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Author: ip_lepat

•• Floria •• Salam Dunia V15

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Post time 16-6-2015 10:46 PM | Show all posts
bianglala replied at 16-6-2015 10:26 PM
oklah kot sehari satu bab... lama-lama habis jugak.

kalo gitu amek masa 3 bulan kowt baru bleh abeskan satu novel...

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Post time 16-6-2015 10:52 PM | Show all posts
anniez08 replied at 16-6-2015 10:32 PM
muruku ikan popo n baru je mkn ritu.
plastik je besor.. isi nya suku je..

nape madu tengok macam tepung je tu.. rasa still okay?


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Post time 16-6-2015 10:56 PM | Show all posts
anniez08 replied at 16-6-2015 10:46 PM
kalo gitu amek masa 3 bulan kowt baru bleh abeskan satu novel...

takpe N.. janji ada progress... lagipun dah ada projek baru ni..

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Post time 16-6-2015 11:01 PM | Show all posts
anniez08 replied at 16-6-2015 10:45 PM
nmpak sedap plak madu.. rasa dia sama cam kat chicken rice tu ke?..
ada papadom lagik.. ...

tak sama N.. pada madu okay la.. chicken rice shop yang best sebab ada serai tu kan.. eh, atau halia?

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Post time 17-6-2015 10:23 AM | Show all posts
bianglala replied at 16-6-2015 10:52 PM
nape madu tengok macam tepung je tu.. rasa still okay?

mmg macam tepung.. tp rasa nya mmg sedap madu..
n suka..


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Post time 17-6-2015 10:24 AM | Show all posts
bianglala replied at 16-6-2015 10:56 PM
takpe N.. janji ada progress... lagipun dah ada projek baru ni..

hehe.. n da start sikit2 projek x byk la.. sb  n bizi wat keje ni..


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Post time 17-6-2015 10:24 AM | Show all posts
bianglala replied at 16-6-2015 11:01 PM
tak sama N.. pada madu okay la.. chicken rice shop yang best sebab ada serai tu kan.. eh, atau hal ...

nanti nk cuba la.. tp kat sini n xtau kat mana..
kene tanya pacit gugel ni..

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Post time 17-6-2015 10:33 AM | Show all posts

selamat berpuasa abg lepat @ip_lepat , madu @bianglala , elle @Elle_mujigae , intan @intan_smsb , tari @tari , flare @flarengirl
ampun dan maaf n pinta andai ada salah silap sepanjang kita bersama2 di forum..
semoga amalan kita di terima Allah.. Insya Allah.. aamin..



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Post time 17-6-2015 11:48 AM | Show all posts
bianglala replied at 16-6-2015 03:26 PM
kalau bagi kat kita berus-berus make up ni.. buat berus keyboard berhabuk la jawabnya. {: ...

lawak la Biang..berus keyboard...  yang untuk eyeshadow brush tu kecik kan so boleh berus small crevice kat

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Post time 17-6-2015 11:52 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Elle_mujigae at 17-6-2015 11:56 AM
bianglala replied at 16-6-2015 03:25 PM
tertanya-tanya, elle tergoda ke tak dengan 40% discount tu?

semeter RM149?????  warna m ...

hampir tergoda... tapi hari tu I datang sebab nak cari kain dah beli kain lace I terus keluar...
nanti la tunggu awal bulan datang balik shopping kain cotton..    I'm eyeing the red colour cotton..hehe..  kain cotton I beli untuk baju Raya tahun lepas pun masih ada lagi kat kedai tu..tapi tinggal sikit la kain tu...

semeter RM149?????  warna mint green tu lawa...

ya..itu harga semeter..standard la French Lace...hehe... tapi tahun ni trend Eyelash lace...
kalau mint green sesuai dengan kaler gold as base baju?


