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Author: chilly

Eumora Facial Bar

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Post time 23-3-2010 02:04 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 15-6-2010 10:25 PM | Show all posts
esok sy nak try pakai eumora..takut2 jgk..
buatnye makin banyak jerawat..dah tambah 1 masalah lagi..
tu yang tengok thread nie dulu..
masalah kulit : berjerawat, parut jerawat & ade jgk jerawat yg degil nak keluar..
insyaallah..update lagi nanti..

Use magic Report

Post time 17-6-2010 12:10 AM | Show all posts
ok..1st day pakai..
kulit jd kering dgn gatal2 kan dagu n hidung..
so..cari info..
katenye gatal2 sbb resdung.. boleh jd jgk..sbb sy mmg ader resdung pn..
tgk esk mcm mane plak..

Use magic Report

Post time 17-6-2010 09:13 PM | Show all posts
2nd day..
bangun pagi tgk.. jerawat besar2 yang x nak keluar tu dah keluar.. tapi x de la sampai tension tgk die keluar.. baik kuar skarang dr simpan2 kn..
ader jerawat dah kecut jgk.. impresive..
kulit rase kering skit especially kat hdung..
air ttp kne maintain 2 liter.. takut kurang air ssh nak buang toksin...
ok..update insyaallah esok..

Use magic Report

Post time 18-6-2010 12:02 AM | Show all posts
td cari info kt internet sy jmpe nie.. nk share skit..
Healing crisis occurs when the body tries to eliminate toxins at a faster rate than they can be properly disposed of. The more toxic one's bodily systems are, the more severe the detoxification, or healing crisis. It is characterized by a temporary increase in symptoms during the cleansing or detox process which may be mild or severe. You may feel worse and therefore conclude that the treatment is not working. But these reactions are instead signs that the treatment is working and that your body is going through the process of cleaning itself of impurities, toxins and imbalances.

The healing crisis is the result of every body system, working in concert to eliminate waste products through all elimination channels and set the stage for regeneration. The end result: old tissues are replaced with new.

When any treatment or cleansing program causes a large scale die-off of bacteria, a significant amount of endotoxins (toxins within the bacteria itself) are released into the body. The more bacteria present, and the stronger their endotoxins, the stronger the cleansing reaction. When any treatment or detox causes the organs of the body (particularly the liver, which is a storehouse of drug and poison residues) to release their stored poisons and toxins, a cleansing reaction may occur.

Use magic Report

Post time 18-6-2010 12:15 AM | Show all posts
sy try translate kan..

Use magic Report

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Post time 18-6-2010 12:33 AM | Show all posts
Healing crisis berlaku apabila badan kita cuba utk membuang toksin pd kadar yg cepat dr biasa. Lebih bnyk toksin dlm bdn, lagi hebat kesan healing crisis. Ia diketogorikan sebagai pertambahan kesan sementara semasa  proses detox atau pembersihan. Kamu mungkin berasa teruk & beranggapan ia tidak sesuai dgn kamu. Tp sebenarnya, ia adalah petanda yang rawatan itu berjaya & badan kamu sedang melalui kaedah pembersihan.

Healing crisis adalah drpd tindak balas system bdn yg cuba membuang bahan buang dr semua kaedah2 pembuangan. Keputusannya: tisu lama digantikan dengan yg baru.

Sebarang rawatan atau pembersihan yang menyebabkan bnyk bacteria mati, jumlah endotoxin (toksin yg berada dlm bacteria) dibebaskan sama banyak ke dalam bdn. Lebih bnyk bacteria, lebih kuat endotoxins,lebih kuat kesan pembersihan. dh cube termampu...
kalau x phm boleh tny lagi..
nie site die..

Use magic Report

Post time 19-6-2010 12:38 AM | Show all posts
3rd day..
bgn pagi, cm biase ader 2 3 jerawat yg tumbuh
ader jgk 2 jerawat dh surut..
kulit dh x kering sgt mcm mula2 pakai.. yeaaa...

malam, sblm basuh muke sy buang make up dulu pakai neutrogena deep cleansing milk.
then wipe gune cotton face. alih2, jerawat yg kering terkeluar skali plak..abis kuar darah kat tmp tue. lepas tu baru basuh muke mcm biase. tunggu 3 mnit.
tmp kuar darah td dh stop.slalu ssh nk stopkan darah yg keluar dr tmp jerawat.

1 bnde yg sy perasan lagi..
kulit tgn sy lembut mcm pakai losyen..
tgn sy nie slalu kering dan kasar..hmm.. bekas2 jerawat tu masih bnyk kat muke..
so far x de parut yg kurang lagi..
ok..update lagi nnti..

Use magic Report


Post time 19-6-2010 11:53 PM | Show all posts
4th day..
ape yg sy perasan hari nie, whiteheads kt sekeliling mulut dh kurang..
kat idung ade bnyk lagi..huhu..
muke dh x kering mcm 1st2 pakai..leh senyum ngan girangnye..
mase 1st day pakai, muke tegang  je..heee..
minyak2 kt muke pn dh kurang..

alhamdulilah..jumpe pencuci yg sesuai..
dh 10 thn sy ade mslh muke..
k..update lagi..

Use magic Report

Post time 20-6-2010 12:46 AM | Show all posts
sy pakai jadi kulit naik gelap yg dekat tepi  mulut....
mcm makang cekelat tak lap la pulak... so sy benti la....

Use magic Report

Post time 20-6-2010 01:14 AM | Show all posts
sy bkn expert dlm hal nie..
tp sy seronok kalau dpt berkongsi ilmu & bantu..

nie sy dpt dr site eumora

Dark/ red spot

Part of detoxification process. Detoxification effect of the facial.

Remedy- Dark spot will faded and disappear In short time; duration is varied from individual to individual. Continue using the bar; however reduce the usage to 1 minute or 30 seconds per wash.

di translate kn..
ia adalah kesan detox. ini merupakan detox yg memberi kesan kepda muka

tompok gelap akan kembali cerah dan menghilang dalam jangka masa yang singkat, jangka masa bergantung kepada individu.teruskan penggunaan,tetapi kurang kan penggunaan kepda 1 minit atau 30 saa setiap cucian.

hope panduan nie dpt memberi penjelasan yg jelas.

Use magic Report

Post time 20-6-2010 01:18 AM | Show all posts
sy pakai jadi kulit naik gelap yg dekat tepi  mulut....
mcm makang cekelat tak lap la pulak. ...
pelangipetang Post at 20-6-2010 00:46

alamak..lupe kan code td.. sedikit ilmu yg saya dpt sy dh pose dekat atas. hope dpt membantu..

Use magic Report

Post time 20-6-2010 01:50 AM | Show all posts
sy guna almost 2 mnths... but still gitu gak....
so bye bye sabon eumora...

Use magic Report

Post time 20-6-2010 02:05 AM | Show all posts
sy guna almost 2 mnths... but still gitu gak....
so bye bye sabon eumora...
pelangipetang Post at 20-6-2010 01:50

pasti lps nie dpt jumpe sabun yg betul2 sesuai dgn kulit kite..
kadang2, ade orng pakai sesuai..ade orng x sesuai..
maklum la..kulit lain2..
nnti dh jmpe yg sesuai, boleh plak share lepas nie..

Use magic Report

Post time 20-6-2010 10:59 AM | Show all posts
teruja baca alina punya testi.. terus terbeli arini.. ehehehhe. try tengok menjadi tak kt kita..

Use magic Report

Post time 20-6-2010 10:27 PM | Show all posts
teruja baca alina punya testi.. terus terbeli arini.. ehehehhe. try tengok menjadi tak kt kita..
Oomie Post at 20-6-2010 10:59

sy paling seronok kalau dpt membantu..
emm..minum air bnyk2 tau.. 2 liter sehari.. takut x cukup, nnti ssh die nk detox..
lepas  nie boleh la post ape dh jd lepas nie..
sy teruja menanti..

Use magic Report


Post time 20-6-2010 11:33 PM | Show all posts
5th day...
pagi tadi.. ape yg saya perasan, whiteheads kat hidung dh jd skit2 blackheads..
based on ape yg sy tahu..whiteheads kalau x keluar die akan jd black..
kite tunggu jd ape yg berlaku lepas nie..
sy akan update post lagi..insyaallah

sy bknlah mempunyai kulit mengaku..10 tahun kulit berjerawat..ade 1 mase tu, form 4 kalau x silap jerawat penuh 1 sy bersyukur, kerana semua nie dia mengaja sy jd dri sy hari ini..
ape yg sy pelajari.. kita mesti pk , insyaallah kulit kiter akan bebas dr sebarang mslh 1 hari nnti jgk..
kalau kita pk, kulit kite x dpt jd kulit yang bebas dr masalah..itulah  yang akan  berlaku..
keep it easy.. jgn terlalu pikir sgt..
insyaallah..dia akan pulih...
ini ape yg sy cube buat..kalau sy pk mmg x boleh sembuh jerawat2 nie..mmg dia x sembuh..makin bnyk..
dr situ sy belajar jd orng yg positif..jgn terlalu pikir..
alhamdulilah..beransur surut jerawat sy..

Use magic Report

Post time 20-6-2010 11:52 PM | Show all posts
ok..ini sedikit information dr internet yg sy dpt..
The Difference Between Blackheads & Whiteheads

describes blackheads as open comedones. They build in hair follicles and have a wide opening. Sebum, defined as dead cells and bacteria, forms at the surface of the skin. Once these contaminants drain, the surrounding skin's pigment will change color. This is what gives a blackhead its signature darkness.

closed comedones, contain sebum, oil and other cellular fragments. However, they form beneath the hair follicle and stay completely under the skin. This means they do not oxidize and turn brown or black like blackheads. Whiteheads tend to be stiffer than blackheads and can be more difficult to treat because they stay under the skin.

nie website die.. ... ads-whiteheads.html

Use magic Report

Post time 21-6-2010 12:06 AM | Show all posts
sy cube ringkaskan..
mereka terbentuk di dalam folikal rambut dan mempunyai ruang yg besar.
sebum iaitu sel kulit mati dan bakteria terbentuk di atas permukaan kulit.
apabila 2 bhn nie bertemu, pigment kulit akan bertukar warna ke hitam. ini lah yg dinamakan blackheads.

mengandungi cel kulit mati+bakteria+minyak. ia berada di dalam folikal rambut dan berada di dalam kulit.whiteheads lebih degil dr blackheads dan susah untuk dirawat kerana berada di dalam kulit.

Use magic Report

Post time 21-6-2010 09:53 PM | Show all posts
day 6..
bgn pagi, ade jerawat kt dagu dah kering..
keras2 jdnye..

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