patut lah dpt nengok VC. actually ada org buat challenge buat VC pasal Book 7 ni. mostly pasal Lily/Snape atau the fallen heroes. tapi fallen heroes ni mostly dia org pilih which one.
twin suka VC Lily/Snape ni ada dua..satu lagi guna lagu My Chemical Romance...twin tak ingat tajuk dia..yg twin ingat lirik dia "Never coming home". anyway still tak leh challenge VC lily/sna[e yg twin tepek kat sini. btw..citer tu guna dua lagu
"The Wheat"- Gladiator Soundtrack
"My Skin"- Natalie Merchant
Ni lirik dr lagu My Skin
Take a look at my body,
look at my hands
there's so much here that I don't understand
Your face saving promises,
whispered like prayers
I don't need them.
Cuz I've been treated so wrong
I've been treated so long as if I'm becoming untouchable...
Well, contempt loves the silence
it thrives in the dark,
the fine winding tendrils that strangle the heart
They say that promises sweeten the blow
but I don't need them... no I don't need them.
I've been treated so wrong,
I've been treated so long as if I'm becoming untouchable
I'm a slow dying flower
in the frost killing hour
sweet turning sour
& untouchable.
ooh I need
the darkness,
the sweetness,
the sadness,
the weakness,
ooh I need this.
Need a lullabye,
a kiss goodnight,
angel, sweet love of my life
ooh I need this
I'm a slow dying flower
frost killing hour
the sweet turning sour
& untouchable
Do you remember the way that you touched me before,
all the trembling sweetness
I loved and adored...
Your face saving promises
whispered like prayers.
I don't need them.
I need the darkness,
the sweetness,
the sadness,
the weakness,
ooh I need this.
I need a lullabye
a kiss goodnight,
angel, sweet love of my life
ooh I need this
Well, is it dark enough,
can you see me?
do you want me?
can you reach me?
or I'm leaving...
you better shut your mouth
and hold your breath
you kiss me now,
you catch your death
oh I mean this...
oh I mean this..
tergelak twin nengok reewanie ngan lemon ni lah....kiut betul korang dua borak2..
twin tak jumpa lirik lagu End jer..kalau jumpa bila try nyanyi balik ikut lagu mesti lirik dia tak sama.
yg trailer Deathly Hallow tu pun best gak, kat YT.. dulu pernah tepek link kat benang yg da tutup tu... hmm..skrg ni xde masa ler nak lepak2 tgk video cam dlu.. byk sgt keje..huhuhu
smlm dlm perjalanan balik, kat airport..borak2 ngan sorg girl ni.. tgh pegang buku ngan ramah tamah dan muka x malunye,lemon tego ler.. pastu kitorg pon borak2 pasal potter..except Book 7 sbb dia xnk spoil..dia baru beli.. hehe..sonok lak dpt borak2 psl potter ni.. hehehe...
pastu tanya ler.. join forum x.. dia ckp dia x ske berporem.. ohh.. tp lemon suggest gak ler masuk forum CARI..kot2 le teringin.....
yg video harry/ginny ni..dah penah tgk da.. biase la.. im a harry/ginny shipper..pantang ade cpt jer...
menjawab persoalan MF..
huhu..lemoneko tu sape?? x pnh tau pon ada id tu..
ni la satu2nya id lemon kat CARI ni..
nnt bley la berkenal2an .. nama da hampir sama da.. kih kih kih...
dlm movie no. 4 & 5 dia org tak letak dobby..jadi nanti masa final movie..agaknya ada tak dia org letak scene yg kat Malfoy Manor tu. lepas tu kan kalau letak scene tu camna dia org leh escape...sebab tak de tunjuk dobby since abis chamber of secret.
twin teringin dia org buat scene kat malfoy manor tu..sbb nak nengok camna ron tension...marah...masa death eater nak torture hermione... *sigh*