ajercrazy posted on 5-12-2012 12:10 PM
kehkehkeh...untuk pakai sendiri boleh laa..
jahitan pun senget benget tp x nmpk je..
tgk IRL {:1 ...
xpe..lama2 praktis nanti perfecto...bleh buka tempahan dgn confidento....
lady_sarah83 posted on 5-12-2012 10:10 AM
laksmi ni mmg my feveret kedai... tiap kali pegi sana mmg g kedai ni... owner die baik... hehehe ...
wahhhhh.... ruginyaaaa me x pg. itulaaaa punyalaaaa pemalas nk baca rumah bandung.
me ingat pg 1 nite je. itulaa malas nk baca.
iamalady posted on 5-12-2012 02:00 PM
baru jahit semalm????
me ingat yg td tu OLA yg lama....
mcm one of the Jm nye material,yg nora pakai kt page blkg
lady_sarah83 posted on 5-12-2012 10:13 AM
ajer.... cantikkk... tp if part tgn tu dpt ketatkan sket lg lawaaaa.....
nanti nampak kurus sgt sis. hehe
iamalady posted on 5-12-2012 02:05 PM
ehhhhh mestilaaaa ada size. mcm laaa x tau me ni curvylicious...
yg me tempek tu bukan b ...
me ingt yg sis punye dah sampai....tgk model pakai fit giler...saiz bsr sis agak ngam2 ngan sis ke....longar2 kit?
tp seriously cantekkkk...
ajercrazy posted on 5-12-2012 12:16 PM
err....klu sambungan antara body dgn peplum kalau yg peplum tu potong kecik mmg akan berkedut sbb ...
blah... blah... blah... blah...
satu haper me x phm 'bahasa menjahit' ni. HHAHAHAH
hanniko posted on 5-12-2012 02:08 PM
mcm one of the Jm nye material,yg nora pakai kt page blkg
pattern taraf JM, harga taraf MUAZ.
haaaaaa itulerrrrrr me cari selama2 ni.
kuang kuang kuangggggg
hanniko posted on 5-12-2012 02:10 PM
me ingt yg sis punye dah sampai....tgk model pakai fit giler...saiz bsr sis agak ngam2 ngan sis ke ...
hahahhah... bukan main lg me membebel, mcm dh sampai je kan. haahha
beli pun blom sis! ni me biarkan satu window terbuka dr mlm td. nk click 'check out' ke x.
weihhhhhh.... alaaaaaaa baju yg satu lg yg sleeveless tu dh OOS.
i thot dorang boleh simpan our order.
nway, entahlaaaaaa.... i dun mind kalau fit. asal muat je. hahahha
me dh tanya the shoulder ukuran 38cm (same as my previous order)
so i guess ok kot.
kalau x ok, this is their return policy.
Revised Refund/Exchange Policy
At F.E, we believe in customer satisfaction, therefore we always strive hard to offer the best for our valued customers. We have recently revised our refund/exchange policy and below lists our new policy for each categories.
Refund: We only provide refund services for defected item, customers can choose to either refund or replace the same item.
Exchange: We do provide exchange services for issues related to size,measurement and cutting. However please note thatexchange can only be made to replace different size of the same item. We will help customer to place their wrong sized orders under our stock on hand section to try to source for new buyer, once we managed to locate the new buyer, the money will then be used to replace the same item with more desirable size. Alternatively, customers can choose to make additional payment to order the correct size while waiting for the wrong sized items to be sold. Once we managed to look for new buyer, then the money will be refunded to the customer.
Please note that defects and exchange must be reported to us via email with detailed info within 24 hours upon parcel collection according to PosLaju tracking record. For example, if the parcel is successfully delivered on 1st Jan, then defect/exchange report must be made latest by end of 2nd Jan and any report after 24 hours period will not be entertained.
iamalady posted on 5-12-2012 02:05 PM
ehhhhh mestilaaaa ada size. mcm laaa x tau me ni curvylicious...
yg me tempek tu bukan b ...
i mean teal tu... lawaaaa lah..
ajer dh jwb sis.. bole tmbh lining tp kena hati2 sbb material lace ni fragile gitu.. |
lady_sarah83 posted on 5-12-2012 02:24 PM
i mean teal tu... lawaaaa lah..
ajer dh jwb sis.. bole tmbh lining tp kena hati2 sbb material ...
a'ah, me pun dh baca td.
mencikkkkkkk yg satu lg tu dh OOS.
me suka jugak yg sleeveless tu.
iamalady posted on 5-12-2012 02:38 PM
alamakkkkk.... leleh air liur ni!!!! hahhahh
hari tu me makan kt food court kt CENTRAL SQUAR ...
masa sarah g tu amaris tgh ada discount.. so the price is
Pricing per night
1 Night: 305785.12 IDR
including bfast.. sukaaa sgt coz hotel baru kan.. serba serbi cantik n baru.... |
iamalady posted on 5-12-2012 02:13 PM
pattern taraf JM, harga taraf MUAZ.
haaaaaa itulerrrrrr me cari selama2 ni.
kuang kuang kuangggg ...
me pun xkesah harga murah, janji cantik n kualiti setaraf ngan harga
lady_sarah83 posted on 5-12-2012 02:41 PM
masa sarah g tu amaris tgh ada discount.. so the price is
Pricing per night
owh lucky uuuu... murah sgt tu!
me duduk kt progo pun rupa2nya hotel tu dh make over ek.
better ar dr dulu. dulu mcm lusuh2 je rupa dia.
dulu xda lift sekarang ada. heeeee
hanniko posted on 5-12-2012 02:47 PM
me pun xkesah harga murah, janji cantik n kualiti setaraf ngan h ...
khennnn.... dia ala2 satin. tp lembut n sejuk je.
mcm nk buat peplum, tp kalau kain pattern nampak ke ke-peplum-an dia nanti ek?
iamalady posted on 5-12-2012 02:24 PM
hahahhah... bukan main lg me membebel, mcm dh sampai je kan. haahha
beli pun blom sis! ni ...
cptla beli sis...nk nengok....
yg oos tu patern lbh krg jgk ke?cuma xde sleeve?
yg biase me buat kalo oos,me inform the owner suh inform me once the stock back
bagus kan yg ada return policy, sng sikit nk soping
erm tapi kalau size yg kita ambk is the bigger size n cannot fit mcm mana?
nk exchange dah xboleh, ada credit in store mcm Pl ke?
iamalady posted on 5-12-2012 02:52 PM
khennnn.... dia ala2 satin. tp lembut n sejuk je.
mcm nk buat peplum, tp kalau kain pattern namp ...
lembut x kainnye?
me rasa nmpk je sis wpun patern asalkan material xstiff
| |
Category: Wanita & Lelaki