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Author: BurningTimes

[Dunia] Pesawat MAS MH370/9M-MRO Hilang V4 [Analysis minyak masih belum di umumkan]

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Post time 10-3-2014 10:06 AM | Show all posts
Muntz posted on 10-3-2014 09:52 AM
Kalau diikutkan, semua luggage mesti ada pemilik luggage skali yg masuk sbg penumpang. Kalau diorg ...

Procedure biasa katanya. so kena cari balik 5 org nie. Kenapa diorg tak masuk kapal? Apa 'wahyu' yg mereka dpt?


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Post time 10-3-2014 10:06 AM | Show all posts
kan adam dah cakap...

kita kena bersabar..

jgn dengar konpirasi yahudi mahupun munafikin..

adam dh fikir masak2..

mesti ada tak kena..

harap negotiation berjalan lancar..

moga semua selamat...

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Post time 10-3-2014 10:06 AM | Show all posts
Namirul_returns posted on 10-3-2014 09:55 AM
Internal probe on Immigration department, says Home Minister

        An internal investigation on the  ...

pekerja immigresen and pois kat KLIA memang sangat lembab, bengong and ntah apa apa.
yang immigresen lelakinya, tgk kita dgn pandangan semacam padahal kita local. bila kita senyum and ckp selamat pagi or petang, dia pandang semacam mcm lah kita ni gila.

yang polis pulak, duduk berkumpul dekat kawasan baggasi tu, bila penumpang asing datang tanya, sepatah haram english takleh jawab,
iolls yang tolong translate kan waktu tu, mcm eiiiiii geram betul, dah tau nak keje kat airport hantar la kursus bahasa inggeris, supaya boleh tolong orang

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Post time 10-3-2014 10:06 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
poyohabis posted on 10-3-2014 10:05 AM
yg nie betul..semalam terenggok berita channel singapura..dia org interv menteri china..memang men ...

Sebenarnya lost contact 30mins dah kena report...malaysia buat apa?

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Post time 10-3-2014 10:06 AM | Show all posts
crossfire posted on 10-3-2014 09:52 AM
abg keross ada buat kajian sendiri berdasarkan pengalaman, tetapi mh370 ni pelik...radar tentera k ...

aku rasa mcm seram sejuk plak.... sbb ada org bagi amaran peristiwa besar akan berlaku kat sebuah blog militer
xpasti plak jika ini yg dimaksudkan

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Post time 10-3-2014 10:07 AM | Show all posts
ResellerMaxis posted on 10-3-2014 09:32 AM
berdasarkan pembacaan aku tentang passport ni..kebanyakan warga dunia yang ada 2 passport..mereka  ...

i beg to differ, as a holder of dual citizenship person

kalo kt holland duluk there will be a sticker at the back of the passport to report your other passport number , from which country and such, samer mcm long term visit pass kt mesia neh. only in asia that doesn't accept this form of freedom mmg dorang tk acknowledge in our passport pung, since its illegal here.

but my two brothers decided to denounce their spore citizenships because of NS issue, do you know that person who cabut from NS is also listed as wanted  by the interpol and still is not consider as threat to other countries? bley pass immigresen laen negeri pung, so what is so great abt the interpol database? it just captured what is reported nothing more, ok?


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Post time 10-3-2014 10:07 AM | Show all posts
Missing MAS flight: I'm still at the beach, says owner of stolen Italian passport


KUALA LUMPUR: Luigi Maraldi, the Italian citizen, whose passport went missing while he was in Phuket last year, is surprised that his name turned up in the flight manifest of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

Speaking to The Star, the 37-year-old, who is currently in Phuket for a vacation, said he had met with the Thai police and immigration department, as well as the Italian embassy, following the discovery that his identity may had been stolen by an individual aboard the flight which went off the radar at 1.30am Saturday.

Owner of stolen Italian passport Luigi Maraldi, 37.
"I'm okay. I'm still fine and going to the beach. I don't know when all this began, everyone has been trying to call me including reporters from Italy and I think I would like to just have my privacy," he said.

Maraldi reported his passport missing on August 1, 2013 when he deposited it with a rental car agency and was told it had gone missing when he came to return his vehicle, according to The Washington Post.

He was able to obtain a temporary travel document back to Italy where he obtained a new passport. The report of his missing document was inserted into the Interpol database.

It was reported that a second passenger on flight MH370 had also used a stolen passport, this time that of Austrian national Christan Kozel, who was confirmed to be alive and well by authorities.

Kozel told Austrian newspaper De Standard that his passport was stolen when he visited Thailand in 2012.

It is learnt that the two imposters had bought tickets together at the same time from MAS code sharing partner China Southern Airlines in Thai Baht.

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Post time 10-3-2014 10:07 AM | Show all posts
NAT_11 posted on 10-3-2014 10:05 AM
Bila dah berlaku kes macam ni, barulah orang pegi cek.
Apakejadah tetiba nak cek................. ...

takde kena mengena dgn ibu jari. Database ni hanya ada nama dan no. passport.

