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Author: genot

Melayu Utara Cakap Siam

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Post time 31-10-2009 01:04 AM | Show all posts
Dak gak... Mung perkataan lain, Ang perkataan lain... Maksud sama, bahasa kasaq, konsep tu betoi dah, ahahaaha... Kalu ikot tulisan Siam, ada tanda beza makna perkataan yang bunyi sama. Ang tu per ...
genot Post at 30-10-2009 20:03

oo ada sungguh la noh hang tu kalau gutu, haku ingat amik dr mung, ni pon aku terbaca kt mana ntah

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 Author| Post time 31-10-2009 05:05 PM | Show all posts

Sebetolnya ni antara asas negara Siam hari ini... Warna ijau tu tanda negara Dvaravati (6 C-11C)... Tempat2 dalam tu smua negeri dalam negara tu... Sukhothai hanya muncul pada abad ke-12 M, masa tu juga dia menjajah semua negeri2 sampai ke Selatan... Sri Ayutthaya muncul pada abad ke-12 M. Nampak dak nama negeri U Thong? Tu adalah negeri orang asli... Bukan negeri suku kaum Thai... Putera U Thong yang mulakan dinasti Ayutthaya, tapi bapak dia orang Tai...

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 Author| Post time 31-10-2009 05:16 PM | Show all posts
Tinggalan2 tamadun di negara Dvaravati....

Ukiran Kisah Hidop Buddha

Stone carving of scene from the Buddha's life. Dvaravati art 7th-11thcentury A.D. The Lord Buddha is seated in so-called 'European' fashion.

Phra Pathom Chedi National Museum (Nakhon Pathom)
                    Original found at Wat Sai, Nakhon Pathom

Dharma Chakra

The 'Wheel of Life' (Dharmacakra) was originally positioned on a high pillar and placed in temple compounds. The Dharmacakra symbolizes the first sermon of the Buddha, as well asthe teachings of the Buddha at other occasions.
It should be remembered that sculptures or images of the Lord Buddhawere not made during the first centuries of Buddhism.

                    Phra Pathom Chedi National Museum

At U-Thong, Supanburi province and Klongtom, Krabi provinces, we foundcolorful beads such as green, orange, gold. Glass beads in yellow, blueorange. Their ages are about 1,500 years. Mostly found in ancientcommunities like Dhavaravati Empire. All of these beads are called"Dhavaravati beads "and they were used for exchange goods at that time.

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Post time 31-10-2009 05:27 PM | Show all posts
enot..hang ada darah siam ka?

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 Author| Post time 31-10-2009 05:46 PM | Show all posts
Aku orang Kedah....

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 Author| Post time 31-10-2009 07:01 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by genot at 31-10-2009 19:02

Nakhon Si Thammarat (NST): History

There are several different positions among scholars in regard to the relationship between the town of NST and Nielloware. Either as the place of origin of Niello in Thailand or as a recipient of the craft from Ayutthaya the role of NST is one of prominence. Not only does NST stand out in the production of Nielloware objects for the courts of Ayutthaya and Bangkok but it also claims importance as a prime center for the training of Niello artists.

Nakhon Si Thammarat is situated in the vicinity of the Isthmus of Kra. Throughout the years Nakhon Si Thammarat has also been known as Ligor or Lagor. It was the capital of the Tambralinga (also known as Tampornling) kingdom. Archaeological evidence suggests that the region has been inhabited for many centuries, however, the historical accounts about the kingdom are incomplete and do not give enough information about the continuity of the settlements in the region.

Prehistoric artifacts, from as early as 6500 through 4200 B.C., have been found in this province. There are also vestiges that indicate the development of metallurgy in the area between the 1st century B.C. and the 6th century C.E. Some of those remnants indicate contact with foreign cultures, both from the East and the West, during that time. The Thai scholar Dr. Sawai Suthipitak states that the city was established around 343 B.C.

