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Author: ibuKA

Bishounen/bishies! Yaoi pon ok!!

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 Author| Post time 7-9-2010 12:38 PM | Show all posts
ko biar betul... cam pompuan jer
Kia_picanto Post at 7-9-2010 12:17

    lerrr...kaname la tuuu...aku kenal kekasihgelap aku tu...

cer tgk yg ni

kan nak sama muka dia ngn avvy aku tu...  sbb tu aku kata Cloud Strife yg jelita...

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 Author| Post time 7-9-2010 01:08 PM | Show all posts
desou ne.. mmg tak sape leh lawan kapel yunjae nih.. even eunhae pon tak seglemer yunjae

kapel manga melambak jer.. satu yg ko bg tuh.. lagi satu aku suka Asami X Aki aummm...

ye la.. aku rasa mmg takkan bergabung semula la...Kia_picanto Post at 7-9-2010 12:22

    betul...tapi takpe...aku akan bukakan hati aku utk tetap suka kat eunhae...sbb dorang still bersama smpai skrg...   tapi yunjae skrg dah takde, tapi zaman kegemilangan dorang tetap ada utk jadi tatapan fans yunjae di porem cari, espeselly aku dan ko...  cam ko ckpla kan...aku tak jumpa kapel lain lagiiii...huhuuuu...:cf:

adoi la... ayat auumm ko tuhh...lawak beb... tapi kan ,Asami x Aki tuh pun kira legend gak tu...  leh dikatakan feveret kapel lam manga yaoi...

kannn...tinggal harapan aje nk tgk dorang bersama...unless kalo dorang ber3 nih, duk semeja ngn sme and avex, diskas balik...haaa...tu mebe ada harapan la...

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 Author| Post time 7-9-2010 05:03 PM | Show all posts

nk tepek gakkkk bishie glemer aku ni...

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Post time 7-9-2010 07:48 PM | Show all posts
aku nak tepek gambar bishie abg luka.. tapi sebab watak dibuang.. tinggal harapan je la

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Post time 7-9-2010 08:11 PM | Show all posts
betul...tapi takpe...aku akan bukakan hati aku utk tetap suka kat eunhae...sbb dorang stil ...

adoi la... ayat auumm ko tuhh...lawak beb... tapi kan ,Asami x Aki tuh pun kira legend gak tu...  leh dikatakan feveret kapel lam manga yaoi...
ibuKA Post at 7-9-2010 13:08

    hehe.. kita tgk mane yg lagi romantik.. ko tepek la.. aku nye mata nampak yunjae jer
tapi ramai je kalau kita tgk peminat2 ni tgk balik aksi2 yunjae yg lama.. sekadar melepas kerinduan org kata.. caya la.. aksi skrg tak seumph yg dulu beb...

hehe.. ko tak tau ek.. sejarah aku minat yaoi ni dari kapel Asami X Aki la beb.. diorg tak romantik.. tak lembik.. tapi diorg tertarik antara satu sama lain body lawa dan muka bishie tu satu bonus yg menarik utk dibiarkan

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 Author| Post time 9-9-2010 12:54 AM | Show all posts
aku nak tepek gambar bishie abg luka.. tapi sebab watak dibuang.. tinggal harapan je la
Kia_picanto Post at 7-9-2010 19:48

   alerr...letakla...aku nk tgk...aku tatau pun rupa dia camana...:cf:

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 Author| Post time 9-9-2010 01:09 AM | Show all posts
hehe.. kita tgk mane yg lagi romantik.. ko tepek la.. aku nye mata nampak yunjae jer  ...
Kia_picanto Post at 7-9-2010 20:11

   ahahahaa...dari segi keromantikan, aku pun nmpak yunjae gak...sbb dedua tu cute campur hensem...nti aku tepek eunhae ...tapi betul mmg rindu nk tgk aksi yunjae yg ko ckpla...sekadar utk melepaskan rindu...huhuuuu...

ooo ye ke...aku minat yaoi sejak aku tgk junjou tu laa...J-hime menjebakkan aku...
ooh yesss...asami mmg bishie bila dia pakai baju casual...pehtu caring giler lak tu ngn aki...

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 Author| Post time 9-9-2010 01:28 AM | Show all posts

mcm penah nmpak aksi ni kat yunjae...


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Post time 9-9-2010 06:34 PM | Show all posts
selamat hari raya
maaf zahir batin...


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 Author| Post time 13-9-2010 08:17 AM | Show all posts
selamat hari raya
maaf zahir batin...
marumaru Post at 9-9-2010 18:34

    selamat hari raya utk maru-hime gak...

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Post time 14-9-2010 07:04 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Kia_picanto at 14-9-2010 07:06

Why can't we listen to the TVXQ Trio's songs online?

Raemong Raein, the production company of KBS drama 'SungKyunKwan Scandal', has stated that it will file a report to the Fair Trade Committee stating that the drama's O.S.T, which TVXQ's Xiah Junsu, Micky Yoochun and YoungWoong Jaejoong participated in, is currently unable to be distributed through online music sites due to a certain company's unfair corporate practices.

