ep 410 dah kuar..
tak habis2 margaret nak golden ball dia tuh..
kemunculan hancock buat kali pertama.. nampak sgt glittering kat keliling dia.. huhu.. seksi.. seksii...
aku rasa dah tak cukup kain dah.. seksi mane lagi aku tak tau la..
tapi aku tak sabar nak tgk hancock boa masa dia tunjuk tattoo dia tuh..
khas utk 18sx shj ye..
ep 410 dah kuar..
tak habis2 margaret nak golden ball dia tuh..
kemunculan hancock buat kali pertama.. nampak sgt glittering kat keliling di ...
Kia_picanto Post at 22-7-2009 10:57 PM
aku rase ani-haven ni la yg paling cpt update n hardsubbed anime2 yg tgh ongoing..kalo dr website lain tu biasenye lewat seminggu la jwbnye.. ...
outLAw Post at 10-8-2009 10:21
tq..aku pakai torrent selalunya...3 hari br leh tgk lembab x hengat
yup, ni la yg aku tunggu2. nak tau apa jadik kat diorang suma. diorang punya adventure pulak. rehat2 kan minda sebelum anime punya version utk Impel Down arc.
During a showing of the Episode of the Island of Perpetual Winter, ateaser for the tenth movie was revealed, which will be released onDecember 12, 2009 (though was originally meant for a spring release).
What is known about the film is that it is an original story by Eiichiro Oda(in honor of One Piece's Tenth Anniversary. In previous films he onlysupplied character designs and approved story ideas.) and is set afterthe Thriller Bark Arc,as Brook is shown alongside the other Straw Hats, making this his first movie appearance. Sengoku, Garp, Shanks and Whitebeard are revealed to be in the film as well.
The movie seems to focus on Nami,who looks to have gotten herself into a situation and possibly forcedto leave the Straw Hats once again to join the enemy. In this case, afigure named Kinjishiwho, judging by the room the Straw Hats busted into, may be some sortof organization leader. The movie also seem to deal with a "Crystal"ship log.
As the movie is still in development, it possible these factscould change before its released. A teaser trailer was revealed at theTokyo Animation Fair 2009, revealing the title of the movie as "StrongWorld.
Recently a new trailer for the movie has been showing givingmore insight to the movie. From what information was given, the filmshow the Straw Hats stumbling on a few floating continents not unlikeSkypeia (though these are not hidden above the clouds and not far fromthe sea) which are apparently ruled over by Kinjishi. The lands areinhabited by a many strange and exotic animals however they're underKinjishi's control. What more the Marines are trying to stop Kinjishifor some unknown reason. The Straw Hats get involved in the conflictand try to stop whatever he has planned.