higuain plak maybe out for 3-4 months...per laa nasib
jpl_fan Post at 3-12-2010 00:25 
higuain injured balik? bukn ari tu kate da cergas ke?
aku minat jugak real madrid ni.tp bukan peminat tegar.makin merosot pulak minat ni.
rindu zaman memula aku minat real madrid. |
higuain injured balik? bukn ari tu kate da cergas ke?
aku minat jugak real madrid ...
mzitdy Post at 3-12-2010 00:54 
ko minat sejak biler....alaa tak yah laa kureng minat...dah laa peminat real kat sini ciput jer... |
Reply 1244# jpl_fan
time era hierro,redondo,raul..minat jugak skrg ni tp xmcm dulu la setiap match nk tgk.kekangan masa.  |
emosi terlebih  |
emosi terlebih
jAck666 Post at 3-12-2010 18:04 
per nak wat...terpengaruh dr ko |
real madrid yg dah surrender kat barca
ko tak yah surrender....tp best gak argue2 mcm ...
jpl_fan Post at 3-12-2010 01:18 
ler..takkan da putus harap?
lek lu..baru 2 points adrift..mourinho does not make the same mistake twice.. |
aku minat RM sejak zaman hugo sanchez lagik...!!! asal gol jek spin abis...... |
 ..lwn ngan 10 0rg ke..ngan 9 org ke janji menang..takde la dah kalah ..kalah lg kan..kang ade lak yg kate "ngan valencia pun leh kalah ke?..tak pun lwn ngan 10 org pun takleh score ke"..ishhh...gud job oezil..hala madrid!! |
Ronaldo increasingly isolated inside Real Madrid locker room
Cristiano Ronaldo is becoming increasingly isolated inside the Real Madrid locker room.
Sport says Ronaldo's brash personality has not gone down well with senior teammates.
Ronaldo only mixes with fellow Portuguese Pepe and Ricardo Carvalho, along with Brazilian Marcelo. But he does not see eye-to-eye with Real's Spanish heayweights, Iker Casillas, Xabi Alonso, Sergio Ramos and Alvaro Arbeloa.
It's claimed the senior leadership group believe Ronaldo is not a team player and only out to rescue his own image, which took a battering at Barcelona last week.
Real Madrid president Florentino Perez, meanwhile, could pour further fuel on the fire with claims he wants to replace Casillas with Ronaldo as club captain. |
lor...aku ingat ko akan citer pasal valencia kalah..skali citer pasal mkk daa |
benzema hatrik..sblm ni dia xdpt byk peluang sbb bg higuin main  |
higuain dah injed...out for 1 month...so ader laa harapan benzema main regular....tp tak leh wat conclusion cpt sgt...pg td lawan auxerre jer pun...bukan barcelona |
giler laa game pg td...referee banggang giler..linesman tak reti nak tgk org offside kot...baper kali daa ozil caught offside....sedangkan dia tak offside pun....referee plak bg yellow card for real madrid's players mcm bg gula2 kat bdk2 jer...carvalho red card...head clashing pun kasi yellow daa..mcm laa si carvalho sengaja...
goal scored by angel di maria....dia nie bakal menjadi cr version 2 daa..overacting walaupun kena sepak or tampar sikit...tp goal dia mmg superb
absence of marcelo....xabi alonso and higuain mmg bg effect giler kat real madrid..khedira mcm tak tentu arah biler xabi tak de...ringkaskan citer pepe for me motm...
p/s : aku dah bersabar tgk benzema..mmg tak leh tlg real kalo higuain tak der...kalo ader maner2 club nak beli benz, mmg dipersilakan sgt... |
aku sorg saja ke yg rasa higuain ni tak la hebat mana..
tarap2 inzagay je... |
utk aku gaya dia ala2 raul tp kureng dr raul...dia selalu ader kat right spot at the right time |
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