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Post time 26-4-2006 09:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by supergripen at 26-4-2006 11:06 AM

are u a guy or a gal?? ok,kalau u tak kisah kereta yg tal berapa power,the 318i e46 is a superb car.enjin 1.9 4cylinder,tak berapa power tapi smooth as silk.suspension very very comfortable and ...

pompuan le. Layan corner? x kut, bawa pun terketar2 heheheh.i x tau ape2 pasal enjin ke hapa ke. yg penting boleh sampai tempat kerja. skang pakai getz 1.6 (beli sbb kereta tu kecik n i rasa i senang nak handle) klu ikut tahun produce BMW tu, its was way back 1999, x pe ke? not so old ke?

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Post time 26-4-2006 09:02 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by supergripen at 24-4-2006 01:34 PM
hey least a voice of reason.i agree that both cars have their strengths..i've owned and driven both in anger.both are great cars in their own rights.

i just can't stand people making lud ...

i tried to be nice here but some people just can't take a hint,like they say insults begets insults.i'll say it again even if this is a bmw thread.the 156 is a nice car..a sports saloon in its own right.i love it too but only the GTA.
ok..this is a bmw thread,it'd be nice if we can talk about bimmers without having people pissing ignorant insults on the thread.
anyone wants to buy a bmw and wants a reliable mech to check/inspect the car,pm me and i'll be glad to forward you my mechs number..

[ Last edited by  supergripen at 26-4-2006 09:13 PM ]

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Post time 26-4-2006 09:09 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by noraidil_06 at 26-4-2006 09:02 PM

pompuan le. Layan corner? x kut, bawa pun terketar2 heheheh.i x tau ape2 pasal enjin ke hapa ke. yg penting boleh sampai tempat kerja. skang pakai getz 1.6 (beli sbb kereta tu kecik n i rasa i se ...

'99 ok lagi..with your criterias i think the 318i will be perfect.its a very safe car with multiple airbags and also ABS and traction control yto keep you safe.
in fact,i gave one to my wife for her daily chores/drive(its a 328i tho)..i feel its the best i can do for her car wise.when i go outstation,i know she's in good 'hands' maintainence worries,no safety worries etc.
99-00 gearboxes are very hardy,so you don't have to worry.the engine is also bulletproof and not high strung.maknanya enjin dia tak stress sebab power output tak tinggi untuk size dia.

good choice i say..

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Post time 26-4-2006 09:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by supergripen at 26-4-2006 09:09 PM

'99 ok lagi..with your criterias i think the 318i will be perfect.its a very safe car with multiple airbags and also ABS and traction control yto keep you safe.
in fact,i gave one to my wife f ...

so what i shld do now is bargain for the good price le ye? the reason dia jual sampai RM120K tu sbb dia ganti rim-RM15K n tayar baru. But i dont care about the rim, i cuma nak drive je.mcm i cakap boleh sampai tmt kerja pun ok

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Post time 26-4-2006 09:17 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by noraidil_06 at 26-4-2006 09:14 PM

so what i shld do now is bargain for the good price le ye? the reason dia jual sampai RM120K tu sbb dia ganti rim-RM15K n tayar baru. But i dont care about the rim, i cuma nak drive je.mcm i caka ...

rm15K???? kenapa mahal sangat?? 318i tak payah rim fancy2 la,ask them to letak bmw punya standard rim balik.then u boleh tekan price lagi..

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Post time 26-4-2006 09:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by supergripen at 26-4-2006 09:17 PM

rm15K???? kenapa mahal sangat?? 318i tak payah rim fancy2 la,ask them to letak bmw punya standard rim balik.then u boleh tekan price lagi..

o ye ke? tayar dia besar sgt. rim dia kilat2, tapi i dont give a damn. ramai duk pujuk2 nak rim tu.i nak tanya u banyak soalan, tapi x tau nak tanya ape. i sebenarnya takut nak pakai 2ndhand car. sbb never bought 2ndhand car b4. my first car wira, 2nd car Waja n latest ngeri juga nak pakai 2nd hand car ni, takut ape2 hal jadi.what say u?

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Post time 26-4-2006 10:03 PM | Show all posts
FYI all my bimmers were bought 2nd hand..what matters is when u have decided on a car,get the buyer to agree on taking the car for an inspection with a bmw specialist/mech of your choice..
dah inspect,kalau semuanya okay than u can proceed with the purchase la.
about the rims,insist on standard bmw rims,jangan terima rim shining2 besar2 tu..tak de guna sesen pun.rim besar selalunya lagi berat..and its unsprung weight.for every kg u tambah with a bigger rim to teh unsprung weight,u actually akan tambah 7kg to the effective weight of the car.increased weight = worse fuel economy = worse performance = worse handling = worse braking.if the bigger rims are 2kgs heavier than stock rims,2 x 4 = 8 x 7 = 56kgs..macam tambah seorang lagi pax on the car.
suggest u ask for the standard bmw 15 inch rims from the guy.shudn't cost much..

