lemon yub baik AD/MM atau SS/HG memang nightmare. or HG dgn any Marauders (the original Marauders a.k.a RL/SB/PP/JP) pun nightmare gak
rayna khas utk line ke-3 tu.
bila baca balik chapter Epilogue tu kan...kan JK cerita pasal Albus Potter muka dia sebijik cam Harry kan...twin terbayang muka Lily Potter Jr (anak Harry) tu macam the real Lily Potter, rambut merah (ikut Ginny) lepas tu mata hijua macam Harry...sebijik description macam Lily Evan Potter kan.
even harry/ginny pon da mcm james/lily potter (senior) kan... hahaha...
tp ske baca fanfic scorpius (anak draco) and rose(anak ron) couple masa kan hogwarts nnt... hehehehe..bygkan reaksi ron!! haha
LONDON - J.K. Rowling has completed her first book not to feature teen wizard Harry Potter an illustrated collection of magical fairy stories titled "The Tales of Beedle the Bard."
Onlyseven copies of the book are being printed, Rowling said Thursday. Onewill be auctioned next month to raise money for a children's charity,while the others have been given away as gifts.
Rowling drew theillustrations herself and provided the handwriting for the five storiesthat make up the collection of fairytales.
"The Tales of Beedle the Bard" is mentioned in the final Potter book, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," as a gift left by headmaster Albus Dumbledore to Harry's friend Hermione, and provides clues that help destroy evil Lord Voldemort.
"'The Tales of Beedle the Bard' is really a distillation of the themes found in the Harry Potter books,and writing it has been the most wonderful way to say goodbye to aworld I have loved and lived in for 17 years," Rowling said in astatement.
The volume, bound in brown morocco leather and mounted with silver and semiprecious stones, will be auctioned at Sotheby'son Dec. 13 with a starting price of $62,000. Proceeds will go to TheChildren's Voice, a charity that helps vulnerable children across Europe.
"DeathlyHallows," the seventh and final installment in Harry's adventures, waspublished in July. The seven books have sold nearly 400 million copiesand have been translated into 64 languages.
Rowling told the British Broadcasting Corp. that the book of fairytales had helped her say goodbye to Harry's world.
"It'snot about Harry, Ron and Hermione, but it comes from that world," shetold BBC radio in an interview broadcast Thursday. "So it's beentherapeutic in a way."
Rowling said she was working on a newbook, "a half-finished book for children that I think will probably bethe next thing I publish."
On Wednesday, Rowling and the makers of the Harry Potter movies filed a lawsuit against RDR Books, a small U.S. publisher that plans to bring out a companion volume based on the Harry Potter Lexicon fan Web site.
Rowlinghas said she plans to produce her own encyclopedia of the wizardingworld and says the book would infringe on her intellectual propertyrights.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... nak buku ni..nakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!
Originally posted by lemonadenoi at 1-11-2007 08:39 PM
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... nak buku ni..nakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!
waaaaa twin pun nak gak tapi apa kan daya tak cukup kaya. uwaaaaaaaaa...twin teringat tak silap mugglenet ke leaky cauldron siap buat funding...sapa2 nak derma sbb dia org nak bid buku JK rowling (yg confirm2 mahal giler) tapi dia org tak dpt gak nak bid.
btw pasal riaksi ron tu...hehhehehehehhe temper dia sure 'marak' macam kaler rambut dia gak. hermione ni logical sikit..rasa dia boleh terima scorpio (asalkan draco grow up tak panggil hermione 'mudblood' lagi) pergh sure berpeluh si scorpio tu sbb ada dua big cousin rose kat hogwarts (james & albus). lepas tu kalau later year..lily ngan hugo lak join hogwarts. james lak kaki ngadu..heheh teringat dia ngadu kat parents dia yg dia nampak teddy kissing ngan anak bill+fleur cuba bayangkan james 'terlepas' cakap pasal rose ngan scorpio kat family dinner... jam2 tu gak ron terus tarik rose tanya. kalau the waesley semua ok..draco kena ok gak kot sbb dia hutang nyawa ngan harry. pergh leh buat fanfic plot camni...
aku br abis baca d 7th book. nk beli awl2 dulu fulus tarak.anyway aku ade several questions..yg stakat ni aku ingat la.
1. betul ke tekaan aku dlm chapter masa harry 'brckp' ngan dumbledore kt stesen keretapi tu, budak yg di describe sdg whimpering and crying tu adalah voldemort?kalau betul nape dia jadik gitu?
2. aku krg phm skit bile dumbledore kt harry is one of voldie's horcrux? can somebody with better knowledge bout tis explain please...
3.and also...i don't understand how the wand ( one of the deathly hallows) could be draco's.is it because the wand has chosen draco to be its master even if he does not come in contact with it.kan ke wand tu disemadikan bersama dumbledore?
aku rasa aku kn baca skali lg cite ni utk paham spenuhnyer.but in the meantime, would someone care to shed a light on the subject
1. yup betul...kira fragment soul voldermort yg terlekat kat harry. masa dia serang harry 16 thn dulu...secara tak sengaja..voldermort dah jadikan harry salah satu hoxcrux dia. kira masa yg kat forbidden forest..voldermort 'bunuh' harry dia bunuh hoxcrux dia sendiri.
2. twin rasa jawapan utk soalan satu twin tu jawab sekali soalan no. 2
3. ok ingat tak masa dlm half-blood prince yg draco serang dumbledore kat astronomy tower. ok wand ni macam ikut cakap ollivander..kira kena lawan tuan punya wand tu baru wand tu boleh ikut cakap kita tapi tak semau wizard tahu pasal ni atau malas nak ambik tahu. draco selama ni dia tak tahu pun pasal ni. jadi dia tak tahu pun dia tak tahu dia dah own elderly wand tu. bila harry dpt lawan draco masa dia org kat malfoy manor...so rightfully harry lah yg own wand tu. kalau korang ingat balik..kan wand yg hermione ambik tu tak nak ikut cakap hermione walalupun hermione ni kira paling pandai sekali sebab hermione ambik wand tu bukannya dia lawan wand tu.
thanks.aku rasa cerah sikit bile dh diexplain gitu.but still i think that all 7 books need a re-reading.even yg draco lawan dumbledore kat astronomy tower tu pun dracor dh x ingat dah.dh lama sgt.mmg kena baca balik suma...
*malu* i'm not using hermione's name for nothing ;) kadang2 terasa cam "walking harry potter encyclopedia" lak
rukioichigo <- bg twin gf dia ni cam muka agak tua sikit lah. twin tak de gmbr dia..tp try lah nengok gmbr2 promotion utk cerita equus tu mesti ada punya gambar minah tu dgn Dan Radcliffe.