the making of the movie. They now say they "love their school".

They now also have big dreams.

Azhar says he wants to be the next Salman Khan and Rubina would like to become as big a star as Preity Zinta, both leading Bollywood actors.

If they succeed, life will imitate art in another rags-to-riches story.

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Post time 25-1-2009 05:56 PM | Show all posts
Slumdog Millionaire akan ditayangkan di Malaysia bermula 12 Februari 2009, tp sayangnye, hanya ditayangkan di GSC International Screen di MValley, Pavilion, 1 Utama..

kirenye ni tyg seiringan dgn The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button yg juga nominee utk best picture oscar, yg juga akan tyg di Msia bermula 12 Februari 2009..


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Post time 25-1-2009 08:15 PM | Show all posts
hero dia kan berlakon dalam siri TV Skins (18SX)
banyak adegan bogel

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