master roshi ni yg mane ek..tok guru kura2 tu ker..cm lain jer citer ni.. |
kurin xder ker?  |
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...x sabar................. |
dah ader poster kat wayang tertentu....mmg tak sabar nak tgk
tak tau la sha02..diorang tak nak kasi detail..jap aku cx lagi |
waahhhh..best nyeee...  |
cam best je...hehehehhehe...x sabar nak tengok...tapi jangan menghampakan sudah... |
comey nye bulma  |
mcmana dragon ball jd mcm ni? sedih aku, goku tak mcm goku je |
Balas #15 Narutah\ catat
yer la..silap2 goku boleh jadi gampang yer tak??? |
Adus.. kenapa Dragon ball jadi gini.. huhuhu... kenapa org omputeh.. tak ada feel ler.. |
Joon Park Interview

The Korean website Star News put up an interview with Joon Park (Yamcha) today, and we’ve got a translation.
I always wanted to be a Hollywood actor, because I’m not good at the Korean language for acting in a Korean movie.
Dragonball was my third audition in Hollywood. I went to the audition, and I was called up from the director to come audition again. When I went to audition again, there were actors who were well known in the U.S., so I had to fight them. I thought “Not a chance,” because I’m “God” in Korea, but a “#” in the U.S. (laugh)
I entered the audition wearing a hat and shorts, and as soon as the director looked at me, he said “You are Yamcha.” I still can’t believe it. I won’t appear the first 25% of the movie, but I will later on.
I met Chow Yun-Fat for the first time when we traveled by helicopter. He was indeed a kind person. He was very friendly.
It isn’t easy to make a comic into a movie. It could have became too childish. So we were trying to maintain a middle ground. There will be a lot of CG in the movie. This is a family movie, so the shooting set was a very family-like atmosphere. “Speed Racer” was a very technical set, “Dragonball” set’s atmosphere was kind of like inviting staff to your home and having a barbecue.
Details of the movie are still a secret. It will be released on March 14th next year in South Korea and Japan for the first time in the world. Toys and video games will be released in the near future. My toys too. (laugh)
More at dbmovie.com
Ngeh...ngeh.. my fav. Joon Park. Yep he is god in Korea as in leader of famous boy band back on 2002.
Movie ni dah habis shooting ker coz last month Joon Park was at Pusan International Film Festival for awhile then he went back to US for some shooting on this movie.
All the way for Joon Park. |
Reply #158 adikkeluangman_'s post
dah lama habis shooting...skrg neh dah banyak still photos yg dah kuar...trailer akan kuar 12 Dec kot..... |
aduhmak....cam lain jer lepas nengk dier nyer pic tu.....
rasa cam x kena jer tgk pelakon yg mainkan watak goku tu.....
cam dh lari dari konsep DB jer.....minta2 jgn la jln citer pun pegi jauh dari asal.... |
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