Post time 16-9-2015 12:18 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
drkbaan replied at 16-9-2015 12:13 AM
Me too. My imagination would run too wild! I x hv a specific genre that I like, but romance alway ...
I love thriller. My all time fav SCREAM and Final Destination. Didnt miss either one, trilogy ke apa g ke. But im totally in love with FRIENDS. I watched this dvd daily every night. One episode pun jadi. Love laughter.
Post time 16-9-2015 12:21 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
Alright. Dah dengar dah interview tu! Ada this one caller saying that he/she shares the same birthday as him, and then all of a sudden he goes "Oh, kita Scorpio!" Hahaha random.
Post time 16-9-2015 12:48 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
drkbaan replied at 16-9-2015 12:10 AM
I'm not too sure on the very same black dress or not. Tp Dak Kenid ni, sempoi je ko sanggul ramb ...
Yup dress yg sama... so far ni kali ke 3 nmpk dia okai dress ni. Ada satu event tu pun pkai dress ni. Rilex je ulng dress sama byk kali.. cayalah.. *nmpk obvious tak i big fan of her* hahaha