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Author: AdamBillionaire

[Dunia] V6 : Lokasi terakhir MH370 di Pulau Perak, Selat Melaka.

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Post time 11-3-2014 10:57 AM | Show all posts
di KLIA, usaha mencari clue


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Post time 11-3-2014 10:57 AM | Show all posts
lavendernovella posted on 11-3-2014 10:51 AM
Susah nak carik org soleh .... yg dh terang2 soleh pon diperkotak katikan sesukahati ...

Apabila keyakinan dan pengharapan kita letakkan 100 peratus kpd Allah, pada masa itulah nusrah-Nya akan turun.

Masa kemarau melanda Mekah, Omar melakukan pelbagai cara dan persiapan utk hadapi kemarau. Bila semua usaha gagal, baru Omar teringat tentang solat istisqaq yg diajarkan oleh Rasulullah SAW dan hasilnya hujan turun dgn lebatnya setelah solat istisqaq disempurnakan.

Begitu juga masa Siti Hajar ulang alik sebanyak 7 kali di antara safa dan marwah, pengharapannya disandarkan kepada musafir yg mungkin lalu lalang di situ tampil dan mberikan pertolongan. Setelah berputus harap baru Siti Hajar menyandarkan pengharapannya kpd Allah Taala dan hasilnya terpancar air zamzam hingga ke ke hari ini

Kata Kept Nurudin, apa yg berlaku hari ini ialah Allah sedang memperbodoh2kan manusia yg mendakwa diri mereka hebat.
Punya peralatan canggih, punya kepakaran hebat tapi semua itu masih tak mampu menandingi kehebatan Allah swt. Manusia berada di dlm kebuntuan. Manusia sebenarnya dihijab. Merayulah kepada-Nya agar hijab itu terbuka.

Moral of the stories...
Manusia meletakkan keyakinan kpd makhluk melebihi dr keyakinan kpd Pencipta makhluk tersebut. Sekarang ini masanya utk perbetulkan keyakinan.(iman). Allah yg datangkan masalah, Allah juga yg menyelesaikan masalah. Gunalah kepakaran yg terhebat sekali pun, gunalah peralatan yg tercanggih dlm dunia sekali pun... itu ikhtiar TAPI keyakinan itu MESTI pada Allah SWT. Letakkan pengharapan dan keyakinan itu kpd Allah seratus peratus bukan makhluk.

Mengajar manusia esp org Islam jgn taksub pada teknologi/sains
Mengeratkan silaturrahim dan kasih sayang sesama manusia tanpa mengira agama, bangsa dan negara.


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Post time 11-3-2014 10:57 AM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 11-3-2014 10:55 AM
Tu pun kalau pakai spenda

itu nasib aaa... kena raba lg...

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Post time 11-3-2014 10:57 AM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 11-3-2014 10:54 AM
Yg I tau mmg Brunei selalu buat mcm tu dr segi wang...dia tak perlu nak publicise untuk ambik hati ...

betul..selalu bantuan brunei adalah berbentuk wang kalau nak bantu msia..mcm hire ustaz dr mesir jd imam di masjid2 di bersedekah dan menghulur bantuan yg sngt humble.ibarat baling batu sorok tangan..sapa taktau..

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Post time 11-3-2014 10:57 AM | Show all posts
magnus posted on 11-3-2014 10:53 AM
Sebijik mcm fringe teorinya..
hmmmm siapakah ai di universe sana..siapakah yu? saintis tu  ...

kalau ikut fringe tu apa yg masuk ke dunia lain akan ada perpindahan mass yang sama jugak ke dunia satu lagi. ada banyak perkara misteri dlm dunia kan. ini salah satu darinya. katakan mh370 termasuk ke sana. mungkin terapung antara dunia atau dah masuk ke dunia sana. samada akan keluar balik kita x tau


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Post time 11-3-2014 10:58 AM | Show all posts
peachRose posted on 11-3-2014 10:45 AM
uols tak nk kutuk dubai imi skali ker?
kn 2 org tu dtg dari flight sana...
mana aci kutuk imi m' ...

kalau tak silap dari Doha kan tapi sorang saja

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Post time 11-3-2014 10:58 AM | Show all posts
sumber: Wall street journal


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Post time 11-3-2014 10:58 AM | Show all posts
Blueberri posted on 11-3-2014 10:52 AM
Aku pernah naik MAS pg Alor setar, dah jalan dah..tiba2 berhenti pas tuh ada announcement ada masala ...

Sbb tu masa take off penting untuk pilot alert dgn semua tu...Quality Assurance MAS tentu ada banyak cerita sbb investigation benda mcm ni diaorag yg buat.

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Post time 11-3-2014 10:58 AM | Show all posts
dino posted on 11-3-2014 10:53 AM
suruh bukak tali pingang pun menyampah dah....londeh nmpk spenda...

KLIA mmang kna bukak.. klu LCCt kdang2 jah walhal polis yg sama

cuak bc spekulasi2 neh..

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Post time 11-3-2014 10:58 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
adelea posted on 11-3-2014 10:54 AM
Mommy ...saya plak .. malam tadi mimpi kapal landed dlm hutan .. tak  crash cuma salah landing and ...