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Post time 10-3-2014 10:07 AM | Show all posts
cmf_herrhughie posted on 10-3-2014 10:05 AM
Mmg ko silap. Pasal dah tau hilang, mas senyap dah biar keluarga mangsa tunggu saja lebih 20 jam

ini bukan kess passport lagikan? ... aii hanya menjawab kes passport ....

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Post time 10-3-2014 10:07 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ResellerMaxis posted on 10-3-2014 10:03 AM
so reason 2 jam hilang dari radar baru "luar biasa" n mula mencari..kenapa plak??

Lps 2 jam hilang baru cari tu kira cepat la n ikut sop. Atc subang hilang n ask vietnam cari coz dh smpi sempadan vietnam......vietnam cari tp x jumpa then pass blk pd atc subang. So proses tu ambik masa almost 2 hours.....okay la unt atc subang inform betul2 lost.

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Post time 10-3-2014 10:07 AM | Show all posts
Namirul_returns posted on 10-3-2014 09:55 AM
Internal probe on Immigration department, says Home Minister

        An internal investigation on the  ...

sbb pegawai immigration yg ada degree duduk dlm office..yg check security selalunya tak ada klulusan..kalau dkt australia yg check2 org ni semua ada degree..pdhal dkt msia..dr dulu ioll tak setuju pgawai2 tak ada klulusan jg border..sbb tu msia ni hub dadah semua..kalau kt australia..dadah yg dah jdk pembalut buku pon boleh detect..

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Post time 10-3-2014 10:07 AM | Show all posts posted on 10-3-2014 09:52 AM
caner leh jd mcm ni kan...takkan tadak announcement di buat suh depa masuk plane...takkan diam cen ...

Mesti ada announcement. Bila dah announce still tak muncul, bagasi diorg dioffload. Procedure biasanya katanya. Aku cuma nak tahu, apa "wahyu" yg diorg dpt sampai tak naik kapal. Memang they are sooooo lucky (dgn izin Allah)....


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Post time 10-3-2014 10:08 AM | Show all posts
Sagoo posted on 10-3-2014 08:38 AM
allahuakbar...takotnye la aku nk g beijing next month.
rase nk cancel je flight..serious aku takut  ...

Just believe in God/Allah s.w.t.  n pray for the best.  Kecanggihan, kesungguhan, keberanian dn ketakutan manusia tetap tidak dpt menandingi kuasaNya, qada' dn qadrNya.  Itu sebabnya kita perlu selalu ingat kepadaNya dn bersahabat dgn Dia. Dlm keadaan spt ini setelah segala usaha yg kita gembelingkan untuk mencari mh370, jalan terakhir ialah kita bersolat hajat dn memanjatkan doa ke hadratNya.

Kasihanilah kami wahai Allah. Permudahkanlah usaha kami kerana hanya Engkau yg maha mengetahui, dn hanya  Engkau jua yg dpt menolong kami. InsyaAllah.

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Post time 10-3-2014 10:08 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
monreyes posted on 10-3-2014 10:03 AM
jgn lupa Air France....lagi lama

Tak, kes ini jauh lagi lama la, air france tak sampai main masuk hari ke3

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 Author| Post time 10-3-2014 10:08 AM | Show all posts
akak sekarang tengah tunggu news pasal sample minyak, harini baru dapat kot.

The result of the analysis is expected to be known tomorrow (Monday) afternoon.

dah dapat berita, baru update tered

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Post time 10-3-2014 10:08 AM | Show all posts
Pendapat dari China..sumber, China Daily...aku tak duk China...tumpang baca online newspaper jah..

Aviation experts air their opinionsBy He Na, Zhao Xu, Zhao Shengnan ( 2014-03-09 23:08Comments[url=]Print[/url][url=]Mail[/url][url=]Large[/url][url=]Medium[/url][url=]Small[/url]

When Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 vanished in the early hours of Saturday, it was instantly on its way to becoming one of the great riddles in modern aviation.
Some 48 hours later, experts and observers are still scratching their heads over the possible outcome of the lost airliner and the 239 people on board. As of Sunday night, 11 countries, including China, Vietnam, the US, Singapore, and the Philippines were conducting intense search operations, and still no answers.


