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Author: andria

Ada tak sesiapa yg merasakan perasaan ini? {Part 2}

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Post time 17-11-2012 09:48 PM | Show all posts
Don't Live Near Disaster Zones
If you know you live near a possible disaster zone, perhaps it's time to move. If you live near a volcano, an earthquake fault-line, tsunami zone, flood area, or a place where hurricanes or tornados happen, these are the places to avoid. There isn't really any place that can be guaranteed to be safe, but these areas are not ideal places to stay if it is possible that there will be Earth cataclysms triggered by either a celestial event or human manipulations.

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Post time 17-11-2012 09:48 PM | Show all posts
Water & Water Filtration
Clean water will be a must. Even if you live near a clean river, make sure you have a good filtration device. It doesn't have to be fancy. Even a hand held camping filter will be good enough for most people. If you don't have that, make sure you can boil water.

Shelter & A Wood Stove
Shelter is another very important aspect to deal with. If you are a renter, moving is easy if you're not in the right place. If you own a house in a place you feel might not be safe, plan a second place to either rent or attain cheaply where you think it might be safe, and try to rent something you feel the owner won't want to move back into for some reason.

Some people say that very high winds will happen. If that is the case having a space underground might be necessary which can be created , but not many people will be able to do that. Simply do the best you can. Don't live on a mountain top. Instead, be down in the valley but not in a place that could flood. Have protection from the mountains if you can. Don't live in a place where a landslide could happen, but make use of the shelter from wind that a mountain could provide. Make sure you don't live in a windy place.

Live in a place where you will have access to a wood stove. Make sure you have lots of wood for it. Heating systems that run on electricity or gas will have a limited usage, and if those things are unavailable, you will be without heat. Even if your woodstove will only heat up one room or so and not the whole house, that is good enough.

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Post time 17-11-2012 09:49 PM | Show all posts
Prepare For Being Without Electricity
If you can set up back up power that doesn't depend on fuels you have to buy, do so. If you can access, water, wind or solar power, it's there for the taking if you set up the equipment to use it. Don't depend on diesel or gas generators. The fuel might not be available for a price you can afford.

Stay Happy, Stay In Present, Cherish Everyone
More important than anything in your survival through the 2012 Paradigm Shift is your attitude and approach to things. Stay in a positive space. Don't see the coming challenges as a bad thing or something to resist or be afraid of. See the coming challenges as an exciting adventure you are on, an incredible experience you are participating in inside God's imagination.

All of this is happening in the mind of God, of which you are a part of, and it isn't often that an entire species goes through a consciousness expanding exercise such as the one humanity is about to go through.

Try not to be sad or depressed, and definitely don't be in a fearful space. Being in a positive pole state of mind will cause you to be in the right place at the right time while you journey through this wild mass event. None of it is really as serious as it seems from the perspective of the bigger picture so have fun with it as you go through the next few years and see how things unfold.

Even if hell unfolds in many places in the world, you can be in a heavenly space at the same time. It will be a bit odd to see such extremes manifest in physical reality over the next years, but you can be in the peaceful zones if your consciousness resonates with that. Everyone will move toward what they resonate with.

Live in a state of constant gratitude. Cherish everyone and everything in life and appreciate every day that you are here. It is a blessing to be alive and a state of gratitude brings you more things to be grateful for. So cherish every moment that you have with those who you love, and cherish life itself.

You have to really want to be here to stay. If there is part of you that wants to leave, you might. Decide to stay and commit yourself to that fully in your heart. Watch out for any unconscious "suicidal" language in your mind or in your words that you say to others. Yes, many people are tired of being here because it has been so oppressive to live in this world due to the economic difficulties and other difficulties, but now is not the time to resonate with that energy if you really want to stay here.

Going is fine too. Some people feel that they have had a good life and they don't want to do all the work it takes to relocate or change anything. Some people are really ready to go. If you are not truly in that mindset, then you need to fix that way of thinking so it doesn't impinge on your other desire which is to stay on the Earth in the new paradigm.

