All about Cats: Newspaper cuttings, video, photos, blog, etc.
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nape x neuter je.. x de la beranak pinak...
kesian kat dia.. kesian gak kat kucing kalau dah terlalu ramai.. |
Utusan malaysia
Lelaki terbabit kemalangan cedera digigit kucing batu
[email protected]
Kucing batu yang dipercayai mencakar Muhammad Zaki Mahat berjaya ditangkap anggota bomba yang tiba di tempat kemalangan, malam semalam.
KOTA TINGGI 18 Jan. - Tidak pernah terlintas di fikiran Muhammad Zaki Mahat bahawa dia akan terbabit dalam kemalangan sehingga mengalami kecederaan yang serius di muka, malam tadi.
Apa yang lebih menghantui duda anak dua itu sehingga kini, kemalangan itu berlaku apabila keretanya terbabas lalu terbalik sebelum menghempap seekor haiwan yang dipercayai kucing batu yang sedang melintas jalan.
Kucing batu atau nama saintifiknya, 'Prionailurus bengalensis' adalah sejenis haiwan mamalia liar yang diancam kepupusan di negara ini, berikutan aktiviti pembalakan dan pembersihan hutan.
Kucing liar itu yang tersepit di bawah kereta Muhammad Zaki, bertindak mencakar dan menggigit muka mangsa yang terperangkap dalam keretanya.
Kemalangan berlaku berhampiran kilang kelapa sawit Teluk Sengat di Jalan Kota Tinggi-Teluk Sengat dekat sini, kira-kira pukul 8.30 malam tadi.
Muhammad Zaki menerima sebanyak 15 jahitan, berikutan kecederaan yang dialaminya di muka.
Ketika kejadian, mangsa yang berusia 23 tahun sedang memandu seorang diri dari Felda Air Tawar 2 ke Kampung Teluk Sengat untuk menghadiri majlis tahlil arwah bapa tunangnya.
Utusan Malaysia difahamkan, mangsa bekerja sebagai tukang masak bot pelancong di Tanjung Gemuk, Mersing dan ketika kejadian, dia cuba mengelak daripada melanggar kucing tersebut yang tiba-tiba muncul di tengah jalan raya.
Terkejut dengan kemunculan tiba-tiba haiwan itu, dia gagal mengawal kenderaannya lalu terbabas sebelum terbalik menyebabkan bahagian pintu di sebelah pemandu menghempap haiwan berkenaan.
Ketika itulah, mangsa dicakar dan digigit oleh haiwan liar tersebut dalam usahanya untuk melepaskan diri.
Sementara itu, Pegawai Kanan Operasi Bomba dan Penyelamat Kota Tinggi, Mohd. Kamal Abdullah memberitahu, beliau dan sembilan orang anggotanya berkejar ke tempat kejadian pukul 8.40 malam sebaik sahaja dimaklumkan mengenai kejadian itu.
Sejurus tiba di tempat kejadian, katanya, mangsa telah dikeluarkan oleh orang ramai dan dibawa ke Hospital Kota Tinggi.
"Haiwan itu masih tersepit di bawah pintu kereta. Walaupun kelihatan agak ganas kerana dalam kesakitan, kami berjaya mengeluarkannya menggunakan kaedah menjerut.
"Ia kemudian diserahkan kepada Jabatan Perlindungan Hidupan Liar dan Taman Negara (Perhilitan) untuk tindakan selanjutnya," katanya.
Dalam pada itu, jurucakap Perhilitan Bandar Penawar/Kota Tinggi ketika dihubungi hari ini mengesahkan pihaknya menerima laporan berhubung kejadian itu.
Menurutnya, jabatan itu belum dapat mengesahkan spesies sebenar haiwan terbabit yang dikatakan sedikit besar berbanding seekor kucing biasa. |
Post Last Edit by boocik04 at 20-1-2010 10:14
Utusan malaysia
Lelaki terbabit kemalangan cedera digigit kucing batu
Utusan malaysia
Lelaki terbabit kemalangan cedera digigit kucing batu
KOTA TINGGI 18 Jan. - Tidak pernah terlintas di fikiran Muhammad Zaki Mahat bahawa dia akan terbabit dalam kemalangan sehingga mengalami kecederaan yang serius di muka, malam tadi.
Apa yang lebih menghantui duda anak dua itu sehingga kini, kemalangan itu berlaku apabila keretanya terbabas lalu terbalik sebelum menghempap seekor haiwan yang dipercayai kucing batu yang sedang melintas jalan.
Kucing batu atau nama saintifiknya, 'Prionailurus bengalensis' adalah sejenis haiwan mamalia liar yang diancam kepupusan di negara ini, berikutan aktiviti pembalakan dan pembersihan hutan.
