liza8209 posted on 30-10-2013 04:32 PM
khatam juga baca....ngeri, sedih bercampur baur
nak baca kt rumah takut baca je la kt ofis curi2
Aku pon penah practical kat comp tu yg office kat sec13 n sempat rase office sec16.
tuan hj tu, bekas polis kan?
Arwah Kak raja tu baik sgt n lembut. Tuan hj tegas.
sepanjang practical, x penah jmpe wife no 1 tn hj. Hihi
tktaula ni gempar ke tak kisah pembunuhan ni..kat oversea
Columbine High School Masacre
The Columbine High School massacre was a school shooting which occurred on April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School in Columbine, an unincorporated area of Jefferson County in the State of Colorado. In addition to shootings, the complex and highly planned attack involved a fire bomb to divert firefighters, propane tanks converted to bombs placed in the cafeteria, 99 explosive devices, and bombs rigged in cars. Two senior students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, murdered a total of 12 students and one teacher. They injured 24 additional students, with three other people being injured while attempting to escape the school. The pair then committed suicide.[1][2]
Although their motives remain unclear, the personal journals of the perpetrators document that they wished their actions to rival the Oklahoma City bombing. The attack has been referred to by USA Today as a "suicidal attack [which was] planned as a grand – if badly implemented – terrorist bombing."[3] The Columbine High School massacre is the deadliest mass murder committed on an American high school campus, and is noted as one of the first and most serious of a series of high profile spree shootings which have since occurred.[4]
The massacre sparked debate over gun control laws, the availability of firearms within the United States and gun violence involving youths. Much discussion also centered on the nature of high school cliques, subcultures and bullying, in addition to the influence of violent movies and video games in American society. The shooting resulted in an increased emphasis on school security, and a moral panic aimed at goth culture, social outcasts, gun culture, the use of pharmaceutical anti-depressants by teenagers, teenage Internet use[5] and violent video games
tak silap movie battle royal tiru kes ni kan....lebih kurangla...battle royal leh search kat utube tapiii tak disarankan untuk tngok kepada yg lemah semangat...
azrain98 posted on 10-11-2013 06:54 PM
ni documentary dia...
Dulu mase amik kelas history of United States lecturer penah tyg docu ni..memang tragic sgt..mase tengok tu terbayang2 kot2 kalo jadi kat diri sendiri mcm mane la...dulu2 x takut sangat psl kes tembak menembak sgt sgt rare kat Malaysia..sekarang mcm dh jadi pekan koboi plak, tu yg ngeri..kes columbine ni sebenanye bole dielakkan, tapi polis mase tu lambat ambik tindakan, suspek dah bunuh diri baru diorang masuk..kene kondem truk gak la polis mase ni
azrain98 posted on 11-11-2013 07:40 PM
kelas cam gitu pn ada ekk? seram la kalu nak join...tulah..tngok documentary tu kat library tembak ...
ade, believe it or not kelas tu kt UIA lagi, tapi bukan sume budak kene amik, cume budak2 yg under human sciences..itu pun kelas ni ramai amik untuk lengkapkan kredit kursus bile final year..xde ape yg seram pun, best ade la..keje tgk movie and documentary psl US je, and documentary columbine ni salah satu bende yg kitorang tgk.
azrain98 posted on 12-11-2013 06:58 PM
i see...kira masuk kelas ni tkde periksa atau study..layan je documentary ape yg ada
of course la ade, siap kene hafal map US dgn state capitals sume, cume minggu2 klas rilek je,kalo x layan movie, layan documentaries..tapi bukan tgk filem @ documentaries yg kosong semata2, lecturer kitorang akan bercerita kisah2 yg berkaitan dgn filem yg kitorang tgk, dan ade la cite2 yg die story ttg fakta2 AS yg x ramai org luar tau..memang best sgt klas tu, teringat balik...I miss you Dr. Ataollah Bogdan Kopansky!
azrain98 posted on 13-11-2013 04:28 PM
aku tetibe rasa nak join pulak
best2..aku siap masuk lagi kelas tu even though dah amik semester sebelumnye kalo boring2, yela keje tgk movie..lecturer pun x kisah..tapi kelas tu memang susah budak nak dpt A, tu jela timbal balik die
clavriene posted on 28-3-2012 08:16 AM
baru2 ni ade berbual dgn sorang mamat ni, die seorang pakar neurolinguistik. die jenis yg x bace sur ...
aku pcaye dengan mamat tu...dulu aku tgk bile brite pasal rumah terbakar, sebulan tu brape banyak umah terbakar...pasal kes rogol dalam berita..sok2 ade je kes rogol lagi...
so bile aku tertengok berita ade kes2 camni aku cakap dengan laki ni..mesti esok ade lagi kes yang same, macam trend pulak kan...sampai rini aku buat bodoh bila ade berita2 ni, tapi juz tau la ade kes, kang xtau ape benda pulak