tapi sampai bila antonia tak nak beritahu husband nya. i am sure orang nya understanding. now kalau tipu lagi susah when he finds out the truth. |
Originally posted by marissa_jc at 27-11-2006 05:40 PM
tapi sampai bila antonia tak nak beritahu husband nya. i am sure orang nya understanding. now kalau tipu lagi susah when he finds out the truth.
antonia mmg mati2 tak nak kasi tau emilio... sebelom ni kan dia pernah cakap kat emilio why not ambik anak angkat sebelum tunggu dia ngandung... tapi emilio cakap wat apa ambik anak angkat... dia anak kandung sendiri... jadi tu yg wat antonio lagi takut... |
ya baru marissa ingat. emilio memang happy bila dia cakap macam tu pada antonia. no wonder lah antonia doing like this. |
Reply #1184 Eddlisa_uyuk's post
waweeee..cekcinye..nampak susu ..:lol
[ Last edited by amoy257 at 28-11-2006 09:45 AM ] |
Originally posted by marissa_jc at 27-11-2006 06:34 PM
ya baru marissa ingat. emilio memang happy bila dia cakap macam tu pada antonia. no wonder lah antonia doing like this.
dia tu sebenarnye desperate sangat dan stress sebab emilio nak anak dari darah daging dia..tu yang dia terpaksa buat camtu.. |
Reply #1178 rosabella's post
amboi mak cik vicky..kaki..kemain lagi no..:lol |
Originally posted by amoy257 at 28-11-2006 09:45 AM
dia tu sebenarnye desperate sangat dan stress sebab emilio nak anak dari darah daging dia..tu yang dia terpaksa buat camtu..
yelah tapi cam lelebih lak... cara dia cakap dia ngandung kat emilio, kat mak dia & fatima cam over giler... cam org giler pon ada gak:gila:.... |
Originally posted by rosabella at 28-11-2006 10:07 AM
yelah tapi cam lelebih lak... cara dia cakap dia ngandung kat emilio, kat mak dia & fatima cam over giler... cam org giler pon ada gak:gila:....
:setuju: tu la..menipu diri sendiri dan org kampung :lol |
diego pon satu hal gak... ntah apa2... sian lak sole... hopefully 1 day diego akan sedar permata di depan mata dia... beatriz... beatriz tu makan hati jee ler... janji dia dapat gak diego sket... |
Originally posted by amoy257 at 28-11-2006 09:46 AM
amboi mak cik vicky..kaki..kemain lagi no..:lol
lisa suka tgk warna rambutnya tuh......... |
akhir nya don't know lah whether will they be able to accept the truth on who is the mother of the baby ...
apa khabar makcik vicky? still trying to find out who is the husband gf ke?  |
Originally posted by marissa_jc at 28-11-2006 10:30 AM
akhir nya don't know lah whether will they be able to accept the truth on who is the mother of the baby ...
apa khabar makcik vicky? still trying to find out who is the husband gf ke?
ending semalam hot giler... mesti vicky mengamuk & sole pon mengamuk (tapi sole mengamuk dlm hati ler)... abis ler miguel:geram: |
Reply #1193 rosabella's post
oh no ... apa lah yg miguel did now? habis ke dia hari ni? :hmm: how lah to explain to 2 different woman in his life ..... |
Originally posted by rosabella at 28-11-2006 10:33 AM
ending semalam hot giler... mesti vicky mengamuk & sole pon mengamuk (tapi sole mengamuk dlm hati ler)... abis ler miguel:geram:
ramai gak peminat miguel tu..:lol |
Reply #1195 rosabella's post
walau macam mana pose yg dia buat..tetap tak cantik le..package tak lengkap langsung..body boleh tahan gak..:hmm: |
Reply #1185 amoy257's post
lepas baca apa amoy posting baru perasan what maksud amoy. mak ooi ... exposing betul ... tak sangka ... |
Originally posted by marissa_jc at 28-11-2006 11:53 AM
oh no ... apa lah yg miguel did now? habis ke dia hari ni? :hmm: how lah to explain to 2 different woman in his life .....
yg pasti vickt musti takkan suspek sole:clap: |
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