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Post time 17-6-2015 12:09 PM | Show all posts
anniez08 replied at 17-6-2015 10:33 AM
selamat berpuasa abg lepat @ip_lepat , madu @bianglala , elle @Elle_mujigae , intan @intan_s ...
Selamat berpuasa untuk N, @bianglala @ip_lepat  @tari @intan_smsb  



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Post time 17-6-2015 12:12 PM | Show all posts
bianglala replied at 16-6-2015 09:38 PM
no.1 tu memang melambak..
“Lain kali kalau kita terbangun pagi, jangan tengok jam terus, nanti kita boleh minum air.
  siapa ajar ni...haha...

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Post time 17-6-2015 12:17 PM | Show all posts
bianglala replied at 16-6-2015 07:22 AM
selamat menyambut ramadan.
selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa.
selamat bangun sahur.
Amin..thank you biang...Selamat Menyambut bulan puasa untuk Biang sekeluarga...


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Post time 17-6-2015 02:52 PM | Show all posts

kelakar kan... hehe.. konfem la tengok jam kalau bangun pagi..

elle biasa sahur pukul berapa? kita biasanya pukul 5 pagi.


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Post time 17-6-2015 02:53 PM | Show all posts
Elle_mujigae replied at 17-6-2015 12:17 PM
Amin..thank you biang...Selamat Menyambut bulan puasa untuk Biang sekeluarga...

terima kasih elle.

tengok gambar Oreo tu.. kita suka aiskrim yang ada campur oreo, roti oreo... apa-apa je yang ada Oreo..

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Post time 17-6-2015 02:56 PM | Show all posts
Elle_mujigae replied at 17-6-2015 11:52 AM
hampir tergoda...  tapi hari tu I datang sebab nak cari kain dah beli kain lace I terus ...
I'm eyeing the red colour cotton..hehe..  kain cotton I beli untuk baju Raya tahun lepas pun masih ada lagi kat kedai tu..tapi tinggal sikit la kain tu...
kalau kita tak tido malam kot asyik teringat kain tu.. risau habis.

ya..itu harga semeter..standard la French Lace...hehe... tapi tahun ni trend Eyelash lace...
kalau mint green sesuai dengan kaler gold as base baju?

macam mana la pulak Eyelash lace tu ya...

sesuai rasanya gold + mint... saja google, keluar gambar sari ni.


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Post time 17-6-2015 02:59 PM | Show all posts
Elle_mujigae replied at 17-6-2015 11:48 AM
lawak la Biang..berus keyboard...  yang untuk eyeshadow brush tu kecik kan so boleh berus  ...

kita cuma tahu berus untuk pipi... bibir... dan untuk eyeshadow.. rupanya berlambak-lambak berus make up.. elle ada ke berus-berus tu semua?

19 Struggles Only Women Who Hate Wearing Makeup Understand

1. Makeup tutorials on YouTube terrify you. What? How did they make it do that? Where did their face go? How do they look like that now? How did they just make a “smokey eye” look so flawless in under 5 minutes?

2. The last time you attempted to do the smokey eye, it just looked like someone punched you in the face.

3. Sometimes people try to compliment you on the fact that you don’t wear makeup. “Good for you, having that much self-confidence!”. It’s not that you’re ridiculously confident. It’s just that… you’re really lazy.

4. When you actually do wear makeup, you’re usually too tired to wipe it off at the end of the night so you just fall asleep with it all on and then wake up with raccoon eyes.

5. And then the next day people are like “Wow, makeup two days in a row, huh?” And you don’t have the heart to tell them that it’s just second-day makeup, so you just play along. “I know, right?!”

6. What the fuck is contouring? Sounds like a medieval torturing practice.

7. In your mind, putting on moisturizer counts as using makeup.

8. You’re insanely jealous of the part in Mulan where she takes off all her makeup in one swipe. It’s not FAIR. It’s not that easy. Disney LIED to you.

9. When you do put makeup on, some people will occasionally say something like “Well, you clean up nicely!” And unfortunately it’s considered rude for you to respond back with, “Shut up.”

