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Author: ChildrenOfBodom


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Post time 9-1-2015 06:19 AM | Show all posts
Tq momod for the credit!

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Post time 11-1-2015 12:50 AM | Show all posts
Edited by arisa_imamura at 11-1-2015 01:19 AM

magic in the moonlight - 2/5 bintang
citer konon2 romantik lakonan colin firth dan emma stone..eww tak best..tak matching langsung cam bapak ngan anak..eww ew eww

before i go to sleep - 3/5 bintang
citer pasal seorang surirumah, nicole kidman yg amnesia setiap kali bangun pagi..somi dia, colin firth yg baik hati explain kat dia setiap hari pasal sapa dia sebenarnya, baper lama diorg kawin yada3x..rupanya colin tu bkan la somi dia..colin la yg jahat..ok yawn

mamma mia - 2/5 bintang
citer ni takde storyline sgt..sekadar nak memeriahkan dgn lagu2 abba jer..boleh la layan sedap2 lagu abba..tak sangka makcik meryl streep masih gagah utk menari walaupun dah tua

one chance - 3/5 bintang
citer pasal paul pott yg menang britain got talent dulu..tak hensem, chubby, gigi rongak tp ade sore yg sgt marveles iaitu sore bila layan lagu2 opera ni...



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Post time 11-1-2015 01:28 PM | Show all posts

seventh son.

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Post time 12-1-2015 10:54 AM | Show all posts
The Other Woman
Kisah berkenaan dengan bagaimana tiga perempuan menjadi kawan melalui cara yang paling pelik, iaitu dua drp mereka ialah skandal pada somi perempuan yang sorang lagi,iaitu Kate.
Suka chemistry antara mereka bertiga, a very simple story dan sgt positive. 2.5/5

Sleepless in Seattle
Setelah sekian lama barulah ai jumpa this movie. Apalagi, rembat jelah.
Anyway, to simplify , filem ini adalah berkenaan cinta otu adalah takdir,
Paling suka scene Meg ryan dengan tom hanks yang saling berpandangan semasa masing masing berdiri di seberang jalan. Filem nie banyak berkait dengan filem lama lakonan Cary Grant dengan Deborah Kerr, sebab banyak scene ada mention this movie, even last scene dekat Empire State Building diilhamkan daripada filem ini, lepas tgk Sleeples in Seattle ai terus bukak wiki on Affair to Remember. Barulah tau filem Mann adalah remake daripada filem An Affair To Remember nie.


Lakonan Zhao Wei yang comey dengan Chen Kun yang hencem,
Bagi ai filem nie sgt besa,  tak tau kenapa the most memorable scene dalam filem nie adalah masa last scene iaitu scene berpelukan antara Zhao Wei dgn Chen Kun, maybe sebab sepanjang filem tue takde apa apa scene yang menunjukkan diorang close together. Chemistry dalam filem nie adalah sgt lemah compared fo chemistry antara zhao wei dgn chen kun dalam Pinted Skin 1 dengan Painted Skin 2 which is more epic and memorabl. 2.5/5



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Post time 12-1-2015 05:40 PM | Show all posts
The Edge (1997)

aku banyak tengok movie kt tv je..tapi kalau yg ada unsur yg aku suka seperti perjuangan struggle..survival..aku akan higlite kt sini from now on kalau rajin. dua hari lepas tengok citer The Edge ni la..rasa dh tengok mcm lupa..tapi berkisar dikawasan pergunungan Alaska bersalji dan sangat indah..berikut adalah sinopsis:

Actor: Anthony Hopkins, Alec Baldwin

A model has her rich, much older husband come with her to a photo shoot. But when their plane crashes in the middle of nowhere, a strong mind game erupts between the clever husband and the jealous young photographer as they try to get back to civilization.

Billionaire Charles Morse accompanies his supermodel wife Mickey to a photo shoot at Alaska. The shoot is to be done by fashion photographer Robert Green. To find a specific place for the shoot, they fly to an even more distant location, where their small plane crashes into a lake. To survive in the woods and a man-killing bear they need each other, but the smarter of the men, Charles, is suspicious that Robert is having an affair with his wife.

A flock of birds forces a plane into a lake miles from civilization. Three men survive. One is model photographer, Robert Green, the other, Charles Morse, millionaire. The third is killed, not by the crash but by a bear. And the bear wants the other two. Frantically, Green and Morse struggle to survive in the wilderness, looking for a way home and a way to escape the bear that stalks them. But the bear is not the only problem. Green sees his opportunity to rid himself of the husband of the woman he has been having an affair with. His lust for Mickey, Charles' young wife, and his greed for Morse's money may just lead him over the edge. And to murder.



