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thespice replied at 22-12-2016 05:25 PM
She just cant take it anymore
buat2 gembira memang pedih neelofa kan |
zellyzam replied at 22-12-2016 05:23 PM
kalau dah tak de lansung...x de la #teamlofattah...kan?
Yes # aca tu they are still there |
pakailetakbalik replied at 22-12-2016 05:24 PM
lofa larila ceruk mana. mmg diri tak nampak tp hati tu terserlah sgt kau masih merindui. mulut kata ...
Iya dek pakai betul ni hahhahahahahhaha |
ahhhh benci buat2 tersentuh lengan/dada tahtah!! kaklove saje je kannnnn..bbnu ok perangai tu!!
washere2 replied at 22-12-2016 05:26 PM
Di pihak Fatah, he still follow her IG
& that sweet emot on his IGs while on his way to nelofa ...
Heols masih trauma. Ye laaa netizen dah cop macam2 playboya la etc etc
Bertabah la dek patah |
Cas magnet tu masih tersisa.kena recharge je
cikmuni replied at 22-12-2016 05:31 PM
ahhhh benci buat2 tersentuh lengan/dada tahtah!! kaklove saje je kannnnn..bbnu ok perangai tu!!; ...
I perasannnnn!!! Hihihihi
Sekrg sesi lopa pujuk tah kaaa? And tah still fobia lagi ka cmna cikmuni? |
Kaklove kau ni jangan sampai nangis bucu katil nyanyi terlambat ku sadari kau teramat berarti sudah haaa
Mscamomile replied at 22-12-2016 05:23 PM
According to my friend's observation, nampak macam cakap baik2..slow2 gitu.
Thanks for the info dear |
twinkystar replied at 22-12-2016 05:32 PM
Cas magnet tu masih tersisa.kena recharge je
fattah kan wangi.
kompem tertinggal bau fattah td kat dia.
meranalahhhhhhh kau acik lofaaaaa |
hanya kaklove yang boleh jawab pertanyaan kau ni perry!
cikmuni replied at 22-12-2016 05:31 PM
ahhhh benci buat2 tersentuh lengan/dada tahtah!! kaklove saje je kannnnn..bbnu ok perangai tu!!; ...
Masa toncet besar lof tersentuh bahu fattah dia mcm terkejut kan. Mcm kene current! |
kenapa kau takleh jawab muni? sebab kau tak pernah pegang dada dia ke?
Ada part 2 plak.ayooo sedihnyer lagu
cikdot replied at 22-12-2016 05:22 PM
Sandarkan pada kenangan jugak eh
dekat2 tu bau wangi tak. rindu tak bau masing2
#pakaitanyaje |
cik_sssara replied at 22-12-2016 05:33 PM
Kaklove kau ni jangan sampai nangis bucu katil nyanyi terlambat ku sadari kau teramat berarti suda ...
Adoiii tergelak meols baca lirik hahhahh |
Mscamomile replied at 22-12-2016 05:23 PM
According to my friend's observation, nampak macam cakap baik2..slow2 gitu.
Iols would like to think its more of nasihat? Sebagai kakak i'm sure she would want the best for her sister. And looking at how she captioned the photo diorg 4 org masa anugerah melodi, iols rasa dia pun suka/restu tahtah and wants them to be happy.
Her relationship dgn nanas pun byk pasang surut. Look at where they are right now. Both love and tah are young, perhaps masing2 pun cepat panas.
Iols tetap nak positive. Here to stay in business class and bak kata aca #sayateamlofattah |
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