10. Every once in a while you find a product – usually at the convenience store – that leads to you convincing yourself that perhaps makeup can be easy. Maybe this mascara or eyeliner will change everything and will make you actually want to wear makeup every day!

11. So you try it out for two days in a row and then you’re exhausted. It’s just not worth the extra twenty precious minutes of sleep you have to give up.

12. You do not understand the difference between foundation and coverup and powder and concealer and you never will. Your friends have tried to explain it to you a thousand times, but you usually get bored halfway through the lesson and just stop listening.

13. “You could be so much prettier if you wore makeup.” Thank you! Your personality would be so much better if it was completely different from the way it is now.

14. Nothing is worse than when you go to rub your eye and then you remember that for once you’re actually wearing makeup. And then a little speck of something black gets in your eye and you CAN’T FORGET ABOUT IT and then you spend the entire party, or wherever you’re at, looking like you’re having a stroke.

15. Sometimes people take your whole not-wearing-makeup-thing as a stance against society. It’s not. You think makeup is perfectly fine and have no problems with it whatsoever. Your issue comes when people make you feel like there’s something weird about the fact that you personally don’t wear it.

16. When you do your makeup yourself, you usually end up looking like Ursula from The Little Mermaid.

17. Lipstick, lipgloss, or any other terrifying lip concoction just baffles you. How does it stay on? What if you accidentally eat some? What do you do when you desperately want to eat a cheeseburger but you’re concerned about the lipstick getting all over that precious bun? These are the things that plague you.

18. If you’ve ever had your makeup professionally done, sometimes the makeup artist will attempt to explain to you what they’re doing and what they’re using. They’re usually very helpful and sweet, so you just nod politely and smile. But in your head you know you’re never going to remember and/or be able to carry out anything that they actually showed you.

19. You don’t care what people say – fake eyelashes are the most terrifying thing you’ve ever encountered.


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Post time 17-6-2015 03:00 PM | Show all posts
anniez08 replied at 17-6-2015 10:33 AM
selamat berpuasa abg lepat @ip_lepat , madu @bianglala , elle @Elle_mujigae , intan @intan_s ...

terima kasih... selamat berpuasa dan bersahur bersama keluarga. dah ada menu sahur esok?

selamat bertarawih malam ni.


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Post time 17-6-2015 03:04 PM | Show all posts
Edited by bianglala at 17-6-2015 03:07 PM
anniez08 replied at 17-6-2015 10:24 AM
nanti nk cuba la.. tp kat sini n xtau kat mana..
kene tanya pacit gugel ni..

senarai restoran Marrybrown di  Selangor. mana yang paling dekat? Subang tu kot?

Marrybrown Batang Kali -  Jalan Mahagoni 7/2, 44300 Batang Kali, Selangor.

Marrybrown Kepong - Jusco Metro Prima, Shopping Centre, Kepong, Selangor.

Marrybrown KLIA - MB KLIA -CP KLIA AirSide, Selangor.

Marrybrown Sunway Lagoon - Sunway Lagoon Theme Park, Jalan PJS 11/11, Bandar Sunway, 46150, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan

Marrybrown Kidzania - Curve NX, 18 Jalan PJU 7/5, Mutiara Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.

Marrybrown GM Plaza Klang - GM Klang Wholesale City, Jalan Kasuarina 1/KS7, Botanic Capital, 41200 Klang, Selangor.

Marrybrown Giant USJ, Subang - Giant Hypermarket Subang Jaya, USJ 1, Subang, 47500 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan.               


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Post time 17-6-2015 03:10 PM | Show all posts
anniez08 replied at 17-6-2015 10:24 AM
hehe.. n da start sikit2 projek x byk la.. sb  n bizi wat keje ni..


tengahari ni madu makan nasi ayam (lagi).. konon last sebelum puasa la.. macam la bulan puasa takde jual nasi ayam


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