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[Tempatan] Hudud akan memecah-belahkan masyarakat – Marina Mahathir

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Post time 22-12-2014 07:02 PM | Show all posts
Say NO to hudud mudud!

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Post time 22-12-2014 07:25 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
axl_bach posted on 22-12-2014 05:28 PM
zaman bila punya perlaksanaan nih yg sumpah mengatasi segalanya??

setahu aku persaksian tertudu ...

Itu pendapat sesetengah alim, ada yg xpakai ada yg ikut.. Xtau nanti nak dipakai atau ikut, kes sumpah menyumpah banyak jadi dekat suami tuduh isteri, isteri tuduh suami, mangsa rogol etc.. Kene rogol kalau saksi mana nak dapat?

Pendapat pasal hukuman/perlaksanaan hudud ni kalau carik kitab, berlambak2..  Contoh dlm bab riddah (murtad), ada cakap pancung, ada cakap tidak.. Dalam bab potong tangan, ada cakap kalau mangsa maafkan, xperlu dipotong ada cakap perlu.. Penghabisan diganti dgn takzir..

Sumpah dgn nama Allah konsep dia, siapa salah dan siapa betul akan diadili di mahkamah akhirat, jadik terlepas didunia..

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Post time 22-12-2014 07:28 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Semoga anak beranak dapat hidayah keluar dari kejahilan

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Post time 22-12-2014 07:32 PM | Show all posts

Isu2 begini menambahkan lagi  keyakinan saya bahawa islam sedang naik dan pasti akan menang. Itu janji Allah.

Selama ini rakyat Malaysia hidup aman damai, kerana islam itu hanya ritual yang diamalkan dalam masjid.

Apabila Islam hendak dijadikan lifestyle atau asas ekonomi, undang2 dan sebagainya pasti ada yang menentang termasuk yang mengaku diri islam.

sudah pasti ini adalah ujian saringan untuk tapis siapa yang benar2 yakin dgn Allah dan siapa hanya mengaku islam tapi terhad kepada solat, puasaa dan haji.

So berdoa semoga kita berada diatas jalan yang benar dan bukan jalan orang2 sesat.

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Post time 22-12-2014 07:42 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
M5 posted on 22-12-2014 04:55 PM
hudud potong tangan kaki sebat rejam bagai bukan dari tuhan. itu semua indoktrinasi pak ereb pada  ...

Potong tangan ada tulis dalam al quran, surah al maidah..

Sebat dalam surah An Nur..

Rejam tricky sikit, dia ada dalam hadith, xdak dalam al-quran.. Kisah dia rasullah suruh sorang kristian bawak kitab, dia tunjuk ayat rejam dari old testament, then rasullulah perintah rejam mengikut kitab taurat, tertuduh berbangsa yahudi dan BUKAN ISLAM..

Banyak boleh belajar dari hadith hukuman rejam.. So, hudud xreka, diturunkan..

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Post time 22-12-2014 08:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
axl_bach posted on 22-12-2014 04:29 PM
tu laaa,bila pk2 balik PAS macam gelojoh mempergunakan Hudud untuk kepentingan x mem ...

setuju... diorg tak serius n mengkaji dgan mendalam tentang perlaksanaan hudud.. hanya gunakan hudud sbg isu utk dibangkitkan

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Post time 22-12-2014 08:13 PM | Show all posts

Bila isu ini timbul, ini menambahkan keyakinan bahawa islam sedang naik dan pasti akan menang. Itu janji Allah

Selama ini Malaysia hidup aman damai kerana islam hanya ritual dan didalam masjid sahaja. Jika islam itu lifestyle merangkumi politik, ekonomi dan undang2 sudah pasti peperangan akan berlaku.

ini adalah ujian saringan utk memastikan siapa yang benar beriman 100% kepada Allah dan siapa pula yang islam hanya pada solat, puasa, haji dan perkahwinan.

Pertentangan antara yang bathil dan hak akan berlaku. Kena byk berdoa semoga hati ada Nur utk di tunjukkan jalan yg lurus. Dan yang sudah Nampak jalan yg lurus pula kena sentiasa istiqamah untuk menghadapi ujian saringan seterusnya yg pasti akan lebih getir dan payah.

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Post time 22-12-2014 08:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
gue posted on 22-12-2014 08:13 PM

Bila isu ini timbul, ini menambahkan keyakinan bahawa islam sedang naik dan pasti akan mena ...

Or ujian kepada org2 yg beriman mcm mana nak handle penyelewengan islam yg licik..

At this point, susah nak xcakap..