Most authors agree that the Isthmus of Kra was the shortest way to cross the Malay Peninsula in order to avoid both the treacherous straits in the southern part of the peninsula and the pirates in the same area. Hence, during the 1st century C.E. the Isthmus was an obligated stop in the commercial routes that connected India -and further west the Mediterranean, to Funan and China in the East.[26] Dr. Suthipitak indicates that Tampornling is mentioned in Chinese historical records from the T'ang dynasty (268-287 C.E.)

Archaeological findings in Oc-eo, part of the Funan kingdom, include Indian jewelry and other Indian objects, as well as Chinese and Roman artifacts. Consequently, it is not far fetched to propose, based on the archaeological evidence from NST and Oc-eo, that merchants from those cultures, or in contact with some of those cultures, must have used the commercial route that included a brief overland portion in the vicinity of NST

According to Shaffer, after the 6th century C.E. the Isthmus of Kra lost importance when other commercial routes, which did not required overland portage, became more prevalent. Nonetheless, archaeological evidence in the form of Srivijaya objects from 7th to 11th centuries C.E. suggests that the region retained some importance and that it also maintained ties with the Srivijaya kingdom. Moreover, the existence in the region of Dvaravati objects and coins from the 7th and 8th centuries C.E. as well as Funan currency found in this area gives the impression that commercial exchanges continued to take place in NST. Moreover, the attacks on the kingdom by the Saliendra ruler from Java in the year 775 C.E, point to the importance of this regional crossroads.

Several types of currency have been discovered in the vicinity of NST. It is believed that the oldest examples were produced locally by Hindu Brahmins in the 7th - 8th century C.E. Namo money, a type of coin locally associated with good fortune, appears in the region in the 9th century. Namo money are silver minted coins sporting the Sanskrit character nor.

Some authors indicate that the king Rajendra Chola of Southern India taking forceful control of Ligor around 1025 C.E. for a period of twenty years. It was believed that NST was under Sinhalese rule from 1060 to 1200 AD. However, historian Hall credits Wyatt with a more accurate dating supported by old documents that indicate control of Nakhon Si Thammarat by Sri Lanka from 1130 to 1176 C.E. During that time there was a struggle over the control of the port between the Sinhalese, the Burmese and Khmer forces. Subsequently, ca. 1176, King Narapatisthu of Pagan took control of Trambralinga 'with permission of the King of Sri Lanka'. In the 12th century Tambralinga established a trading partnership with China independent from Srivijayan influence.

In Thai scholarly records there is a legend about the foundation of NST by Phraya Srithammasokaraj. The legend narrates that Phraya Srithammasokaraj fled India at the time of a Muslim invasion. Once he found an appropriate area, Srithammasokaraj ordered the performance of a ritual for nine days. As part of the ritual Brahmins spread namo coins in the direction of the four cardinal points, in order to ensure good fortune for the new town. This is interpreted by some as a historical link between NST, silver and Indian settlers.

Around the 14th century C.E., Sukhothai was annexed to the powerful kingdom of Ayutthaya. In 1518, King Ramathiibodi II granted the Portuguese permission to trade with four Thai cities, namely Ayutthaya, Marit, NST and Pattani.

There is sufficient evidence to assume that the Tambralinga kingdom was a point of encounter for peoples coming from India, the Dvaravati kingdom, Srivijaya, Funan and China and perhaps for other civilizations farther away in the West as well. The continuous transit of people and goods through the area makes it feasible for an exchange influence of ideas and techniques to occur.

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Post time 1-11-2009 10:07 AM | Show all posts
117# HangPC2

Kalau ketemu gambar mesti lebih menarik.mungkin gambar tak ada pasal dalam peperangan tu Kedah menang.Peperangan tu tamat setelah berlaku perselisihan diantara  Tunku Mat Saad dengan Panglima Kedah yg lain.Salah seorang Panglima Kedah ketika itu ialah pengawal khas Sultan Kedah iaitu Panglima Hadi salah seorang pengamal awal silat papan sekeping(CEKAK).Perselisihan yg berlaku dikatakan akibat kepetusan sebelah pihak mahu meneruskan kemaraan tentera manakala sepihak lagi sudah berpuashati kerana sudah berjaya membebaskan Kedah.Dikatakan juga angkatan Kedah sudah hampir ke wilayah Chaiya dan Trang.Akibat pepecahan itu pergerakan Kedah berjaya disekat angkatan Siam yg telah menerima bantuan dari Pusat.