[ Last edited by  supergripen at 26-4-2006 10:37 PM ]

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Post time 26-4-2006 10:22 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by supergripen at 26-4-2006 10:03 PM
FYI all my bimmers were bought 2nd hand..what matters is when u have decided on a car,get the buyer to agree on taking the car for an inspection with a bmw specialist/mech of your choice..
dah ins ...

ok, i will talk to the owner again

[ Last edited by  noraidil_06 at 27-4-2006 03:48 PM ]

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Post time 26-4-2006 10:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by supergripen at 26-4-2006 08:28 PM

damn!! GTTi?? EP82??? VR4??? B8?? patut la enjin kaboom!!! dah berapa kurun punye enjin bro..
true i just bought my first turbo..but i've been around turbo engines a looong don't ha ...

Mr Supergripen, boleh aku tanya...adakah ko nie Munyuei aka Samuelchan. Sebab cara ko posting macam sama jerkkk dengan masalah yang dihadapi oleh Munyuei aka SamuelChan.....Lagipun IP address ko macam sama jerk dengan SamuelChan tuh hehehe...kalau betul mmg aku tak silap la...hehehe

[ Last edited by  Bujangserangga at 26-4-2006 10:32 PM ]

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Post time 26-4-2006 10:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Bujangserangga at 26-4-2006 10:26 PM

Mr Supergripen, boleh aku tanya...adakah ko nie Munyuei aka Samuelchan. Sebab cara ko posting macam sama jerkkk dengan masalah yang dihadapi oleh Munyuei aka SamuelChan.....Lagipun IP address k ...

bro bachelor..i'm a melayu..well,3/5 melayu at least from PJ now living in N9.a bit rojak already actually :hatdown:

[ Last edited by  supergripen at 26-4-2006 10:41 PM ]

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Post time 26-4-2006 10:38 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by supergripen at 26-4-2006 10:35 PM

bro bachelor..i'm a malay guy from PJ.:hatdown:

Mmmmm kira dekat la ngan tempat keje ngan rumah aku...ko pj mana?ff:

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Post time 26-4-2006 10:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Bujangserangga at 26-4-2006 10:38 PM

Mmmmm kira dekat la ngan tempat keje ngan rumah aku...ko pj mana?ff:

SS3 kelana jaya..dulu SRK Kpg Tunku.then masuk MRSM.where do u live? must be cool to have the Ti and the Coupe..nice cars.

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Post time 27-4-2006 03:19 AM | Show all posts
nice to meet u guys...

bro... conti engine is difren wif jepong wan...
kalau conti engine turbo wan... ada sket lasak & ketahanan enjin juga berbeza disebabkan penggunaan bahan...

kita ambik contoh...

conti engine nak upgrade to 15-25hp sgt mudah... change a performance ECU... dah dpt... without do anything to engine...

we look to our gti (gua penah pakai) the 4G93 NA engine will cost u very high to get 15-25hp... enjine, blok, head, intake, outlet, xzos piping, fuel regulator, merc fuel pump, ecu... sebab tu banyak pomen rekemen convert masuk turbo engine je ... from 142bhp to 200+bhp senang2... x kesah laa gsr ke, vr4 ke, evo ke...

nampak tak perbezaan 2 enjin2 tersebut ?

aku penah tgk bmw 525i masuk turbo... NA to turbo... masuk sebiji Garret T29, Intercooler, Metal Head Gasket, fuel regulator + microtec ecu... 200++bhp dlm tangan... so simple ! sebab apa ? ketahanan enjin !

but again... suhu di mesia x sesuai pakai turbo...
my cousin sendiri pakai Audi A4 Turbo... stock wan... without any modifying with de engine... kaki pesit gak... but kejap2 masuk bengkel... siput mampos ! (turbine pecah)... head crack... sekarang nie dah slow sket... pasal dah masuk skyline oil cooler & tak pesit at max speed in highway !

gua pun ada plan nak sumbat enjin Q4 turbo dlm 155 gua... but maybe lepas sambar 147 GTA... ini 155 wa nak bikin project car... huhuhu... 200+bhp for 155 to me... powder enuf (borrow ur word, hihihi) to smoke any germany's car at same age, same cc... Insya-Allah...

sorry to say, maybe u baru pakai turbo... suhu mesia day by day makin panas... u akan tau ...anyway, wa salute anak melayu pakai STi or any big car yg sebelum2 nie driver kete2 nie ah beng je...