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Post time 22-12-2014 08:24 PM | Show all posts
gue posted on 22-12-2014 08:13 PM

Bila isu ini timbul, ini menambahkan keyakinan bahawa islam sedang naik dan pasti akan mena ...

jika islam itu lifestyle.. peperangan akan berlaku??? ----ni ayat ko

oleh itu jom sekular sampai kiamat supaya aman damai kekdahnye

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Post time 22-12-2014 08:44 PM | Show all posts
How will PAS deal with rape and adultery in the shariah system? – Nawawi Mohamad
Published: 22 December 2014

Rape and adultery are among the most common crimes committed by humans. These crimes occur daily and in Malaysia it is reported that the number of births outside wedlock among Muslims is staggeringly high. According to the director of the National Registration Department (JPN/NRD), Datuk Alwi Ibrahim, the total for the whole country for 2013 was 17,303 cases.
In its endeavour to implement the shariah law in Kelantan, PAS must detail how it will tackle the issues pertaining to these two crimes in the shariah system.
This is a very important issue because, unknown to many Muslims in Malaysia, in some of the so-called Muslim countries that implement the shariah law, in a rape case, the victim (woman) will always end up being punished instead of the rapist.
The main reasons for this unfortunate outcome from the trial are because i) the victim is not able to bring forward four credible and trustworthy male witnesses and ii) the victim asked for it.
Somehow the shariah court judges and the Muslim scholars in countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan are biased in blaming the victim instead of finding the truth in the actual circumstances.
It seems that a clear injustice has been done in the name of Islam.
Ironically, the basis of the law that these countries adhere to is the Surah An-Nur verse 4 (Quran-24:4) which states: "And those who accuse free women then do not bring four witnesses (to adultery), flog them..." and verse 13 of the same Surah An-Nur verse 14 (Quran-24:13): "Why did they not bring four witnesses of it? But as they have not brought witnesses they are liars before Allah."
But this clearly applies to someone accusing a woman of adultery and that someone must bring forward the four trustworthy male witnesses. However, somehow the Muslim scholars have decided to use the same principle in trying rape cases. Isn’t it ridiculous?
But why is it so difficult for the Muslim scholars to differentiate between rape and adultery? Rape and adultery are two different issues and should be separate in law. Rape is an act of violence and coercion and the inflicting of suffering on a victim, and is not consensual, whereas adultery is consensual, freely chosen.
As a result of the skewed principle, rape victims will always face double or more than double jeopardy.
Those who rape a woman will always go scot free because nobody will be willing to come forward as witnesses, and are they trustworthy? If really there are four witnesses, then why on earth didn’t they try to prevent the rape from happening? They must be cohorts too! These four are untrustworthy rascals!
But what about incest? Will the woman be punished for adultery too?
If the woman is unmarried and becomes pregnant, she will eventually be accused of adultery. It seems that even if a family member impregnated the women, the perpetrators will go scot free again. The victim will not be able to bring forward any witnesses.
In an adultery case, the woman’s partner could also go scot free because he can always deny it and put all the blame on the women. So it seems that nobody in authority will bring the man to court to receive the same punishment since adultery is consensual.
In the case where the woman asked for it, Muslim scholars refer to Surah Al Ahzaab verse 59 (Quran – 33:59) which statesL: “O Prophet! Tell your wives and daughters, and the women of the believers, that they should cast their outer garments over their persons. It is expected that they will be recognised and that they will not be molested. And Allah is Oft Forgiving, Most Merciful.”
Normally, rapists know where and how to choose their victims: when they are most vulnerable, either in an empty public place, or in their homes. Sometimes the victims are abducted and gang-raped. Therefore no matter how covered, protected and modest the woman may be, she is always vulnerable.
And the afore-described skewed principle would only embolden the perpetrators because even if caught, they could always say that the woman asked for it.
Remember, when the victim accuses the rapist of raping her, she must prove that he did it to her, with witnesses, and also prove that she did not ask for it.
In this case, rape can only be proven if the rapist confesses. But would anyone be willing to confess? Yes, maybe one in a million.
Thus rape and similar crimes should not be categorised under hudud per se; it should be under hirabah (hudud robbery rule in a wider concept). I have touched on this concept in a previous article published by The Malaysian Insider. Then only can the rapist be punished and the victim be vindicated.

The judge in the shariah court must play his role to ensure that the victim is given a fair trial and use every means possible to ultimately get a confession from the accused (rapist). He must get some very compelling evidence. This could be done with scientific methods, forensics, videos and other physical evidence and known circumstances.
So a grim reminder to Muslims in Malaysia: if PAS decides to practise the same skewed principle in Afghanistan and Pakistan and other Muslim countries that adhere to the same principle, being raped is the end of the world for you. – December 22, 2014.
* Nawawi Mohamad reads The Malaysian Insider.


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Post time 22-12-2014 08:47 PM | Show all posts
spankee_fili posted on 22-12-2014 03:39 PM
so kalu nak kata video tu dijadikan bukti mungkin boleh tapi tugas berat bagi pakar yang nak menen ...

yes...apa pun boleh berlaku..itu lah tugas pakar..bukan tugas kita.

secara lojiknya....memang sepatutnya video boleh diterima sebagai bahan bukti...krn mana mungkin org merogol kat bus stand pudu raya ramai org lalu lalang..mesti ditempat yg sunyi, tersorok ada bukti2 melalui video...bukan kah itu bahan bukti....tapi Hadi Awang pernah tak boleh dijadikan bahan bukti krn ianya besi...mesti nak 4 org saksi...kalau tak ada dan wanita itu membuat laporan yg dia dirogol tanpa ada 4 org saksi maka wanita itu boleh didakwa dibawah qazaf dan disebat 80 kali....dan lagi teruk..kalau dia tidak boleh membawa 4 saksi dan dia tak mendakwa..mengandung plak...mungkin dia boleh didakwa berzina....saya tak boleh bayangkan sekiranya hudud PAS begini dilaksanakan nanti..ramai lah yg teraniaya nampaknya..