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Post time 1-11-2009 01:13 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by cmf_BeachBoys at 1-11-2009 13:16
35# cmf_BeachBoys

Mungkin diorang pernah membantu tapi tak tercatat dalam sejarah bukusekolah.Contohnya dalam perang pembebasan Kedah ,tentera yg terlibatdikatakan datang hampir dari semua negeri-negeri Melayu termasuk darikepulauan Sumatera dan Jawa.Dalam pengepungan terhadap Pulau Pinangpula pada masa Inggeris mula menjajah, tentera Kedah dibantu olehangkatan dari Sulu.Sikit punya jauh tu.Menurut  satu sumber dariorang-orang Melayu di Selatan Thai ,Pihak penjajah Thailand telahmembuat tipu helah semasa mahu menguasai wilayah-wilayah itu.Pihak Thaimengatakan ingin menyelamatkan Negeri-negeri tersebut dari pengaruhInggeris.Sesetengah pihak termakan helah Thai ini menyebabkan pepecahanberlaku dalam gerakan mempertahankan wilayah-wilayah tersebut.Dan satulagi semasa melanggar Kota Kuala Kedah dalam satu serangan Pihak Siammenggunakan kekuatan kira-kira 80k orang askar.Kalau ada bantuan dariluar pun rasanya sukar nak bertahan.Kekuatan Terengganu pun bukanlahdari segi ketenteraan tapi pasal kebijaksanaan Politik gandinganSultannya dan Tok Raja.Lagipun siapa yg tak tahu kekeramatan Tok Rajayg terus diceritakan oleh orang hingga kini.Apabila beliau meninggalbarulah Inggeris dapat meluaskan pengaruhnya ke Terengganu.
sayapghaib Post at 26-10-2009 18:43

lupa nak reply..... tapi mengikut pendapat seorang pgawai british, terengganu dan johor adalah 'cannon maker' atau pembuat meriam yang terbaik di semenanjung tanah melayu pada waktu itu..........

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 Author| Post time 1-11-2009 03:47 PM | Show all posts
117# HangPC2

Kalau ketemu gambar mesti lebih menarik.mungkin gambar tak ada pasal dalam peperangan tu Kedah menang.Peperangan tu tamat setelah berlaku perselisihan diantara  Tunku Mat Saad deng ...
sayapghaib Post at 1-11-2009 10:07

Sayang, cepat sangat berpuas ati... Kalud dak wilayah Kedah luas sampai atas sana. Trang memang kawasan kita dari dlu lagi. Chaiyya tu haram jadah Melayu kapiaq, dalam hikayat Patani raja Chaiyya la yang paling tadah sebab xmo masuk Islam. Dia masuk dengan orang Sukhothai khianat saudara sedarah seniri, ni kurun ke-12 M punya cerita.

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Post time 1-11-2009 04:21 PM | Show all posts
148# cmf_BeachBoys

Mungkin sebab teknologi tembaga Terengganu agak kedepan berbanding dengan negeri lain.Selain itu teknologi meriam dari Pattani juga adalah terkedepan.Selain itu meriam Johor Riau juga adalah terbaik.Namun kemerdekaan negeri seperti Terengganu dan Johor yg lambat dijajah oleh Inggeris lebih kepada faktor pentadbiran kedua-dua negeri tersebut dan bukan kerana kekuatan ketenteraan.

