The date was 23 November 2009 and Gallagher was one of thousands of NHS staff vaccinated with Pandemrix, a vaccine made by pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK).
Eight years later, her career in the NHS is a memory and she’s living with incurable, debilitating narcolepsy and suffers from cataplexy, a sudden, uncontrollable loss of muscle tone that can cause her to collapse without warning. Because of her condition, she can no longer work or drive.
**kes vaccines tahun 2009..2018 br ada journalist tulis article about it..all in, It takes 9yrs to see the side effects
**kes skrg siap ada alien element bagai.. Xmustahil Zombie Apocalypse jd kenyataan mcm cite contagion
jangan pikir mcm tu, akak pun jahil, tapi ok je jumpa Pak Su Mid, ngan alhamdulillah setiap kali pergi tak ada org atau org tu dah nak balik.Yg best dia akan ckp straight fwd je, mcm kena seketoi gitew hihihi
Post time 25-12-2020 10:04 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Edited by Normabaru at 25-12-2020 10:31 AM
Logic juga soalan2 dan query yang diutarakan psl isu covid
Lihat minit 22 ke atas
Ni sambungan.. In case nk tgk part 2
Semalam tgk berita.. Dr. Zul as menteri agama buat majlis tausiyah utk panggil semua influential ustaz utk seragamkan fatwa terima vaksin. Xpernah2 ada majlis gini..
Nampak agk janggal bila Dr. Zul gigih menyeru semua ustaz ni utk stand dgn fatwa harus/wajib amik khilaf kekdahnya...siap highlight pendakwah kena bantu kerajaan YAKINKAN RAKYAT Lihat min 9.45