Kalau lu banyak kaki kat kelantan... go to their turbo workshop... very buruk workshop wan... but very powerful job... Ford Escord MK2 wif Costworth Turbo <--- betul ke eja ? can play wif Porsche, Ferrari, even Diablo... huhuhu

again, nak tanya.. ada ke M3 siri 328i ?

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Post time 27-4-2006 03:27 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Bujangserangga at 26-4-2006 10:26 PM

Mr Supergripen, boleh aku tanya...adakah ko nie Munyuei aka Samuelchan. Sebab cara ko posting macam sama jerkkk dengan masalah yang dihadapi oleh Munyuei aka SamuelChan.....Lagipun IP address k ...

hahahha.. i still remember wif that guy... rasanya skang dia dah pakai proton saga tahun 1988 je koot...
semua kete masalah... xpecially alfa... cost him almost ferrari mentenen.... kenceng punya kaki !

but he used 156 Salespeed one laa... not 146Ti...
always talk about salespeed & timing belt problem...

very buduh wan... gua penah PM dia... apa problem salespeed dia ?
dia tak jawab... tatau laa tuh... ataupun x penah pakai alfa...

to BMW-e34...

156 model sgt kurang masalah pd salespeed...
yg byk problem 147model ... HARAP MAKLUM !

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Post time 27-4-2006 03:41 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by noraidil_06 at 26-4-2006 09:23 PM

o ye ke? tayar dia besar sgt. rim dia kilat2, tapi i dont give a damn. ramai duk pujuk2 nak rim tu.i nak tanya u banyak soalan, tapi x tau nak tanya ape. i sebenarnya takut nak pakai 2ndhand ca ...

hi... maybe bley panggil u kakak kott... im only 26...
318i jgn risau.. banyak sparepart & tak semudah tu utk rosak...
e36 and above model very reliable car to use... xpecially for you... a girl/lady...

kete very smooth, nice & elegence... but not enuf powderful...

u penah pakai waja... my bro said, mentenan like waja (ori parts of waja)... but to me the estimate like perdana v6...

kalau u rasa ada kemampuan... go for BMW. dun bother about the problem & mentenance including the fuel cost...
ingat... u will drive a BAVARIAN, not a TANJUNG MALIM one... !

one more thing... kalau boleh servis, repair... dun go to agen/bmw agen... the always think, u have a big pocket !
skali servis cecah rm2-3 ribu...

go to normal workshop... skrg banyak workshop tepi jalan yg boleh bikin bmw... kat melaka nie... ada sorang bangla ni pun buleh bikin bmw... anak melayu pun dah ramai... jgn risau...

like my dad & my bro now... skrg skali servis + tukar part2 kecik2 adalaa dlm rm500... very low cost for Benz & BMW...
KIA Spectra lagi mahal... my cousin baru nie tukar ECU + air cond conntroller cecah RM9000...

my bro tukar ECU utk 525i dia baru rm2k...

yg penting pakai kete nie... mau tau 'lubok'... kalau tak... terbarai poket...
even pakai protong saga pun... kalau x jumpa 'lubok' boleh pitam dibuatnya... silap2 kena kenceng !

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Post time 27-4-2006 04:01 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by supergripen at 26-4-2006 08:19 PM

fuh!!! laju gila V6,Camry!! lu ingat kalau the speedo reads 240 u really are travelling at 240?? main keta dah banyak konon tapi benda basic pun ignorant..there are such things as speedo error  ...

ye eh ? speedometer problem ? ala kesian pak cik aku... baru je tak sampai sebulan angkat cefiro, dah rosak meter... takpe.. esok aku elo dia suro dia antar repair... biar aku sendiri maki nissan...

menyesal katak member aku beli Toyota Caldina GT4... 2.0 turbo dia selama nie x cecah 240kmh...
digital meter dia kenceng... menyesal siot !

but how about jerung vtec wif Apexi Digital RSM ?
kesian gak adik aku, kena kencing je dengan cina... esok bwk dia pegi kedai cina tu... pulang duit balik!!!

v6 eterna pun x cecah 240kmh eh ?
kesian abg sepupu aku... esok aku suro dia tukar enjin lama balik SEi pun bley cecah 210kmh

baru aku tau... kete yg speedometer tak rosak STi dgn BMW je...

agaknya spec & review majalah2 kete dah boleh 'pakai' laa lepas nie...
vtec 1.8 B18B stock engine boleh cecah 230kmh tu tipu laa yer... esok aku nak bakar sumer majalah2 kete aku !

member baik aku yg baru convert GTi dia pakai evo 3 engine (stock 280bhp) now upgrading to 350bhp... gear 3 cecah 180kmh tuh meter rosak laa... kesian... esok aku nak ckp dia laa...

