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Author: dauswq

[ANIME] Fate Zero 2nd Season

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 Author| Post time 13-11-2011 03:34 PM | Show all posts
Reply 80# Jesse_Mccartney

mmg lembik pun..tak layak jd protector

p/s: mula2 aku sangka assasin tu sorg jek, rupanya berkerumum dlm church tu...ala2 ali baba 40 org penyamun pulak

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 Author| Post time 14-11-2011 06:29 AM | Show all posts
Reply 76# Jesse_Mccartney

Lancer tu mmg matching ngan die...

klu die dpt Alexander The Great, tak tau ler apa yg akn terjadi...

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Post time 19-11-2011 08:54 PM | Show all posts
Reply 75# dauswq

Mesti la Saber dlm tub mandi.

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 Author| Post time 8-12-2011 03:01 AM | Show all posts
mgg ni budak nama Rin tu baru tunjuk kuasa

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 Author| Post time 8-12-2011 03:04 AM | Show all posts
Reply 83# cmf_cluesan

dh ade sorg master pompuan rupanya...
ganti org putih England yg terlantar sakit tu...


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 Author| Post time 8-12-2011 03:05 AM | Show all posts
Fate/Zero - "Master and Servant" - Episode 9 Recap

First posted Thursday, December 1st, 2011

With Kayneth gravely injured and his magic circuits damaged, he has been put into a situation where he can no longer be Lancer’s master. His wife Sola-Ui recognizes this and asks that he transfer the command seals over to her so she can win the grail. Though reluctant at first, he caves when she subjects him to physical torture. Meanwhile Rider and Waver finally make their move, with Waver finding Caster’s hiding place. When they enter the area Waver is overwhelmed by the sight of the dead children, and in his vulnerable state he's attacked by Assassin. Luckily, Rider is there to protect him and he drives off Assassin. As they leave they decide to forego searching Caster’s hideout for clues, deciding to destroy it instead.

There have been a few complaints regarding Fate/Zero’s slow development, and I can sort of see where they are coming from. We are nine episodes in and all of the servants are still active. The biggest development happened last week with Kayneth being eliminated and even that has been nullified with Sola-Ui taking over. Still, I have yet to find a single moment of Fate/Zero boring or uninteresting, so I don’t mind the large amount of exposition that has taken place; instead I appreciate the effort to develop every master and servant properly. As I have mentioned in past recaps, it gives the fights more impact and the war itself a very grand feeling. I especially don’t mind in light of Fate/Stay Night, where all of the exposition was on Saber and the other servants were merely for show.

That being said, this was a slower episode in regards to plot; Sola-Ui taking over as Lancer’s master
and Waver/Rider discovering Caster’s hideout and the fact that Assassin is still alive are all that happens. Sola-Ui taking over as Lancer’s master is a pretty big deal, and confirms my early suspicions about her. We know so little about her that her motives are unclear, but she is definitely hiding some dark secret; as she breaks Kayneth’s fingers she explains that they have to win the grail no matter what. To go to such lengths with her own husband is a rather extreme and clear indication of what type of person she is. Later on in the episode Lancer objects to her as a master, claiming that he is a knight before he is a servant and he will not betray Kayneth. She lies to him and claims she only wishes to win the grail to revive Kayneth. I imagine the details of her marriage with Kayneth will be explained later, bringing her true motives to the surface at that point. For right now I am just happy to have an official female master (Irisviel is just a proxy).

A fair portion of the episode focused on Lancer and his heroic tale. I personally don’t know anything about the Knights of Fianna, let alone the dual spear wielder Diarmuid Ua Duibhne. Even so, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Lancer’s past being detailed and knowing why exactly he has gotten involved in the Holy Grail War. It also gives depth to his character and his chivalrous honor, as well as the tragedy he suffered. He fell in love with a woman promised to his superior. They decided to run away and fight against his former comrades, and ultimately they're accepted back into the kingdom only for that same superior to betray Diarmuid. Sola-Ui acts as a reminder of his past love, the one he sacrificed his knighthood and honor for. His story actually makes his respect and connection with Saber all the more interesting, as they both are in the war to change their unwanted fates. Learning more about the servants like this will make future battles more powerful.

