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Author: Jentayupink

[V5] HADY MIRZA : Life BeginS At 40!

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Post time 21-1-2020 05:16 PM | Show all posts
Jentayupink replied at 21-1-2020 05:08 PM
hahahah rupanya hady bergurau..sat g headline kat bodgos plk hahahahha tau2 jelah haters d mana2 y ...

Biasa la kan... Tapi ngan cara heols nmpk sgt begurau.

Pepun heols comel sgt tak nmpk nak 4series langsung. (Asek ulang2 ini kenyataan, harap jgn muntah eh)

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Post time 21-1-2020 05:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
deebiz14 replied at 21-1-2020 05:01 PM
Si OfficialriaX ni pun ngakal kan? Saje je up caption ngundang camtu;  da tentu2 Hady tu begurau. Ka ...

Kann...masa dat time pun ada gak yg pasal konon dia kutuk idolat tu kayu. Pls laaa...tkde ke koje lain officialriax ni...taruk la caption murni byk skt pun jadilah. Batu ronson betul.

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 Author| Post time 21-1-2020 05:39 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Jentayupink at 21-1-2020 05:43 PM
MsChinta83 replied at 21-1-2020 05:21 PM
Kann...masa dat time pun ada gak yg pasal konon dia kutuk idolat tu kayu. Pls laaa...tkde ke koje  ...

hahaha klu ade yg salah faham gelakkan jelah  

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Post time 21-1-2020 05:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Bob react taman rashidah utama
iols tepek sini dulu. Tgk nanti.  Tgh makan kat kedai

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 Author| Post time 21-1-2020 05:42 PM | Show all posts
deebiz14 replied at 21-1-2020 05:16 PM
Biasa la kan... Tapi ngan cara heols nmpk sgt begurau.

Pepun heols comel sgt tak nmpk nak 4ser ...

mng itulah kenyataan nye sis..rmi je xtau heols da 40hehe

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 Author| Post time 21-1-2020 05:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
codenamedream replied at 21-1-2020 05:39 PM
Bob react taman rashidah utama
iols tepek sini dulu. Tgk nanti.  Tgh makan kat kedai

wahhh gtuuu sambil mkn sempat godek2 yt psl hady kan hahahhaha

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Post time 21-1-2020 05:45 PM | Show all posts
Jentayupink replied at 21-1-2020 05:42 PM
mng itulah kenyataan nye sis..rmi je xtau heols da 40hehe

Eishh mamat ni rasa nak ku pang je tau jambul die tuh.

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Post time 21-1-2020 05:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jentayupink replied at 21-1-2020 05:44 PM
wahhh gtuuu sambil mkn sempat godek2 yt psl hady kan hahahhaha

Tunggu makanan x sampai lagi haha

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Post time 21-1-2020 06:00 PM | Show all posts
codenamedream replied at 21-1-2020 05:39 PM
Bob react taman rashidah utama
iols tepek sini dulu. Tgk nanti.  Tgh makan kat kedai

Puji je heols kat Hady. Keep saying how teknikal Hady was singing this song.

Tapi heols personally prefer rnb Hady dari rock Hady pasal heols peminat rnb katenya. Well It was Hady's forte pun.

Pepun ... hanya jauhari mengenal manikam kan. Ramai je puji dan appreciate Hady.


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Post time 21-1-2020 06:15 PM | Show all posts
deebiz14 replied at 21-1-2020 06:00 PM
Puji je heols kat Hady. Keep saying how teknikal Hady was singing this song.

Tapi heols persona ...

kalau dato nasir dah boleh puji n predict hady juara...apa nk kata lagi..? m nasir kan bukan kaleng2 kan? bukan sebarangan nak puji2 orang..? even masa hady nyanyi pon dia kata tak memberi kat dia...

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Post time 21-1-2020 06:46 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ira_229 replied at 21-1-2020 06:15 PM
kalau dato nasir dah boleh puji n predict hady juara...apa nk kata lagi..? m nasir kan bukan kalen ...

Tu la.. slagi bole spin kan..  Ckp fakta apa pun takkan diterima. Its ok la...  dia org yg rugi pun.

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Post time 21-1-2020 06:47 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
deebiz14 replied at 21-1-2020 09:45 AM
Eishh mamat ni rasa nak ku pang je tau jambul die tuh.

Pang kan aje

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Post time 21-1-2020 06:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts


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Post time 21-1-2020 07:26 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
deebiz14 replied at 21-1-2020 05:14 PM
Wah Kak Kiah pun ber-rehearsal jugak? Ada kKonvensyen para2 alien planet mane tu ..ahhaha

Take  ...

Yeee rehearsal dgn alien mata sepet ......sempena gong xi pa cai ni...tu lah kena pasang kuda2 kuat sket musim sakit ni

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Post time 21-1-2020 07:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by MsChinta83 at 21-1-2020 08:06 PM

Saje nk share kalau genie in the botol mcm ni uols...i curi lampu ajaib tu!

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Post time 21-1-2020 07:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Mcm mana nk besar kn gmbr? I is tk reti2.

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Post time 21-1-2020 07:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jentayupink replied at 21-1-2020 05:39 PM
hahaha klu ade yg salah faham gelakkan jelah

Comey ah ketawa...repeat la ketawa smpi penat bam aji...

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 Author| Post time 21-1-2020 07:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
MsChinta83 replied at 21-1-2020 07:53 PM
Mcm mana nk besar kn gmbr? I is tk reti2.

Kene edit post balik then tekan insert yg dlm kotak pict tu...nnti dia klua jd besa

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Post time 21-1-2020 08:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
KiahRonggeng88 replied at 21-1-2020 07:26 PM
Yeee rehearsal dgn alien mata sepet ......sempena gong xi pa cai ni...tu lah kena pasang kuda2 kua ...

Pasang kepala singa Kak Kiah lepas tu dong2 che.

Gurau je.. gurau je..

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Post time 21-1-2020 08:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jentayupink replied at 21-1-2020 07:59 PM
Kene edit post balik then tekan insert yg dlm kotak pict tu...nnti dia klua jd besa

Yayy!!! Da jadiiii

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