ala cian nye dia rindu mak.. ni mesti tdo bwh ketiak mak kan hehe |
1162# anonymous5050
maknenye lbh rapat ngan ayah la ni |
anonymous5050 Post at 8-2-2010 13:36 
harap tak berjangkit  |
1165# anonymous5050
tadi tam nak explain...tp biar kacut je laa jawabkan  |
1164# tajul186
pesal nak jangkit lak? 
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
awasi gelombang kedua H1N1 |
kalo lagu drama2 tu mmg me pun ske hehehe....
agak2 ko, bahaya tak kalo me add dak tajul ni.. kang dia tergoda ngan akak kang payah wakakaka gurau aje... nanti me add ler.. ntah apa lak e-mail dak tuh.. |
1176# kurga
kur......................ape yg anda nk ckp sbnrnye??????  |
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan