hokayyyy semua...wa keluar dulu....
Q.......malam esok rumah asalllll K....
byeeeee muahhhhhh
:victory: :victory: |
Assalammualaikum n selamat pagi semua......... |
***off topic
Permodalan Negeri Selangor Bhd (PNSB) spent about RM1mil in 2007 tosponsor a three-day sports event organised by the now defunct Wives ofSelangor State Assemblymen and MPs Charity and Welfare Organisation(Balkis).
The committee also noted that PNSB only spent RM4,000 for a welfarescheme for single mothers in October 2007 as opposed to the largeamount of money forked out to pay for Balkis activities.
kebajikan kurangggg.... enjoy jerr lebih.... adoiii |
Reply #1673 mayraa's post
may ngah wt pe tu............. |
hmy3: oitttt.... gelagat ape lakk nie  |
Balas #1678 Madura1\ catat
pape je la..
madu dah bekfes  |
| |
Category: Cinta & Perhubungan