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Post time 13-1-2015 04:41 PM | Show all posts
Edited by LabuLabi69 at 13-1-2015 04:45 PM

The Babadook

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Post time 17-1-2015 11:45 PM | Show all posts
Edited by dani-rox at 17-1-2015 11:46 PM

Chinese movie: So Young (2013)

Ai cuma tukar2 channel astro, sekali masuk Celestial. Ingat nak tengok dlm first 15 minutes gitu, pastu tido... rupa2nya terus tercongok sampai abis.

Sinopsis ringkas:

Set on a university campus in 1990s China, So Young traces the (mis)adventures of college freshman Zheng Wei and her roommates as they navigate the bumpy terrain of boys, books, and booze. The film begins with Zheng Wei heartbroken that her childhood crush, Lin Jing, has left for America without informing her. While visiting another friend in his dorm, she gets into a heated argument with an architecture major Chen Xiaozheng when she touches his building model. The two become sworn enemies, until Zheng Wei realizes that she's in love him. She begins to stalk him around campus. She engages in behavior that, under normal circumstances, would lead to a restraining order. Although Chen is coerced into being Zheng Wei's boyfriend, he eventually falls in love with her too. The happy couple visits an aquarium together and Chen whispers something to the dolphin trainer. Yet soon she learns that Chen is leaving for America to study.
The movie fast-forwards seven years later from this point. During this brief time lapse, the viewers see drastic changes in the Chinese landscape. The grimy setting of college dorms littered with beer cans is replaced by skyscrapers, flashy cars, and ostentatious banquet halls. But laughter is also replaced by solemnity. Chen leaves behind his American ex-wife and mixed daughter and returns to China, hoping to rekindle his love with Zheng Wei. The film ends with a flashback to that day in the aquarium. We find out that Chen had told the dolphin trainer that he was going to propose to his girlfriend, but had no money to buy an engagement ring. The film ends with a feeling of what could have been rather than what life actually turned out to be.

Filem ni arahan actress Zhao Wei, dan hampir keseluruhan berlatarbelakangkan set kolej di era 90-an. Watak2 utama dlm citer ni berkawan dan bersekolah dlm kolej yg sama... Walau bagaimanapun, mereka semua mempunyai impian yg berlainan. Personaliti pun berbeza; ada yang berfikiran tak berapa nak matang, ada yg bercita2 tinggi, ada yg takmo hidup miskin dan ada yg takut tua, kalo boleh nak mati muda katanya. Seperti biasa ada cintan cintun dan aksi gila2 remaja... tetapi apa yg menarik hati ai sampai bertahan dlm sejam setengah... adalah semangat setiakawan dia org dan kemanusiaan, maksud ai walaupun watak utama tp masing2 ada kelemahan dan sisi negatif. Ending filem ni pon tak setipikal movie2 lain. Dan satu lagi, nilai nostalgia terutamanya bg remaja yang pernah mengharungi era 90-an, mcm ai Lepas abis tengok, ai rasa mcm rindu jah dgn zaman persekolahan dan schoolmates dulu2.

btw tajuk filem ni berdasarkan lagu dr band yg menjadi pujaan salah seorang watak utama

Rating IMDB: 6.4/10
Rating dani-rox: 8/10



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Post time 18-1-2015 09:01 PM | Show all posts
neh pun best..


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Post time 19-1-2015 10:59 AM | Show all posts
Before I go to sleep (2014) - Nicole Kidman - 3.5/5

Kisah psl sorg pompuan yang mengalami brain damage lps kemalangan (kata suaminya)...Jadinya, christine ni bangun setiap pagi tanpa memori sejak kemalangan tu. Christine ada dapatkan rawatan secara rahsia dari Dr Nasch, Dr Nasch bagi sebuah kamera kat beliau dan call dia setiap hari untuk ingatkan dia dan minta dia merakam apa2 progres dan apa yang dia rasa. Kamera tersebut diminta supaya disimpan secara rahsia dari suami beliau. Selepas ingatan Christine mula ingt perlahan-lahan, lepastu semakin bykla persoalan yang menjadi misteri dan terbongkar satu persatu.

Predestination (2014) - Ethan Hawke, Sarah Snook - 3/5 *

Berkisarkan tentang seorang agen time-traveller menggunakan satu alat mcm violin case untuk travel.  Tugas dia lebih kepada menghalang dan cari seorang pengebom 'Fizzle Bomber'.  Selepas dia cedera dalam satu misi, dia dihantar untuk lakukan misi terakhir.  Dia ke tahun 1970s sebagai bartender kat NYC.  Kat situ, dia berjumpa sorg customer laki, penulis majalah nama pena 'unmarried mother'.  Maka, bermula jalan cerita yang complicated...Ok jugak cerita ni, ala plot twist tp cam ada x phm sikit



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Post time 19-1-2015 01:03 PM | Show all posts
hanaannais replied at 7-1-2015 12:59 PM
manisnya cinta d cappadocia

too novellish...
fazura blakon ok, standard pisau cukur la, not disappointing..
especially part yg dia nak putus ngn nazmi tu, mmg ikhlas sgt air mata tu...
tp sam sgt2 x sesuai bwk watak ni...
nmpk cam childish n mcm dibuat2 romantiknya...
i prefer beto!!
watak lain mcm via, izzy okla...menarik jugak n nmpk cam improve lakonan lisa..
jalan cerita dah ada, heroin ok tp kurang ummph dekat arrangement dia...
4/10 i rate as fan yg tiada background dlm seni pengarahan filem......

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Post time 19-1-2015 01:04 PM | Show all posts
meth.90 replied at 4-1-2015 09:37 PM
PK. Lakonan Amir Khan. Terbaik. Tapi nak dekat hujung2 tu subtitle dah tak betul sangat. Tapi agak2  ...

teringin nak tgk ni psal amir khan biasanya x mengecewakan....
best x?

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Post time 21-1-2015 01:55 AM | Show all posts

rYAN philipe direct citer ni..not bad..dh lama x tgk dia ni..still looking hot! macm zaman2 Cruel Intention dulu2.. dia x hubby renne whitherspoon kan?
ada scene ryan  tnjuk bontot..aummmm....



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Post time 21-1-2015 09:00 AM | Show all posts
thank u momod =)

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Post time 21-1-2015 09:36 AM | Show all posts
manisnya cinta di cappadiocia..

cite pasal carik cinta sejati yang tak materialistik, yang setia sanggup susah payah sehidup semati..
disamping dalam pencarian cinta sejati, ifti dan nazmi...ada juga kisah2 kekeluargaan dan persahabatan

the good lie (2014)
mengisahkan sekumpulan warga sudan / africa yang jadi pelarian dan hidup dalam kesengsaraan. mereka telah menganggap diri mereka adik beradik setelah kehilangan ibu dan bapa mereka dan merantau ke tempat yang selamat.
cite nih..buatkan aku bersyukur dengan ape yang ade..hidup yang selesa..
tapi aku suke tgk bila diorang dapat gathering balik adik beradik, rasa cam diorang happy sgt..rasa cam..i dont need anything else..i just want my siblings back and happily together.

The best of me ( 2015)
cite ni based from novel , the best of me, author : nicholas spark.
author yang sama untuk cerita the notebook & a walk to remember
cite mengisahkan percintaan yang si lelaki yang pemalu , ada masalah keluarga, yang si pempuan which is very fun and wealth. ( same macam the notebook )
bagi aku cite nih..tak lari konsep dengan the notebook. mesti ada ala2 garden..
and cite ni memang nak similar dengan notebook, yang mana, diorang terpisah selama 20 tahun..sampai kan pempuan tu dah kawin dah ade anak.



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Post time 21-1-2015 11:12 AM | Show all posts
lil_honey replied at 21-1-2015 09:36 AM
manisnya cinta di cappadiocia..

cite pasal carik cinta sejati yang tak materialistik, yang setia  ...

baru jek tgk cita blackhat..ada pasal malaysia situ..cute jek die sebut perak..okla cite tu..3 setengah bintang

cerita tentang xminat berfikir cerita ni x sesuai utk anda

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Post time 21-1-2015 11:21 AM | Show all posts
AppropriateNick replied at 21-1-2015 11:12 AM
baru jek tgk cita blackhat..ada pasal malaysia situ..cute jek die sebut perak..okla cite tu..3 set ...

haha..sape ckp?
i'm universal movie junkies...cume yang lebih kepada imiginasi macam harry potter, the lord of the ring, tak minat.


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 Author| Post time 24-1-2015 08:41 PM | Show all posts
spin off the conjuring.. scene tak seram tp buat bagi terkejut...

Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
family komedi movie. biasa2 ja tak lwk sgt pon, mana dalam paper apa ntah reviu tulis cerita ni byk lawak lucah aku tgk takdak pon..



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Post time 25-1-2015 08:56 PM | Show all posts
Taken 3. Boleh la.Macam biase lah liam neeson power gila. Tak logik betul.

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Post time 26-1-2015 06:58 PM | Show all posts



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Post time 26-1-2015 11:14 PM | Show all posts
PK - brilliant movie

tAK3N - boring...yawnnn

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