"kete ko gear 3 tuh sebenarnya 80kmh je, bukan 180kmh"

esok aku nak pegi Pejabat Polis, Unit Traffic... mintak balik duit saman speedtrap aku...
berhelai2 aku kena speedtrap 230-240kmh tu sumer tipu... polis saje nak saman aku... gambar2 & speed yg tertera tu sumer palsu... esok aku nak pi mintak duit balik !!!

agaknya Bugatti Veyron yg max speed dia cecah 420kmh tu pun tipu... yer tak ?
aku rasa 240kmh je... yer laa supercar... 240 boleh cecah koot ?

Ducati 916 abang aku cecah 280kmh dulu pun kencing laa... meter rosak tu...

ayah aku bwk merc dia dr melaka - kl 35 minutes tu pun tipu gak laa... maybe ayah aku tak perasan, dia bawak dri kl-seremban 35 minutes kot... kesian, merc 3000cc lari 110kmh je...

kalau cite ni maybe bro SUPERGRIPEN percaya...
member aku pakai M3... lari 280kmh kl-jb 1jam 45 minit... ini cerita betul...
speedometer pun sumpah tak tipu... speedometer tepat siot... M3 laa katakan...

[ Last edited by  ExAvantz155 at 27-4-2006 04:03 AM ]

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Post time 27-4-2006 05:33 AM | Show all posts
huhuhu... ada sesapa duk melaka ? penah jumpa tak Civic EP 2 doors Type R... warna putih

laju siot kete nie ?
malam tadi gua kena tapau dgn ini civic....
apapun wa tak heran laa

wa dgr ini civic, 1.8 VTEC type R...
180+bhp beb... car is so small... look like jazz but 2 doors...
lighter than my 155

pickup... mak datuk... gua main dgn dia dlm 5 kilo koot...
kat junction tuh... dia masuk simpang kiri... gua kanan...
dlm 5 kilo tuh... gua kena tinggal dlm 1 1/2 tiang koot...
kalau highway, maybe gua boleh closer koot...

hihihi... nice TYPE R model...

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Post time 27-4-2006 12:15 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ExAvantz155 at 27-4-2006 05:33 AM
huhuhu... ada sesapa duk melaka ? penah jumpa tak Civic EP 2 doors Type R... warna putih

laju siot kete nie ?
malam tadi gua kena tapau dgn ini civic....
apapun wa tak heran laa

wa dgr ini  ...

Civic EP3 bukan 1.8 bro..its got a 2.0 i-Vtec engine with a 6speed manual box.missed the goalpost by a mile...

cakap besar tapi simple fact pun dah gagal..get your facts right young man.

[ Last edited by  supergripen at 27-4-2006 01:15 PM ]

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Post time 27-4-2006 12:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by supergripen at 27-4-2006 12:15 PM

Civic EP3 bukan 1.8 bro..its got a 2.0 i-Vtec engine with a 6speed manual box.missed the goalpost by a mile...


haku rasa, gear box haku pong perlukan gear 6 nieh, dah baper kali dah haku nak tukar gear, tapi masa tu dah memang gear 5 dah..

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Post time 27-4-2006 01:14 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ExAvantz155 at 27-4-2006 04:01 AM

ye eh ? speedometer problem ? ala kesian pak cik aku... baru je tak sampai sebulan angkat cefiro, dah rosak meter... takpe.. esok aku elo dia suro dia antar repair... biar aku sendiri maki ni ...

what a sad sad soul..such inconsolable hallucinating yob!!! :jeling:

bro..after you've told your aunts and uncles,tok mat and pak ngah about their speedos and after you've burned all your mags,try going back and read my post again..did i utter the word 'malfunction' at all?? is the english too much for u to fathom??
this shows how ignorant you are..maybe you're not in the technical trade..dunno and don't care.
all instrument readings be they in a car,a ship,an aeroplane even,have errors.its just how it is..our technology has not come to the stage where its cost efficient for everyone and his dig to have it.the only ways to get correct accurate speed readings are via accellerometer equippted machines,via a doppler radar and via GPS(even this has built in errors by the US military..only they can get accurate readings)..
so u see my ignorant young 'alfisti',massed produced speedometers have inherent errors in them..hey,all this while you were in limbo land huh???
now,if you can pick up a British car mag(itu pun kalau belum terbakar!!:pray with test figures done by professional equipment,you'll see the correct top speed of a particular car.

our climate not condusive for turbo cars??? ever heard of seasonal changes in Europe?? Japan?? they have this season called summer(kalau tak pernah dengar).and it does get hot there as well..duhhh!!!

ever seen pictures of test mules and camoflaged new model cars in mags anywhere..manufacturers tests their cars to run efficiently in all kinds of weather from bothe sides of the extremities..extreme cold and extreme hot.your arguments about climate limiting factors on turbo cars is just sooo lame..cummon man,get with the new!!

get your facts straight...if u have any.

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