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Post time 17-11-2012 10:09 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 17-11-2012 10:27 PM | Show all posts
Something Big Is Going To Happen Soon
We all know something important is going to happen because everyone feels the pressure of some sort of buildup. Everyone has a feeling that some kind of energetic climax is coming. Even people who have never studied spirituality know something is going to happen that will change the course of human evolution.

Everyone on the planet can feel it and that feeling manifests in different ways for different people. If these changes are instigated by Earth changes or through a meltdown of the old ways of human social and economic systems, one way or another this human reality must change for the better or it simply will not be able to go on into the future. It is unsustainable as it exists right now, especially with the population growing exponentially faster and faster.

Caretaking of the Earth and each other must become the prime directive in all social and economic systems from this point onward because the old ways of doing things don't work anymore. Humanity has reached a point in its development where it can annihilate itself with its own inventions and seriously damage the Earth-ship if humanity does not finally bring the heart into all endeavors.

We are now at the point where the human heart must fully evolve in order to balance the mind, emotions and physical reality mass creations. This is the next quantum leap in human evolution, the opening of the heart, en masse. Without that growth, humanity will not survive its own doings.

Now is the time for that evolutionary leap to happen and it cannot be held back by those in power any longer. It would be like trying to stop the ocean. It can't be done, even though humanity has been held back from self realization and self illumination for a long time.

Sooner or later, the divine self was destined to come forth through the human experience and Godself can no longer be denied its true awareness being present while in human form. It is simply time for that chapter in humanity's story to unfold now.

No plans of mice and men will be able to override this cycle and the changes it brings. They can try, but it won't be successful like they think it will.

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Post time 17-11-2012 11:00 PM | Show all posts
orangbesi posted on 17-11-2012 06:56 PM
aku pun kena keee
36 hari......lama lagi tuuuuu

36 hari untuk benda yg blom tentu nak jadi ke idak. mati tu sesaat dari sekarang pon bleh jadi. ye dak OB?

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Post time 17-11-2012 11:53 PM | Show all posts
gelak la sekarang sebelum anda menangis di kemudian hari....

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Post time 18-11-2012 11:12 AM | Show all posts
razhar posted on 17-11-2012 08:53 PM
sekork je...sekork lagi dah insop kata nya....tu pas kena tarbiah dgn besi2....

tak kisah lah
yg insaf tu baik leeee
yg tak insaf pun moga2 baik jugak

cuma aku je yg beriya-iya kini
nak cari BUKTI NAN NYATA......ttg akhir zaman ni
(ni hampa punya pasalleee)

kalau matahari yg wat perangai
tak yah siap2 apa pun leeee
memang bumi akan mereng terus - habis semuanya
tapi dalam KITAB tak sebut perkara sebegini akan berlaku kannnn

cuma nan nyta PERGOLAKAN DALAM BUMI sendiri
mai laaaa bantu aku
scuba diving mencari makhluk yg lebih dekat dgn bumi n very sensitive
bukti yeop!!!
buktikan yeop!!!!


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Post time 18-11-2012 11:21 AM | Show all posts
adlythegreat posted on 17-11-2012 11:00 PM
36 hari untuk benda yg blom tentu nak jadi ke idak. mati tu sesaat dari sekarang pon bleh jadi. ye ...

iyeee leee
kiamat kecil bagi individu - bila2 masa leh jadikan
  yg besar tu - kita leh faham sikit2 je kannn

cuma pergolakan dalam bumi atau INDUK SEKALIAN MANUSIA ni
  sukar diramalkan/atau diketahui
  bila2 masa tak kira kat mana pun....
  IANYA pun hidup jugak
kena pujuk-pujuk belai-belai doakan selalu
hanya species yg dok jalan atas perutnya
    hanya dok DOAKAN diri sendiri jeeee
     KECIL HATI MAK KITA tuuuu tauuuuuuuuu

