Reply #141 medangmru's post
Latest N80 firmware
Nokia N80 (11)
Kelebihan... membaiki bugs bagi firmware yang sebelumnya.. Dalam firmware sebelum , kita tak dapat mengguna fungsi baki credit dengan menekan *124# Call ( Celcom ) tapi dengan firmware baru, dah boleh..Selamat mencuba. |
For all you N73 ME owners, there is a new firmware (finally) for you guys to enjoy. Start up your NSU and grab it.
Reply #148 musang_pulut's post
wah musang dah cuba..yang profile A2DP yang digembar gemburkan tu ada tak dalam firmware ni??? |
Hampeh la...six
Aku cuba update tp samapi sudah kata firmware aku adalah yang latest..
Dah bermcm product code aku cuba...
Mgkin 2,3 hari lgi tu ada la.... |
Reply #150 musang_pulut's post
oh.yeke..rilek jer musang..hehe.. |
Originally posted by musang_pulut at 18-7-2007 12:57 PM 
For all you N73 ME owners, there is a new firmware (finally) for you guys to enjoy. Start up your NSU and grab it.
apa je yang lain tu musang.. ko dah try ke?? |
Reply #152 limaukasturis's post
Ntah ler limau...AKu pun baru tau dr satu forum tuh...
Fake aja kot.....
Aku rasa nokia dah stop release fimrware utk N73me sbb suma function mcm music player dah pada n73 latest firmware (v.4.0726.2.0.1) |
Reply #153 musang_pulut's post
mgkn gak la coz so far aku pakai ME nie stabil je... |
Reply #154 limaukasturis's post
yup..tak perlu upgrade..tapi kalau ada profile a2dp tu berbaloi juga upgrade.. |
n70 ada latest update tak ? |
Reply #156 tipah's post
V 5.0705.3.0.1
RM-84 |
Reply #158 nafizzz's post
Klu ada mmg aku post kat sini.... |
Akhirnya Nokia dah release firmware baru utk N73Me. Blh update dgn NSU
Version: 4.0727.2.2.1

73 Music Edition Firmware.
New features:
- FOTA (Flashing Over The Air)
- Bluetooth Stereo
- A2DP Support
- Dial-up over IR
- Lifetimer Reset for reflashed phones
- Vibra Boot notification
- Configurable Flash setting function for Camera
- Secure Formatter with TCB and All-Files capabilities
- N Series Music Player replaces S60 Music Player
- Online Album included
- Active Standby + UI Grid layout + application locations changed in-line
with Pre-Space UI layout.
Removed features:
- Snakes
- Weather Deck wording alignement
- Spurious 揙ut of Memory |
Reply #160 musang_pulut's post
woooaaa.akhirnya dah ada A2DP...so bluetooth profile ni bukanlah hardware dependent rupanya
musang dah update n73 tu ke ME firmware ni? |
Dah setel N73 aku dah jd ME kembali....wargahahaha... |
Reply #162 musang_pulut's post
stabil jer... ntah la x pnh plk fon aku ni hang wpun f/w lama |
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