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Post time 22-12-2014 08:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
atira posted on 22-12-2014 08:24 PM
jika islam itu lifestyle.. peperangan akan berlaku??? ----ni ayat ko

oleh itu jom sekular sampa ...

Menyampah aku dgn org cinta peperangan mcm ni..


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Post time 22-12-2014 08:50 PM | Show all posts
Semoga mereka yg lupa janji di azali dulu akan mendapat hidayah sebelum dikembalikan kpd pencipta mereka.

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Post time 22-12-2014 08:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Anak_Nogori posted on 22-12-2014 08:47 PM
yes...apa pun boleh berlaku..itu lah tugas pakar..bukan tugas kita.

secara lojiknya....memang s ...

Bukti video pergi takzir, xjatuh qazaf.. Tapi bende mcm ni pun nampaknya susah nak dijawap oleh pejuang hudud..

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Post time 22-12-2014 08:55 PM | Show all posts
JokesCop posted on 22-12-2014 08:52 PM
Bukti video pergi takzir, xjatuh qazaf.. Tapi bende mcm ni pun nampaknya susah nak dijawap oleh pe ...

dah selama ni pun hudud hanya modal politik..... sbb tu kesudah tak paham..... yg aku geli dgr.... hbis apsl umno tak buat hudud...
hudud stail pak arab nun ka.....

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Post time 22-12-2014 08:56 PM | Show all posts
klu hudud di laksanakan di negara nie atau di negeri kelantan,misti ade org suap duit ke tukang nk ptg tangan Jangan ptg tangan sya, sya ulur awak dwit

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Post time 22-12-2014 08:56 PM | Show all posts
JokesCop posted on 22-12-2014 03:53 PM
AN dalam hudud ada hudud, dalam bab jenayah islamiah ada hudud, qisas dan takzir.. Dia bab lain2.. ...

Itu saya tak pasti jokescop...krn setakat ini kajian yg dibuat belum lagi dibentangkan utk dikaji oleh kita semua termasuk ahli2 parlimen yg akan mengundi nanti...dengarnya kertas kerja hudud akan dibentangkan dlm bulan January 2015 oleh PAS..tapi sebelum itu UMNO ada dalam jawatankuasa tersebut utk melihat sama bentuk hudud yg akan dijalankan diKelantan nanti.

cuma saya speku..tentulah qisas dan tazkir dibicarakan dibawah hakim yg membicarakan Rang Undang-Undang Kanun Jenayah Syariah..takkan diserahkan pada Mahkamah sivil dimana mahkamah tersebut dikatakan sekular dan sudah pasti akan ada hakim dari golongan yg bukan islam..

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Post time 22-12-2014 09:00 PM | Show all posts
cmf_conan posted on 22-12-2014 04:14 PM
bagi aku senang sajork..
kalo tak buat salah buat apa nak takut ngan hudud?
like seriously, kalo t ...

saya rasa tak ramai yg takut buat salah dan dikenakan hudud..kebanyakkan yg saya nampak mereka ragu2 macam mana PAS nak implement dan perlaksanaannya..biasanya...atas kertas cantik..tapi bila bab perlaksanaan jadi kaput.

mcm saya..saya memang tak setuju hudud hanya utk org islam sahaja...sepatutnya tak kira dia sapa..asal dia bersalah dibawah hudud...mereka mesti dihukum dibawah hudud..tak ada pengecualian bagi saya.

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Post time 22-12-2014 09:08 PM | Show all posts
cmf_conan posted on 22-12-2014 05:12 PM
itu aku tk nafikan..
aku pon tunggu jugak apa dorg nak explain pasal cara perlaksanaan tu..
nak ...

bila Hadi Awang ditanya cara nak potong tangan...dia cakap..kena bius bukan ahli pas calang2 yg cakap...tapi seorang presiden parti islam yg nak laksanakan hudud..

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Post time 22-12-2014 09:15 PM | Show all posts
AwgSagi posted on 22-12-2014 05:58 PM
Ramai sangat org islam sendiri yg terpengaruh fobia islam & anything related seperti hudud ni. Antar ...

saya setuju dgn pendapat awgsagi...lagi teruk bila agama dipolitikkan termasuk hudud dipolitikkan..berkurun lamanya hudud dimainkan diMalaysia..last fobia hudud..

cuba proses awal hudud dibuat dgn cara yg betul..diusul, dibincang, bagi semua org bercakap pro dan konnya..diterima usul atau ditolak hudud tak..pi mana2 ceramah..jadi modal politik...mana yg menentang dikafirkan...asal tak setuju atas sebab2 yg dirasakan betul pun..dikapirkan juga.

nilah kesannya pada hari ni dan hari mendatang.

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