...................................SEHINGGA WAKTU YANG DITETAPKAN


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Post time 18-11-2012 11:55 AM | Show all posts
razhar posted on 17-11-2012 09:48 PM
Water & Water Filtration Clean water will be a must. Even if you live near a clean river, make sure  ...

persiapan2 begini pasti amat payah..mcana nabi Yusuf bersedia utk 7 tahun kemarau tu??dia boleh bg pl pd rakyat dr negeri lain utk bekalan mkanan...saya rasa mknan kering,jeruk,atau kekacang yg boleh tahan lama..biji2an utk simpanan jkgkamasa lama pun tak tahan..pernah simpan beras dlm 1 thn lebih dlm bekas bertutup pun last2 berkutu,buruk dan berkulat mcm nasi basi..

betul kata tuan..persiapan fizikal itu penting ..tapi yang lebih penting ialah persiapan spiritual..tatkala tiada sesiapa..pada siapa lagi kita nak bergantung??sudah pastinya hanya ALLAH..hanya kesedaran bahawa tiada daya upaya kecuali Allah semata-mata..


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Post time 18-11-2012 11:56 AM | Show all posts
adlythegreat posted on 17-11-2012 11:00 PM
36 hari untuk benda yg blom tentu nak jadi ke idak. mati tu sesaat dari sekarang pon bleh jadi. ye ...

betul tu...


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Post time 18-11-2012 03:43 PM | Show all posts
miftahuljamilah posted on 18-11-2012 11:55 AM
persiapan2 begini pasti amat payah..mcana nabi Yusuf bersedia utk 7 tahun kemarau tu??dia boleh bg ...

Mcm mana engkau kata aku x bersedia dari segi spiritual? kan aku dah kata....dua2 perlu...fizikal dan spiritual..tu pon payah nak paham ke,lobai? dua2 kena ada dan seimbang....

Makanan....perlu ke simpan beras2 tu utk bertahun2? x perlu....oleh sebab itu,group aku menyediakan benih2 utk diguna..sementara menunggu dapat hasil..guna le beras2 yang disimpan....penjagaan beras tu kena ada cara nya..bukan simpan mcm simpan kat rumah la lobai.....

Tu le asyik duk baca majalah mangga je...ce tgk cita doomsday preepers tu..ada juga pekdah nya....mereka kata kiamat..kita kata bencana besar..beza tu kiamat dengan bencana..kiamat tu semua manusia dan seluruh alam ni musnah....bencana beso ni adalah lagi manusia yang akan wujud.....

so x yah le spin sana spin sini..aku dah terang kan dgn jelas..spiritual dan fizikal tu sama2 penting...kena ada dua2 tu semasa group ko kalu x nak terima benda2 mcm ni...terserah le..x de sapa2 nak memaksa....

kalu x jadi....terus kan hidup macam biasa..cuma kena ingat..bencana beso spt gempa bumi...mungkin berlaku kerana bumi ni hidup....jangan kata kita x akan terkena gempa bumi...cuma tempat kita...masih 'tidur'...tunggu benda2 lain yang akan mengaktif kan 'dia' je....

ye aku tahu..anda2 semua SAYANG nak alami keadaan dunia2 yang penuh kepayahan tu..maklum lah dah biasa dengan kehidupan yang selesa..tido atas tilam bila diutarakan kemungkinan2 bencana yang diberitakan kemungkinan akan berlaku berdasarkan sejarah2 bencana bumi yang lepas2 yang akan berulang mungkin pada zaman kita..anda2 semua cemas dan hilang punca kerana terpaksa mengalami kerumitan hidup...

Aku boleh bagi nanti jika benar2 berlaku..tgk je keadaan manusia selepas gempa bumi.... Last edited by razhar on 18-11-2012 03:45 PM


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Post time 18-11-2012 03:47 PM | Show all posts
so group2 yang kata nak lebihkan spiritual..terus kan dgn objective aku mcm aku kata kan..kami perlu kan dua-dua..spiritual dan fizikal...period..x yah nak konar baring duk sebut2 nak spiritual2 lagi..dah terang dgn jelas dah..lagi tanya hanya menanpak kan penanya tu konar baring je..the fact is..u are not ready and afraid to face the disaster..

