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Author: dexa

Watchmen (March 2009)

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Post time 27-3-2009 10:52 AM | Show all posts
baru berkesempatan tengok citer ni.

pada aku, rasanya boleh layan criter ni...lain cara penceritaan

filem nih suruh org berfikir...

not bad at all

3.5/5 stars

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Post time 27-3-2009 09:23 PM | Show all posts
hidung Nixon tu annoying ler

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Post time 8-11-2009 02:56 AM | Show all posts
Soundtrack dia yg paling best :

The sound of silence

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Post time 7-12-2009 04:19 PM | Show all posts
What are the new 24 minutes added to the Director's Cut?

1. Rorschach encounters a couple of cops at Blake's apartment andfights them briefly before we move onto Dan and Hollis talking aboutthe Minutemen.

2. Before Dan leaves Hollis's place, they see Rorschach on the news as it is reported that he attacked the cops.

3. There are a few extra shots of Dan walking home from Hollis's.

4. Dan tells Rorschach that he saw him on the news.

5. After Rorschach leaves Dan's place, he is shown walking through the street giving another one of his journal entries.

6. As he enters Rockefeller Research Center, Rorschach says "Veidt just as bad. Possible homosexual? Must investigate further."

7.The opening of Blake's funeral is slightly extended; we see thesoldiers hoist Blake's coffin out of the hearse, and Dr. Manhattanshaking hands with Dan and Adrian.

8. The Vietnam Warintroduction has an extra part with Blake shooting out of a helicopter.Once the helicopter lands, we see him walk towards the man on theground and burn him.

9. Adrian's flashback involving theWatchmen meeting shows Dr. Manhattan arriving with Janey, and Dan andLaurie exchanging a smile. The Comedian's speech is also slightlyextended; he details how "justice is coming to all of us."

10.The riot flashback is extended, with several of the people in the crowdshouting at the Comedian and throwing obects at him before he says"Goddamn it; all right, that's how you want to do it?"

11. The end of Blake's funeral is slightly extended after Dan flips the badge into the grave.

12. Moloch is shown checking his letterbox before after he enters his house.

13.When Dan and Laurie are walking to Hollis's they pass the newsstand,where Bernie briefly talks to himself and then talks to Walter Kovacsas they walk past. Dan then suggests to Laurie that they catch a cab.

14. The cuts between Jon's interview and the alley fight scene are slightly reorganized.

15.After Jon yells "LEAVE ME ALONE!" he is shown standing alone in the TVstation, implying that he teleported everyone out of the room.

16.Directly after this we see Dan and Laurie standing together panting inthe alley, before they walk out to the street and Laurie decides not togo to Hollis's.

17. Dan then arrives at Hollis's, where he andHollis see Dr. Manhattan shouting at the television people. This isdirectly followed by Dr. Manhattan's origin story.

18. The shot of Dr. Manhattan high in the sky with the leaves falling around him is incorporated into his origin story.

19. Dr. Manhattan's hydrogen logo is explained in detail during his origin story.

20.Following the origin story, We see Laurie being interviewed by the FBIagents about the whereabouts of Dr. Manhattan. During the interview,one of the agents mentions Jon's importance to the national security,and she has a flashback of the Comedian during the Watchmen meetingsaying that "Once those nukes start flyin', we'll all be dust." Shethen remembers standing outside the meeting hall talking to theComedian with her mother, and then is brought back to reality when ascientist runs in yelling "We found him! He's on Mars."

21. The following scene with Nixon and his men discussing the nuclear fallout drift is about twice as long.

22.Laurie is then shown injuring the FBI agent and handcuffing him to apipe in the bathroom, stating that she's "been a prisoner in [her] lifelong enough."

23. During Adrian Veidt's assassination attempt, Roy Chess shoots Veidt's secretary's fingers off.

24.Rorschach is shown retrieving his items from an alley and deliveringanother monologue, before he goes to Roy Chess's apartment. This isfollowed by him going to Moloch's.

25. The interview with Kovacsand Dr. Long is extended; the two discuss compromise and the fact thatthe vigilantes "Do it because they are compelled."

26. During Rorschach's flashback we see the murderer arriving home and seeing his door has been kicked open.

27. The murderer's demise is a few seconds longer, with a bit of gore.

28. After the interview, Dr. Long says to a cop "I can't help him."

29. The intro to Laurie looking around Dan's basement now shows her walking past his costume.

30. Before Laurie tries on Dan's goggles, he talks about how Hollis inspired him to become a masked adventurer.

31. After Dan and Laurie fail to make love, Laurie tells him that they'll just take their relationship slowly.

32. During the tenement rescue, Laurie now lines up the civilians and one little girl asks her mother if Dan is Jesus.

33. There are a few extra shots when Dan and Laurie have sex in the owlship.

34.Dan and Laurie arrive at the prison outside of Rorschach's cell, andLaurie asks how they even know if he's still alive. Dan spotsLaurence's dead body and says "he's alive."

35. Laurie and Rorschach argue on the prison roof, and then the three of them escape as cops start firing at them.

36.After we see Laurie goes to Mars, we see the knot-tops meet at thenewsstand and discuss Nite Owl busting Rorschach out of prison. Theymistake Nite Owl for Hollis Mason, and go to his house to beat him up.

37.We then see Hollis on the phone to Sally Jupiter, where the two discussLaurie and Dan back in costume. Hollis hangs up when he hears a knockon the door, and the knot-tops come into his apartment and brutallybeat him up, and ultimately kill him.

38. Rorschach and Dan havea longer discussion about getting the information they need from thepeople who are employed by Pyramid.

39. Before they leave thebar, Dan sees a news report on Hollis's murder and starts brutallybeating up the nearest knot-top in the bar. Rorschach has to hold Danback after he knocks out the knot-top's front teeth in the beating.

40.Jon and Laurie's conversation on Mars is heavily extended; they discussJon's perception of time and how it distresses Laurie.

41. AtVeidt's office, Dan is at first silent due to Hollis's murder, and thenpicks himself up when Rorschach asks him what he's doing.

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