melati_kesuma posted on 18-3-2014 06:49 AM 
Mlm tadi mel tidur kul 4 pagi semata2 sbb mel tengok dream high...heheh..nak stop alih kejap lah leh ...
amboii mel...jgn tertdo masa wat lecture sudahhh mel 
jpbstarlife posted on 18-3-2014 08:53 AM 
This guy looks pretty young for his age, too, considering he's only one year younger tha ...
mmg KSH ni nmpk mude kann..nnt kalo lps masuk military..confirm nmpk matang
news: KSH dgn LMH dapat penangguhan masuk army setahun...tahun depan baru tata kat seme org. heee...
From @ayronics tumblr:
[News]Kim Soo Hyun and Lee Min Ho received approval for deferment of enlistment to army for one year.
cr: curi dari soompi |
inaniloquent posted on 17-3-2014 08:04 PM 
pe yg kikiki tu lio...........wat2 malu pulak
sape yg bertenggek lama kt sini tu kire madu l ...
tu la ina. baru perasan asek kite2 je tenggek kat umah sini ngn sana...hahaha!
Lee Hyun Woo congrats Kim Soo Hyun for his success, reveals their close friendship

Lee Hyun Woo was in ShangHai over the weekend for his fanmeet. During the press conference, Lee Min Woo was asked if he and Kim Soo Hyun are in contact with each other since they are under the same agency.
To this, Lee Min Ho expressed “Kim Soo Hyun really likes to play bowling, we often go exercise together and Kim Soo Hyun is the one who taught me bowling”.
As when asked about Kim Soo Hyun’s current high popularity in China, being a good friend, Lee Hyun Woo expressed “I’m really happy for him, I have congratulated him. Haha, I hope both of us will be increasingly popular in China!”.
Mamat ni mmg suka main bowling tp mase main bowling yogurt kt rm x menang plak ritu. Padahal die sampai dulu |
cess posted on 18-3-2014 10:02 AM 
morning ayu
morning cess..
wah....bergaya oppa
beriyee dok gigit makan 
melati_kesuma posted on 17-3-2014 08:33 PM 
oppa tu ksh lah heheh..ye ke...mel minat running man hehe...dr situ mel kenal oppa sbb 2 kali dia ...
ooo haah ade 2x dia jadi guest RM kan...lupe plak yg tu. maaf iols ni kadang2 blur
cess posted on 18-3-2014 10:03 AM 
kihkih...ni yg syg kat oppa nih...
beriyeee nk bacakan nota nih
sure le oppa bacakan note yg kita bagi tu cess...
cess posted on 18-3-2014 10:03 AM 
cess pon tak pandai wat kek
selalu oppa yg wat kan
ohh cess pun tk reti baking yer...
ayushuhada04 posted on 18-3-2014 10:22 AM 
ohh cess pun tk reti baking yer...
hahaha x reti ayu...maluu 
cess posted on 18-3-2014 10:11 AM 
dah laling...pastu @ayushuhada04 siap anto lagi link..terusss gembireee ati nihh tgk mlm td ...
sharing is caring kan cess....
klu ada yg update kat twiter...ayu mmg share jer dgn cess
cess posted on 18-3-2014 10:19 AM 
ada jgk tak nak salam oppa kann...hahah tp oppa ni pandai control
rugi2...kalu aku dah lame salam genggam dua tangan. huuuuu
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