Meanwhile, Waver shows off a bit of alchemy by using water and pinpoints Caster’s hideout. It was nice to see Waver take some initiative, and then for Rider to be impressed by that. Last week I mentioned that I wanted to see
how Rider would react to Caster’s terrible acts and we got that this time, but more so from Waver. I imagine as a King Rider has seen a few horrible acts in his lifetime, so it wasn’t hard for him to keep his emotions in check. Waver however throws up and begins to cry, a reasonable action for a normal person witnessing something horrific. What I loved was that Rider tells Waver that he would have been concerned had he not been so emotional. It's another sign of what a great guy Rider is and how he and Waver make a great pair.

The surprising part of this episode is Assassin’s involvement. He/she/it lurks in the shadows so I suppose it shouldn’t have been, but I was under the impression they were under orders not to be seen. In fact, after being exposed twice so far, Assassin seems to be a sloppy servant. When Assassin attacks you'd think there'd be more of an effort to silence the pair, but the instead the assassins are quickly driven off and appear to be relatively weak. Tohsaka and Kirei have a brief conversation about how it is inconvenient that Assassin has been spotted, but their plans haven’t been foiled yet.

For Fate/stay night fans, next week’s episode looks to be pleasing since it will be focusing on Rin Tohsaka. My only worry is that it will be another episode with very little plot movement. One episode is fine, since the show is so detailed, but two in a row would be troubling. Perhaps the episode will give Archer some enlightening character development. Either way, “Master and Servant” may have been slow, but it was informative and enriching.



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 Author| Post time 8-12-2011 03:07 AM | Show all posts
Fate/zero – Episode 10 – Rin, the Child Prodigy

She is simply amazing...

After all the drama about Lancer’s suffering, we get to see Rin as a child kick Ryuunosuke’s butt…

Ryuunosuke simply doesn't know what he's getting.

It’s been such a long time since we last seen Rin as she was only appeared briefly in the first episode. Oddly enough, she gets an arc of her own and her determination at a young age astounded me. The way she was able to track the kidnapper down with a “mana compass” that her father gave her and destroy the bracelet that Ryuunosuke wore is a big achievement. From there, she was able to save the other children from his control, including her friend. Although this was a satisfying experience, it looks unrealistic since she can’t possibly gain enough skill in using mana within a short period of time to defeat an adult. Compared to this, the light novel from what I heard was a bit more realistic as it shown her inability to save them. From the expansion of this arc, I felt that it was mostly done for Rin fanservice and nothing else, although Ryuunosuke is now severely crippled as a result of her actions, something that Weaver couldn’t do last time.

On the other hand, this episode isn’t completely devoid of development since Kariya shows up towards the end and rescues Rin. This development was interesting as he tells Aoi why he subjected himself to his father’s magical worms and reasons why he joined the war. Either way you look at it, his ending looks tragic as he is slowly deteriorating and Aoi knows he won’t survive once it’s done.

In the end, this episode was a mixed bag. Up until now, Fate/zero had many great episodes, perhaps better than what I watched in the four episodes of Fate/stay night. However, compared to the other episodes, this one just feels out-of-place and that the Grail War isn’t a place for a young child. Despite this, the execution was still stellar and it allows Rin to develop and become the character that we love in the main series. Not only that, Kariya saving her sets everything up for what lies ahead for him, Aoi and Tokiomi regarding the Grail War. ¶



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 Author| Post time 12-12-2011 12:30 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by dauswq at 12-12-2011 12:32

giler lar Iskandar dpt askar bantuan...
baru tau betapa kuatnya die haha...

this episode is so epic


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Post time 12-12-2011 09:51 PM | Show all posts
Gile hebat Rider.....

Freaking cool man... sub zero.

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 Author| Post time 13-12-2011 01:02 PM | Show all posts
Reply 89# cmf_cluesan

kan? cool sgt arrr

tp sian plak kt Saber diperlekehkan idealitinya sbg raja Britain...

Gilgamesh tak terasa tercabar ke?

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Post time 13-12-2011 08:40 PM | Show all posts
Reply 90# dauswq

Da tak layak dipanggil sebagai raja da.

Tp sporting lak Gilgamesh kali ni.

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 Author| Post time 14-12-2011 02:43 AM | Show all posts
Reply 91# cmf_cluesan

tak de plak die moyan nak tunjuk die paling kuat....

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Post time 14-12-2011 11:20 PM | Show all posts
Reply 92# dauswq

Ada jugak, bila dia kutuk wine yg rider bwk tu, siap kuarkan wine peribadi dia, lepas tu bangga gila2.