Kucing liar itu yang tersepit di bawah kereta Muhammad Zaki, bertindak mencakar dan menggigit muka mangsa yang terperangkap dalam keretanya.
ini la akibatnya bila hutan dah diterokai manusia... haiwan liar dah takde tempat nak lari.
macam rumah kita dimasuk orang sesuka hati, pastu mengaku rumah diorang... kita nak lari ke mana?
hu hu hu... |
adeiiiii gantengggggggggggg.... |
Paper Cuttings: All about Cats
Post Last Edit by boocik04 at 4-2-2010 10:14
Post Last Edit by pocongkiutss at 4-2-2010 01:41
The footsteps down the corridor of the Steere House Nursing AndRehabilitation Centre are light but purposeful as Oscar makes hisway towards the end of the hallway and stops outside room 310.
The door is pulled firmly shut and, untroubled, he sits downoutside it, and waits some 25 minutes until a nurse's aide appears,her arms full of dirty linen.
"Ah, Oscar," she smiles, and with a nod, almost as if she wereexpecting him, allows him to pass into the room where a frailelderly lady, her body ravaged by cancer, is sleeping fitfully.Oscar sniffs ostentatiously around, resists the blandishments ofthe relatives gathered round the bedside, struts out and continueson his round. For the lady in room 310, the time has not yetcome.
Oscar was raised in the nursing home
The patient in the next room into which Oscar pokes hisgrey-and-white head is not so lucky. This time, Oscar weighs thesituation carefully, then leaps on to the bed and curls up besidethe woman lying in it.
A few moments later he is spotted, snuggled up there, by apassing nurse who immediately raises the alarm, not kick-starting asecurity alert to rid the ward of an unwanted intruder but afrenetic flurry of activity as medical records are fetched, apriest is called, and relatives are alerted to the likelihood ofthe patient's imminent demise.
Because Oscar, as everyone in this nursing home is agreed, hasspecial powers - more even than the doctors and palliative carespecialists who come to tend to the terminally ill here.
For like a harbinger of bad news, Oscar is able to discern theexact moment at which the angel of death comes to stand at theirbedside. It is an unusual skill, certainly. All the more so becauseOscar is just a cat.
The fluffy, two-year-old, grey and white brindled pet wasadopted by the dementia unit at the home in Rhode Island and namedby its residents after a famous American hot dog brand. |
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Oscar curls up next to patients who have just a few hours tolive
Yet his skills of divination are beyond question - and have evenbeen the subject of an article in as august a publication as theNew England Journal Of Medicine. To date he has predicted thedeaths of 25 patients, and done so with such accuracy that he hascompletely won the trust of even the initially incredulous medicalstaff.
"This cat really seems to know when patients are about to die,"says Dr David Dosa, a geriatrician at Rhode Island hospital whoalso attends patients at Steere House.
"We started to see something was happening about 18 months agoand at first I think we were all very sceptical. But it's not anunusual occurrence for patients to die here, so we've had plenty ofopportunities to witness and observe the phenomenon."
The first signals come as early as two days beforehand, whenOscar leaves his usual favourite solitary spots under a doctor'sdesk or sunbathing in the windows of an empty office and beginsdoing his rounds, padding round the corridors of the unit, visitingpatients but never lingering.
"When somebody's not ready to die, he leaves," says Dr Dosa. "Hedoesn't settle in their room until the day they die. Sometimes itcan be as much as four hours beforehand, but he's universallythere, curled up on their bed, two hours before they take theirlast breath."
Oscar was just a kitten, a small, stray bundle of fur, when hearrived at the home in July 2005, and since then he has not failedto spot a single death. On occasions, his skills have been sorelytested, for example when a visiting palliative care expert, Dr JoanTeno of Brown University, noticed that a patient seemed to berunning out of time.
"I think it was around the 13th patient," she says. "Theirbreathing had changed, and their extremities were cooling. We'dalready noticed Oscar seemed to have form in predicting whensomeone was about to die so I asked if he'd been in. Mary the nursesaid, 'No' and I said, 'Oh, let's put him in there and let him keephis streak going.'
"So we did. Oscar went in, sniffed around - and promptly leftthe room. The next morning I asked how things had gone overnightand was told the patient had died at 2.30am - about ten hours afterI'd predicted. And Oscar had gone back into the room, and stayedthere, two hours beforehand. So he's obviously a betterprognosticator than I am."
As far as those who work there are aware, there is only onedeath at which Oscar has not been present - and that wasn't becausehe didn't notice it, but because relatives of the patient asked forhim to be removed from the room. |
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Oscar has predicted 25 cases
Standing outside, Oscar began such a noisy commotion of frenziedcaterwauling, miaowing and scratching at the door that he had to beremoved from the unit. Clearly, he wanted to be in the room and wasnot happy about being told he had to stay away.
His insistence was all the more peculiar because although Oscarpurrs contentedly as he nestles close to those who have just hoursto live, he normally prefers to stay aloof from human company.
As Dosa puts it, "Oscar is not usually particularly friendly. Heactually doesn't like spending time with either patients or staff.Sure, you can usually bribe him with some food if you want to, butthat's about it."
So what draws him so strongly towards those who are nearing thevery end of their lives?