Betul kot kene sorok dlm belantara.  Maybe kat vietnam kot? Or kepulauan filipina? Teori seposen ku

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Post time 11-3-2014 10:59 AM | Show all posts
magnus posted on 11-3-2014 10:56 AM
Bagusnya yu ni..update sumer benda like..:-)

Benda nie kt twitter ... Dari post xberfaedah

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Post time 11-3-2014 10:59 AM | Show all posts
Manusia tu sama... dtg dr nabi adam dan siti hawa, dna pon sama.. (x termasuk org yg percaya teori darwin)
Darah same merah , kentut same busuk ...

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Post time 11-3-2014 10:59 AM | Show all posts
Knights posted on 11-3-2014 10:53 AM
moderator tak boleh ke ban tulisan yang provokasi melampau .
sebab racism...
kalau dah racist siki ...

Aku rase dia mmg moderator punye feveret kat porem CI...

why I said this....

Dah byk kali dia menghina, mengutuk org smpai ke makanan yg org makan...... nothing pon mod kat sini buat..

Tunggu la sampai thread yg poremer bukak jadi tunggang langgang akibat perbuatan dia baru Mod datang to the rescue....

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Post time 11-3-2014 10:59 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 11-3-2014 10:59 AM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 11-3-2014 10:54 AM
Yg I tau mmg Brunei selalu buat mcm tu dr segi wang...dia tak perlu nak publicise untuk ambik hati ...

thanks sbb clear kan benda ni... itu la firasat aku  mengatakan brunei ni bg bantuan kewangan tapi senyap2... mungkin la.. oo derang takde tentera ye? baru ku tau..hihi

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Post time 11-3-2014 10:59 AM | Show all posts
Immigration chief admits to weaknesses at KLIA
MARCH 11, 2014

A police officer stands guard next to security regulation signage at the departure hall of the Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang on March 10, 2014. — AFP pic
PUTRAJAYA, March 11 — The Immigration Department has come under fire after two men were found to have boarded flight MH370 with stolen passports.

Department director-general Aloyah Mamat admitted there were flaws in the security system, and that continuous checks and improvements were made to ensure these were not exploited.

“Flaws exist even in the best security systems, even ours.

“That is why security checks and internal audits are conducted consistently to test the health and integrity of systems such as that at KLIA.

“KLIA security measures and procedures pass international standards and regulations, but dubious parties will always try to search for weaknesses and exploit them,” said Aloyah.

“For obvious reasons, we cannot reveal our security measures to ensure their integrity.

“However, known measures in immigration such as biometric scans, metal detectors and 24-hour closed circuit TV monitoring are backed up by experienced officers on the ground.

“Throughout the years, all related national security agencies have worked together to create a proficient and constantly updated security web at KLIA,” she said.

Aloyah also said all immigration officers underwent thorough training and extensive screening before being hired.

“They are expected to be perceptive, informative and up-to-date on current immigration security issues, cases of security breaches and their counter-measures.”

Aloyah said all possible scenarios were being investigated with an internal probe under way to re-assess whether security measures were up to par.

“Security checks are heavily supervised and my officers act according to security regulations.

“I am personally heading an internal investigation to assess immigration security at KLIA, as well as liaising with related agencies on the issue.

‘‘Nothing is confirmed yet because we are still investigating.”

Questions were raised after Interpol confirmed that two passports — one belonging to Austrian Christian Kozel and the other to Italian Luigi Maraldi — were recorded in its Stolen and Lost Travel Documents (SLTD) database but used by two passengers who had boarded MH370.

Interpol is also conducting checks on all other passports used to board MH370.

At KLIA, two MAS passengers confirmed there had been no apparent effort to beef up security following the disappearance of MH370.

One passenger boarding a flight to Thailand, and who declined to be named, said: “Security is as per normal, no panic, nothing seems amiss.”

Jasbinder Singh Dhillon, a MAS passenger en route to New Delhi, India, said: “The security at KLIA was as any other day.

“There was no sign of heightened security measures.

“The immigration officers seemed relaxed and there was no increase in personnel either, which is surprising considering the magnitude of the incident.”


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Post time 11-3-2014 10:59 AM | Show all posts
cmf_herrhughie posted on 11-3-2014 10:57 AM
di KLIA, usaha mencari clue

Mamat tu pun layan?

tak paham aku.

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Post time 11-3-2014 10:59 AM | Show all posts
CauPandin posted on 11-3-2014 10:12 AM
klu dh meletop katanya blackbox akan active kan??

dgr kata camtu la...

mula2 yg turn on scr automatik - emergency locator beacon ELT

They will have an Emergency Locator Beacon (ELT) that will auto turn on when crash happens, it may have been destroyed, and its range isnt that far (bout 5 miles i think). The Cockpit Voice Recorder and Flight Data Recorder (Black Boxes) have locator beacons as well but they are even weaker and they wont get it from the air, they will have to be searching in a boat right over it.


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Post time 11-3-2014 10:59 AM | Show all posts
me pon termimpi2...mlm td mimpi kapal dlm hutan...semua selamat...ya Allah...hidupku diselubungi MH370

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Post time 11-3-2014 11:00 AM | Show all posts
mod xde nak ban ke org2 yg provokasi2 dlm benang..meluat sungguh tengok..keyboard warrior hapenye, more like cowards with fancy nicknames

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