Reply 1316# lady_finger
owh.. cepat.. tengkiu.. so kaka lady dh byr juge.. saye suke org yg cepat & xyah nak remind 2-3 kali nih..kekekkeke
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight 
ingatkan beliau mempunyai tshirt korea
tajul186 Post at 1-6-2010 11:27 
tp kt hp beliau ade videoklip Linkin Park la  |
Reply 1323# tajul186
ingatkan byk kali kt porem ni xpe lg..
kang nanti jgn sampai nak kena sms 2-3 kali pulak.. malas le saye..
semua details pembayaran dh tulis kt porem..kang jgn ade lak yg sms mintak no acc la..nak tanye ape yg nak kena byr lg..etc 
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight 
lapo terasa ngok pic hana tu  |

software best
A whole new SMS experience! Finding the ordinary SMS dull? Now you can put more of yourself into your text messages with Animated SMS! Enliven your messages with a selection of animated emoticons and full-screen animation, send it as a simple SMS message, and bring instant smiles to your friends' faces! You can even share the application with your friends via Bluetooth! No extra charge A-SMS are sent as plain text SMS. Therefore no extra GPRS or data traffic are used. You can throw all your worries behind and send as many A-SMS as you like! *Note: The software may require a GPRS connection to the internet to download emoticons and animation. GPRS data service requires network support, and may generate additional charges. Please contact your network operator for further details. Network charges incurred will be at user's expense. More emoticons and animations to download You can download more emoticons and animations directly to your phone! Making A-SMS more usable more fun and never run out-dated. You can send animations that your recipients do not have. When received, the recipient can download the animation and then view it. Share with others You can share A-SMS with others via Bluetooth, or use "Recommend to others" in the software to tell others where to download A-SMS. Synchronized with Nokia S40 emoticons Emoticons in A-SMS are synchronized with emoticons used by Nokia S40 Series, e.g. Nokia 6280, 5300. Compatible with any phones If the recipients can receive SMS, A-SMS can be received normally. If the recipient does not have A-SMS installed, emoticons and animations in the message will appear as plain text characters. So you don't have to worry about the compatibility of the recipient's phone. E.g. received emoticon of smile will be represented by and animations will be represented by {A.SMS:xxxxx}. If your recipients would like to view the animation you sent, you can use [Recommend to others] in the software, to send an SMS with short deion and download URL or A-SMS. Easy to use A-SMS is embedded in "Messaging", everything is just the same as the way you used to send normal SMS! Simply go to "Messaging" -> "New message" -> "Animated message" to create new message. You will receive A-SMS in "Inbox", find the sent A-SMS in "Sent" and the draft in "Drafts"! How to activate: After purchase, please check the activation code on your receipt and go to "Messaging" -> "New message" -> "Animated message" to activate A-SMS. Supported Phone Models: Nokia N95 8GB, Nokia N95, Nokia N93i, Nokia N93, Nokia N92, Nokia N91, Nokia N82, Nokia N81, Nokia N80, Nokia N77, Nokia N76, Nokia N75, Nokia N73, Nokia N71, Nokia E70, Nokia E65, Nokia E62, Nokia E61i, Nokia E61, Nokia E60, Nokia E51, Nokia E50, Nokia 6290, Nokia 6121 Classic, Nokia 6120 Classic, Nokia 6110 Navigator, Nokia 5700, Nokia 5500, Nokia 3250 |
kite amek mutiara express ke kuala besut 3 july 2010.
nanti kite bg final time bertolak ptg sikit..
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
henset murah boleh mms je  |
Reply 1327# hardeyboyz
ala.. nak kena dload pulak la animation tu.. kena charge juge la maknanye..
pakai animation yg SE bg je la..
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight 
morning sume.. |
ehh dh nk tghari.. |
henset murah boleh mms je
tajul186 Post at 1-6-2010 11:51 
x dpt mms yu?  |
x dpt mms yu?
fara_5836 Post at 1-6-2010 11:57 
malam ni i mms,pic i baru nak tido ngan bantal lembu  |
Reply 1323# tajul186
org yang bayar sebelum di suruh (read: hana and tam) lagi dia sukaaa |
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Category: Cinta & Perhubungan