"That's actually the most puzzling part of it," observes DanielMills, a specialist in veterinary behavioural medicine at LincolnUniversity. He believes the idea that a cat, or indeed anotheranimal, might be able to intuitively sense the proximity of deathis not nearly as fanciful as it seems.
"Animals are particularly sensitive to a whole range of cues ofwhich we are not always aware and can pick up on minute chemicalchanges," he explains. "For example, you can train a dog to predictan epilepsy fit in a patient before they even sense it themselves,or even detect cancer, so it seems reasonable to suppose you mightbe able to train a cat to detect that a person was terminally ill,particularly as they have such a good sense of smell.
"The challenge is that it's hard to see what the cat might getout of it. After all, the person they've gone to sit with dies - sowhy should it engage in that sort of behaviour?"
He postulates that one 'admittedly far-fetched' reason might bethat metabolism changes shortly before a person dies, "and oftenthe body makes a last-ditch surge. So perhaps they get a littlewarmer, and the cat seeks them out because of that. It would bevery interesting, macabre though it sounds, to see video footage ofthis happening, to get a better insight."
Others have also speculated that the cat might be responding tophysical signals - subtle changes in smells and hormones - notfully understood by humans but detectable to the whiskery felinenose.
Laurie Cabot, the 'official witch' of Salem, Massachusetts,where the infamous 17th century witchcraft trials were held, hasanother theory.
In her view, Oscar is acting as a 'familiar' - the term witchesof old used to refer to the cats who were their constant companions- which means that he is in psychic communication with the patientshe visits.
"He knows they are going to die because he is picking up ontheir brainwaves," says Cabot, a descendant of a family thatarrived in America on the Mayflower with the Pilgrims. "Science hasfound that the brainwaves of cats never go into Beta mode, they arealways in Alpha. And it is in the Alpha range that all psychicthings happen.
"This little cat Oscar knows all the patients in the unit and heis trying to help them, just like the cats that I've always keptwill curl up on my chest and try to heal me if I feel upset or amill. In this case, though, Oscar is not trying to heal, he isclearly trying to help these people walk over into the otherworld."
Cabot might find further support for her theory in the fact thatOscar does not leave the patient after they have died, preferringto stay with the body until the undertaker arrives. Then those whohave cared for the patient escort the corpse out in a procession tohonour the patient. Oscar, because he lives in the locked dementiaunit, is not allowed off the premises, but he always walks with thefunereal procession to the door, and watches as it leaves.
Dr Teno shares Cabot's idea that Oscar is a compassionate cat,but she prefers a slightly more prosaic explanation for the way hebehaves.
"He's not a bad omen," she says, "He comforts the dying patients- and what's striking is that, in a centre that offers a realgold-standard in end-of-life treatment, Oscar seems to be mimickingthe behaviour of those who work there. He makes the room feel likemore of a homely setting, and has become part of the soothingritual."
Certanly, some relatives of those who have had the 'Oscarexperience', feel his contribution was positive. "Oscar's presencegave a sense of completion and contentment," says Jack McCulloughof East Providence, whose mother and aunt both died at Steere.
"What could be more peaceful than a purring cat? And what soundmore beautiful to fill one's ears when leaving life? He brought aspecial serenity to the room."
Not everyone might agree; but although Oscar is the only one ofthe home's six cats to behave in this way, he might not beunique.
Since his story began to hit the American papers, his nursinghome has received dozens of e-mails and letters from people allover the world who say they know a cat that appears to have similarpowers.
And as long as Oscar continues to predict, rather than to curse,there can surely be no harm in it.
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bior bonar kucen ni kan |
cantiknye kucing
gebu mcm kucing aku! |
haiwan kan mmg bleh nampak benda2 ghaib
tak hairan la kalau dia bleh nampak malaikat maut tu
cara dia 'teman' org yg nak meninggal tu so touching la plak...
sampai undertaker datang baru dia blah... |
cantiknye kucing
gebu mcm kucing aku!
fariepari Post at 4-2-2010 08:00
ak ah kannn..gerammmm
rase mcm nk penyek2 kan jeee
tomeii |
haiwan kan mmg bleh nampak benda2 ghaib
tak hairan la kalau dia bleh nampak malaikat maut tu
cara dia 'teman' org yg nak meninggal tu so touching la plak...
sampai undertaker datang baru dia blah.. ...
fariepari Post at 4-2-2010 08:03
tulah kan |
Post Last Edit by boocik04 at 4-2-2010 10:16
79# pocongkiutss
merged. please check existing post before creating a new thread. |
86# boocik04
xtau le pulak..sbb bkn amik dr newspaper
sori |
wowwww.. kebolehan yg sgt menakjubkan!!!hmy3:
stray cat eh? gemuk cam bertuan.. dia stay kat spital ke? |
humang aiiiii...gomoknye kucing ni, wat bantal polok sodap nie.
Bersih, bulu cantik, sihat walafiat...apakah rahsianye ekkkk...??? |
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