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 Author| Post time 16-12-2011 12:14 PM | Show all posts
Fate/Zero - "The Grail Dialogue" - Episode 11 Recap

After a fun side story with Rin Tohsaka last week, episode eleven returns to the main event of the Holy Grail War. Rider apparently has a different idea for this war though, believing no bloodshed is actually necessary. He gathers the three kings - himself, Saber and Archer - to have a dialogue regarding the Grail and who is most worthy to obtain it. Surprisingly this actually happens, with the three sitting down in a garden and sharing wine as they discuss what they wish to obtain from the Grail. During this, Rider and Saber get into a heated discussion regarding what a King should and should not be like. Rider ultimately decides that Saber is not a King, but a “lost little girl.” Their discussion is interrupted by Assassin, who appears and beckons for a fight. Rider uses this opportunity to show just how powerful he is.

Those who have complained about the excessive dialogue in Fate/Zero will most likely not enjoy this episode, because there is a lot of talking. Personally I think bringing the three kings together is genius, as it explores their various motivations and differences in ruling. Rider barging into Saber’s “castle” and requesting a meeting is completely in character. When he tells her he wishes to merely talk and drink (as he hoists a barrel of wine on his shoulder) it’s just another display of how awesome he is. He clearly relies on impulse rather than thought, but this works for him and it gives him the ability to command. Rider finds the fighting pointless, since the Grail will only present itself to the most worthy servant. If the servants can discern who the highest rank is, then why bother killing each other? In theory it makes sense, but a whole war based on dialogue wouldn’t make for good entertainment.

Saber accepting Rider’s gesture to talk was surprising, but Archer showing up was even more so. Since Archer calls the other two pretenders, it is curious that he would take the time to talk with them. As the episode goes on, it seems that he's doing it to entertain himself. When he first enters the stage he finds Rider's wine to be distasteful, so he uses his noble phantasm to summon a drink worthy of a true king. We learn that Archer has no real interest in the Grail or the wish it will grant. He simply claims that all treasures were once his, so anyone who would attempt to take the grail is a thief. Due to the laws he laid down as King, he must administer punishment to anyone who would attempt to steal his treasure. As for Rider, he wants the grail to grant his wish of true incarnation in the present. He wishes to defy both Heaven and Earth with nothing but his body.

The revelation of this wish shows how different Rider and Saber are. While Rider wishes for true conquest through incarnation, Saber wishes to avert Britain’s destruction by erasing her own marks on history. She believes that a king should make any sacrifice for his country, but Rider says the opposite - that a country must offer itself to the king. The two get into an argument over whether a king should be a tyrant and ultimately, Rider overwhelms Saber. He yells at her and tells her that a king without greed is worse than a figurehead, claiming that by regretting her rule she is mocking all those who served her.

Just before things get too heated, Assassin suddenly appears at the scene. Rider offers Assassin a cup of wine, but it is declined and Rider decides to show Saber what a true king is like. He creates a reality marble of a land where his armies once marched on. This also conjures his armies, consisting of heroic spirits serving Iskander the Great. He orders them to annihilate the many entities of Assassin, which they do. The music during the unveiling Rider’s noble phantasm is absolutely amazing, giving his speech such power that you can’t help but be taken aback by his sheer supremacy. I have to say Assassin has proved to be a terrible servant. He/she/it has been spotted/discovered a few times and when they make a move, they are immediately overwhelmed. Is Assassin out of the game? It remains to be seen, since one or two could have easily stayed behind. At the end of the battle Rider takes off, telling Saber that he no longer recognizes her as a King. Archer also leaves the garden, but tells Saber to keep following her path and that she may prove worthy of his love.

“The Grail Dialogue” proved to be a very fascinating episode. Having the three kings come together was enlightening and really just a cool concept. It was light on action, but the end sequence with Rider more than made up for that. Now that we have had a dialogue between the three, it would be great to see them involved in a three way fight later. I don’t believe that will happen, but a battle between Rider and Saber seems likely. I have to say I find myself worried for Saber. Archer and Rider both have a noble phantasm that seems to give them an endless supply of weapons or warriors, while she just has a powerful sword. Hopefully she is resourceful and will be able to show Rider why she should be recognized as a king.



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 Author| Post time 16-12-2011 12:16 PM | Show all posts
Reply 93# cmf_cluesan

bangga ngan wine jek..bukan bangga ngan kekuatan

konon die raja plg kaya...

jap, Gilgamesh ni firaun kan? kira die sgt kaya pada zmn die la kan?

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Post time 18-12-2011 12:55 AM | Show all posts
Reply 95# dauswq

Gilgamesh dlu adalah raja Iraq / King of Uruk. Pada zaman dia, takde kerajaan lebih kuat dan lebih kaya dari kerajaan dia.

