adakah...sume yg terjadi satu takdir...... |
tiada kata semanis bicara.....
tiada madah bila berhelah....
apa lg nak dibicara....
hari minggu jom berkelah.....

*banyak keje....tp....layan.... |
manda n tajul.....
sgt jiwang karatzzzzzzzz...... |
copy paste dr ati ker alam maya....
hikhik... |
manda sorang je 
saya ialah luahan kerja,maka tidak jiwang  |
calling2 cik kacut bucuk....
sy mls nak bukak ym kekdahnyer....
nnt pc hang....lgsung x bole wat ap.....
harap maklum....hikhik... |
‎"Some people say the worst way
to miss someone is when
they are right next to you
and you know you can't have them,
but the worse is when you thought you didn't want them anymore
...and then all of a sudden you realize"
you can't live without them." |
seronok kot wat keje ngan tabah tapi tau apa yang terjadi kat opis serta market kat luar 
berselindung di sebalik icon,masih tiada mood  |
‎"Some people say the worst way
to miss someone is when
they are right next to you
and you ...
khaieza86 Post at 14-10-2010 12:28 
ahaks..... |
selamat tengah ari..jom lunch  |
kacut bucuk~~~
ahaks....yer ker i jiwang???
muahhahaha....mcm da ilang ingatan la syg....
sbb i la nie da jadi minah jiwa kental....
ahaks....xsuka di buli kekdahnyer....
tp i suka buli org.....
wakakakkaka....... |
manda masam~~~
ang gelak ap ha????? |
tajul kelat~~~
klu malas nak lunch...p tdoq.... |
| |
Category: Cinta & Perhubungan