Si Xianmin, president of China Southern Airlines, said there has never been a search before that has taken so long to locate such a large and well-monitored aircraft.
With the mysterious disappearance a hot topic around the world, a range of specialists provided their insight into what might have happened.
Zhao Yifei, professor, Air Traffic Management Institute at Civil Aviation University of China
Hot topic: "The missing Malaysia Airlines plane has become the hottest topic among his colleagues and friends in the aviation industries."
Strong belief: "From my knowledge and experience, I think there's one thing can be sure: that whatever happened was quick and left the pilots no time to place a distress call."
Extreme weather: "I think the possibility that mechanical failure [affected the flight] when it entered into the extreme weather layer is high. The signal of the aircraft disappeared suddenly, which indicates that, except for a terrorist attack, it would have been something the plane was hard hit by thunderstorm or some other strong blows, like hail."
Depth of possible wreckage: "I think the possibility that the aircraft has already deepened in the waters is also quite high. Rescue staff may find some floating debris and seats, but for the big aircraft relics, it may take them longer or even long enough time to find.
Mei Dongmu, aircraft designer, Aviation Industry Corporation of China
Weather unlikely: "It's quite common for a plane to be caught in air turbulence, something that's essentially unpredictable. And in the overwhelming majority of cases, the pilot, after sensing the instability in the plane's movement, would simply get out of trouble's way by giving the plane uplift or making a bypass around the center of the turbulences.
"But of course there are rare occasions when due to multiple reasons – the pilot has fallen into sleep being one – the threat of the bad weather was noticed only too late and the plane, out of control, plunged headlong towards the ground, or the ocean, as is widely speculated in the current case."
Search speculation: "If the plane has indeed plunged into the ocean, then it's almost impossible for us not to have found it. It's a common misperception that a crashed plane is bound to sink into the bottom of the sea – in reality, the cylindrical body of a plane would almost certainly be floating on the sea surface for some time, even if it's been broken into two or three parts.
"And all that stuff – the chairs, cushions, and plastic bags for example – will eventually form a little island of wreckage being carried away by the waves. None of that we have found so far."
Explosion theory: "So in my view, the plane hasn't dropped into the ocean or onto the ground. It has simply exploded mid-air, the metal shell breaking into million pieces that could no longer be identified.
"The bodies of the victims have probably fallen into the ocean, and it might take days for them to resurface.
"I know it's the bleakest picture possible and something that every body would be very reluctant to believe, but it's my honest judgment."
Captain John M. Cox, pilot for US Airways for 25 years and now CEO of Safety Operating Systems
Quick occurrence: "Whatever happened to the Malaysia Airlines jet, it occurred quickly. The problem had to be big enough to stop the plane's transponder from broadcasting its location, although the transponder can be purposely shut off from the cockpit."
Debris field: "One of the first indicators of what happened will be the size of the debris field. If it is large and spread out over tens of miles, then the plane likely broke apart at a high elevation. That could signal a bomb or a massive airframe failure.
"If it is a smaller field, the plane probably fell from 35,000 feet intact, breaking up upon contact with the water.
In sum: "We know the airplane is down. Beyond that, we don't know a whole lot."
Ma Weiming, scholar and expert, Chinese Academy of Engineering
Survivors' chances: "The temperature is relatively high on the surface of the South China Sea, if there were survivors after the crash, they might hold on for some time.
"The maritime search and rescue work is completely different from that after an earthquake, which usually has 72 hours of golden saving time."
Yan Kai, a senior engineer of China's manned deep-sea submersible research vessel "Jiaolong"
Hindered rescue: "oor infrastructure in the Nansha islands of the South China Sea has deterred China from carrying out efficient rescue.
"The suspected accident site is close to our Nansha islands, but neither a port nor an airport is available there. Actually, in the whole of Sansha city that governs the Xisha, Zhongsha and Nansha islands and their surrounding waters, there is only one small airport and one port."
Liang Shijie, chief pilot for Civil Aviation Administration of China's central and southern regions
Difficult to grasp: "Almost all the communication equipment on the airplane went out of action in the missing flight of Malaysia Airlines and it is beyond understanding even for experienced pilot."
Air protocols: "Usually, once airplane gets issues, the captain will announce emergency by calling Mayday on the radio or sending code by transponder, such as 7700 for mechanical breakdown and 7500 for hijacking.
"Even if the captain cannot send out signal, the Emergency Locator Transmitter on the airplane can still send locating signals automatically when the airplane gets in an accident, and the signal can help rescuers find the site.
However, all the communication equipments did not take effect on the missing airplane. It is difficult to explain.
What's next? "The reason [for the disappearance] will be shown only after the aircraft is found. The only effective way [to find it] may be the [ongoing] surface search by the multi-national force."


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Post time 10-3-2014 10:08 AM | Show all posts
Bell posted on 10-3-2014 10:06 AM
Procedure biasa katanya. so kena cari balik 5 org nie. Kenapa diorg tak masuk kapal? Apa 'wahyu' y ...

Yg ni dh jd mcm Final Destination lak...

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Post time 10-3-2014 10:08 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 10-3-2014 10:08 AM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki posted on 10-3-2014 09:29 AM
Ni menarik yg I ambik dari forum lain... tp it explains logically

dah mcm story line sebuah pilem


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Post time 10-3-2014 10:08 AM | Show all posts
darkness posted on 10-3-2014 09:44 AM
sy termimpi pasal ni semalam. dan selalunya mimpi tu betul. hemm..
esok atau lusa, jumpalah kapal n ...

mimpi apa..?  shareler dear


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