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Post time 18-11-2012 04:34 PM | Show all posts
saya penah mimpi kiamat...lebih dr sekali..mungkin Allah nak suh sy lebih dekatkan diri pada yg plg best mimpi pegi mekah..suatu perasaan yg x dpt digambarkan, seronok..

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Post time 18-11-2012 04:55 PM | Show all posts
Cukup ke spiritual sahaja tanya fizikal? begitu juga cukup ke fizikal sahaja tanpa siritual? so jalan yang terbaik adalah ada fizikal dan spiritual..kita tidak boleh meninggalkan salah satu...

ada akai fikir.....semua ditangan anda..semesti nya anda2 semua risau kerana biasa nya post-disaster...especially yang menghentam seluruh dunia..tiada kerajaan di dunia ini yang mampu membantu....u are on your own....haiti...x ada sapa jangka akan dihentam dgn gempa bumi....sekali kena hentam...hampir pupus depa...

Tak kira apa jenis bencana pun....persediaan secara termampu adalah perlu..ianya umpama saving dalam bank....begitu persediaan spiritual...tanpa akan buat apa2 saja utk hidup....

ada akai..guna dan fikir....meminggirkan fizikal semata2 spiritual seperti menafikan kata2 nabi yang menyuruh kita belajar walaupun ke negeri cina....nak pi tu fizikal..blajar tu dua2 kena ada..ada paham???


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Post time 18-11-2012 05:05 PM | Show all posts
razhar posted on 18-11-2012 03:43 PM
Mcm mana engkau kata aku x bersedia dari segi spiritual? kan aku dah kata....dua2 perlu...fizika ...

fuhhhh~~ Allahuakhbar!!!
mudah-mudahan semuanya dalam keadaan seperti yg dirancang..
xda dalam bahasa melayu ke yg anda pos kat atas tu td.. xbape nak paham english ni.. huhuhu

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Post time 18-11-2012 06:14 PM | Show all posts
@razhar semoga berjaya lah kamu hendaknya... macam excited sangat pulak nak kena bala ni ye.. doakan la kami ni selamat kalau kau dah selamat kat tempat persembunyian kau tu.. dah didiklah cucu cicit keturunan kau nanti elok2 supaya dapat beriman kepada Allah sebenar2nya Iman.. supaya lepas disaster tu nanti tak ada lagi manusia2 yang menyekutukan Allah dan semuanya beriman2 belaka amin... masa tu aku dah jot dah ditelan air tsunami..

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Post time 18-11-2012 06:20 PM | Show all posts
razhar posted on 3-11-2012 10:41 PM
perhatian..kaki gumpat x diperlu kan....kami mahu kaki2 yang berguna kepada komuniti...

haha~~~ i like~~

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Post time 18-11-2012 08:29 PM | Show all posts
razhar posted on 18-11-2012 03:47 PM
so group2 yang kata nak lebihkan spiritual..terus kan dgn objective aku mcm aku kata kan ...

saya tak ikuti mana2 group..jauh sekali ingin mengatakan bahawa persiapan fizikal tak perlu...hanya spiritual saja..cuma dalam kita membuat persiapan..sebaiknya spiritual itu berjalan seiring...jangan salah sangka..pole shift jika berlaku ..bermakna kita melalui perubahan musim..jadi mungkinkah persiapan kita perlu bersesuaian utk musim yang kita akan hadapi..?


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Post time 18-11-2012 10:42 PM | Show all posts
neofim posted on 18-11-2012 06:14 PM
@razhar semoga berjaya lah kamu hendaknya... macam excited sangat pulak nak kena bala ni ye.. doakan ...

serius aku tergelak2 baca komen ko ni.

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