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 Author| Post time 19-12-2011 10:44 AM | Show all posts
Reply 96# cmf_cluesan


aku igt Kirie ade simpan Assassin sedikit, rupanya die guna semua...last2 kesemuanya kena wiped out dlm peperangan ngan askar2 Iskandar

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 Author| Post time 19-12-2011 10:50 AM | Show all posts
Kirie igt command seal dia terhapus lar bile Assassin mati kesemuanya
rupanya die masih jadi master..

jom teka sape lak jd servantnya pas ni?

A) Necromancer - tuannya plg mudah kena bunuh, jd peluang tu makin boleh ke masuk? sbb necromancer tu pun pembunuh bersiri.
B) Lancer - klu tuan pompuannya kena bunuh, adakah Lancer akn patuhi arahan tuan yg baru?
C) Berserker - Kirie spt tau jejak langkah Kariya, tp made no intention to kill...Berserker ni mgkn peluang besar tuk Kirie dptknnya..

yg aku bold tu Kirie patut amik...
so bolehlah jinakkan sket

Assuming belum pernah baca lagi novelnya...of coz yg dh tau senyap2 sudah hehe

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 Author| Post time 19-12-2011 10:53 AM | Show all posts
kecewa lar Assasin mati awal...

Assasin tu layak dpt tuan yg lebih bagus dr Kirie...

klu akulah tuannya, dh lame aku gunakn tuk serang hendap master yg bersendirian tanpa servant....

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 Author| Post time 19-12-2011 10:54 AM | Show all posts
Fate/Zero - 12


Episode 12 -
After last week’s episode featuring Rider’s Ionian Hetairoi, it looks like we’re back to an episode of cooldown (along with a ton of dialogue). The episode didn’t exactly provide excellent character development or anything, but rather, it was an episode all about foreshadowing. The foreshadowing was especially prominent with regards to Kotomine Kirei, but there is also foreshadowing for Irisviel, Kariya, and Tokiomi. Considering how there’s only one episode left to this first season of Fate/Zero, foreshadowing future conflicts is a rather fitting way to approach the finale.

The most notable bit of foreshadowing has to do with Kotomine Kirei and Gilgamesh. The dialogue between the two was rather dense, but the resulting implications are tremendous. The basic gist of the conversation went along the lines of Gilgamesh going out of his way to rationally prove that Kirei has some form of desire and “joy”, only that Kirei doesn’t consciously recognize such. Thus, since Kirei is very much out of tune with his inner self, Gilgamesh encourages Kirei to seek the Holy Grail so that he may gain a better understanding of himself. To do so, Kirei would have to take up another servant by stealing one from a current contestant (Assassin is currently dead).

While this all seems simple enough, Gilgamesh takes the conversation in a direction that surprised me, and if what I speculate is true, has grave implications. The manner in which Gilgamesh cuts off his statement (and laughs) while discussing the “stealing of a servant by killing a master” strongly implies that Gilgamesh has only one master in mind that should suffer such a fate: his own, Tohsaka Tokiomi. Of course, Gilgamesh shut his mouth and didn’t complete his sentence because it is not something he should be saying. But considering how Gilgamesh finds his own master very boring, I find this possibility very likely. The issue here would be that Kirei is surprisingly respectful of Tokiomi as a teacher, so Gilgamesh will have a tough time convincing him otherwise. But yea, while this is just my speculation, we might actually be seeing the seeds of betrayal being sown by Gilgamesh here.
Another notable bit of foreshadowing is the strange condition that Irisviel has fallen into. It’s quite obvious that her condition is not a natural occurrence, and while Irisviel tries to cover it up by saying it’s due to her nature as a Homunculus, obviously the issue is much more serious. There might be some sort of connection to Kiritsugu’s “I’ll be the reason of your death” comment back at the very beginning of episode one, but I don’t quite see any connection yet. Perhaps I’m overthinking things here, but something is definitely off.

Anyways, with this episode pointing out some rather interestingly little bits of information, now there’s only one episode left until the end of this 1st half of Fate/Zero. As of now, there have only been two casualties to the series, one being that Archibald is out of commission, the other being that Assassin is now dead. With those results in mind, I wonder if the finale for this first half will go out with a bang. Because as of now, I don’t see any signs of a conclusive wrap-up.

Overall Enjoyment: 3.7/5
Screenshots are later in the post.



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