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 Author| Post time 1-11-2009 04:33 PM | Show all posts
148# cmf_BeachBoys

Mungkin sebab teknologi tembaga Terengganu agak kedepan berbanding dengan negeri lain.Selain itu teknologi meriam dari Pattani juga adalah terkedepan.Selain itu meriam Johor Ri ...
sayapghaib Post at 1-11-2009 16:21

Kedudukan geografi mungkin juga. Johor duduk di hujung sekali, cuma ada Singapura kat hujungnya n negeri2 Melayu lain kat atasnya. Yang Terengganu pon diapit negeri Melayu lain gak. Kedah agak kurang bernasib baik, tersepit di celah2 dua empayar Burma n Siam.

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Post time 1-11-2009 04:39 PM | Show all posts
149# genot

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Post time 1-11-2009 05:12 PM | Show all posts
Tak ingat dah apa nama Ulama tersohor yg Syahid dalam peperangan tersebut.Syeikh Daud Al Falembani kalau tak silap saya.Pernah keluar artikel dalam satu majalah cerita tentang seorang Panglima Kedah bernama Panglima Merah.Sayangnya tak simpan pula artikel tu.Beliau cedera parah dalam pertempuran dengan Siam dan berkayuh perahu balik ke Kedah seorang diri.

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Post time 1-11-2009 05:13 PM | Show all posts
Tak ingat dah apa nama Ulama tersohor yg Syahid dalam peperangan tersebut.Syeikh Daud Al Falembani kalau tak silap saya.Pernah keluar artikel dalam satu majalah cerita tentang seorang Panglima Kedah bernama Panglima Merah.Sayangnya tak simpan pula artikel tu.Beliau cedera parah dalam pertempuran dengan Siam dan berkayuh perahu balik ke Kedah seorang diri.

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Post time 1-11-2009 05:46 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by cmf_BeachBoys at 1-11-2009 13:16

lupa nak reply..... tapi mengikut pendapat seorang pgawai british, terengganu dan johor adalah 'cannon maker' atau pembuat meriam yang te ...
cmf_BeachBoys Post at 1-11-2009 13:13

Kedah adalah tempat membuat Pedang yang terbaik Di Asia Tenggara Sampai Eksport ke India dan Asia Barat......

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Post time 1-11-2009 06:13 PM | Show all posts
155# HangPC2

He he.Tapi kalau nak tau.Campuran seni membuat kuah laksa Kedah dan Terengganu telah menghasilkan Laksa Kuah Lemak tersedap dimuka bumi.He he he.Jangan cari kat pasaran coz tak dijual sebab kos nya tak macam kuah laksa ceroi biasa.

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Post time 2-11-2009 10:53 AM | Show all posts
155# HangPC2

Kedah adalah Negeri yg paling banyak mempunyai pertubuhan Silat.Ada 400 lebih.Orang Kedah memang sangat berminat kut dengan ilmu beladiri.Orang Kedah sanggup merantau jauh pasal nak menuntut ilmu silat.Selain tu minat nak pi naik Haji orang Kedah adalah paling tinggi berbanding dengan orang melayu lain di Malaysia.Kalau berjaya melakukan ibadat Haji,orang Kedah anggap hidup diorang dah sempurna dan berjaya.

*lari tajuk dah he he.

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Post time 2-11-2009 11:22 AM | Show all posts
Nama Panglima macam

Panglima Hitam

Panglima Merah

itu nama Gelaran dari Sultan ?

Sebab kalau sebut Panglima Hitam.... kat Kedah Pun ada Kat Selangor Pun ada kat Johor pun ada....

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Post time 2-11-2009 01:02 PM | Show all posts
158# HangPC2

Panglima Hitam nama penunggu pun ada.Tapi Panglima Hitam Kedah jelas sikit kut sejarah beliau.Ada Kubur kat Pulau Tuba kalau tak silap.

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Post time 2-11-2009 01:09 PM | Show all posts
Kedah adalah tempat membuat Pedang yang terbaik Di Asia Tenggara Sampai Eksport ke India dan Asia Barat......
HangPC2 Post at 1-11-2009 17:46

emmm...kat tempat aku tak famous sangat pasal buat pedang ni....nanti aku bagi lakaran pedang lama yang mungkin berasal dari terengganu....

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