A representative of Raemong Raein stated, "We contacted various companies with regards to the online distribution of the O.S.T, which the three members of TVXQ participated in, but we have hit a roadblock and are unable to progress," and "We believe this may be the work of a certain company using unfair corporate practices so we are planning to report the case to the Fair Trade Committee for further investigations."

◇Why can't we listen to the TVXQ Trio's songs online?=The three members participated in the O.S.T of SungKyunKwan Scandal, the drama which Park Yoochun (Micky Yoochun's real name) is starring in, and recorded the song 'Found You'. However, this song is not available on any of the major online music sites such as 'Melon', 'Mnet', 'Dosirak' and 'Cyworld'.

There are 0 searches found for 'SungKyunKwan Scandal ost'

This is unusual as most O.S.Ts are released with much advertisement and services as soon as the drama begins airing. Even the O.S.T of 'Playful Kiss', the MBC drama which began airing at a later date than SungKyunKwan Scandal, has already been distributed.

As Raemong Raein has been unable to find a suitable domestic distribution company, it is currently reaching out to foreign label companies.

◇Did SM have a hand in this?= Raemong Raein has pointed out the possibility of SM having a hand in the current situation. The three members are currently in a lawsuit with their agency SM Entertainment regarding their unlawful contract.

There are voices being raised now that SM is stopping the songs from being distributed through KMP Holdings, which was created by and consists of Korea's top entertainment agencies such as SM, YG and JYP Entertainment.

A representative of one of the distribution companies stated, "From what I know, the music sites aren't providing services for the O.S.T because KMP Holdings contacted them and asked them not to distribute the songs. In the process, they even stated that they would stop giving such sites rights to distribute songs from KMP Holdings singers if the O.S.T songs were released."

A representative of another company stated, "There were a lot of companies interested in distributing SungKyunKwan Scandal's O.S.T before the drama was aired but they all gave up because there were fears that they may be hurt by releasing the songs."

The Fair Trade Committee has stated that it is willing to take on the case as soon as Raemong Raein files it. A top representative of the Fair Trade Committee stated, "We would have to investigate the finer details, but if a certain company is using their position in the industry to stop songs of a certain singer from being distributed, then the action will be deemed as unfair corporate practices.

On the other hand, SM is denying such speculations. A representative of SM stated, "I'm hearing all of this for the first time," and denied the accusations.

Source: [money today+DNBN]
Translation credits: [email protected]
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p/s: kan dah menunjukkan taringnye.... benCik MS:@

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 Author| Post time 14-9-2010 08:31 AM | Show all posts
aku baca perenggan atas sekali tu pun dah tau dah... ni....kesian JYJ...

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 Author| Post time 14-9-2010 08:42 AM | Show all posts

erghhhhh...mano ko dapek gamba ni??...
sgt hensemmm memasing...dan sgt potosop...

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Post time 14-9-2010 07:06 PM | Show all posts
erghhhhh...mano ko dapek gamba ni??...
sgt hensemmm memasing...dan sgt potosop...:lol ...
ibuKA Post at 14-9-2010 08:42

    aku carik la.. ade plak rajin potosop dbsk dalam baju raya.. kira cam kad raya la.. hehehe...
sekali tgk cam penyanyi nasyid.. best gak aku dengar diorg nyanyi nasyid nih 2 kali tgk dan seterusnye aku rasa cam derang nih dok peraga baju melayu hensem kan?? aku rasa kalau baju melayu johor lagi nampak hensem agaknye

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Post time 14-9-2010 10:01 PM | Show all posts
aku baca perenggan atas sekali tu pun dah tau dah... ni....kesian ...
ibuKA Post at 14-9-2010 08:31

    well.. besa la tuh.. dia tak mo JYJ maju lepas kuar.. kira nyesal la kalau kuar dari SME nih.. takde nye.. jgn harap!!

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 Author| Post time 15-9-2010 11:01 AM | Show all posts
aku carik la.. ade plak rajin potosop dbsk dalam baju raya.. kira cam kad raya la.. hehehe...
sekali tgk cam penyanyi nasyid.. best gak aku dengar diorg nyanyi nasyid nih 2 kali tgk dan seterusnye aku rasa cam derang nih dok peraga baju melayu hensem kan?? aku rasa kalau baju melayu johor lagi nampak hensem agaknye

Kia_picanto Post at 14-9-2010 19:06

    ekekekeeee...memula tuh aku hampir pecaya yg dorang mmg pakai baju melayu...tgk bnyk kali baru nmpak ke'potosop'annya...  tgk gaya tangan memasing mmg sah 'badan' budak2 nasyid ni...
hensemm...hensemmmm...segak bergaya...  

oooo...ko pangge baju melayu johor ek?...aku pangge baju melayu teluk belanga...
uihhhh...kalo dorang pakai tu, musti nmpak ranggi sikit...mmg seswailah ngn dorang...

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 Author| Post time 15-9-2010 11:14 AM | Show all posts
well.. besa la tuh.. dia tak mo JYJ maju lepas kuar.. kira nyesal la kalau kuar dari SME n ...
Kia_picanto Post at 14-9-2010 22:01

    apalah pendengki sgt SME nihh... dah ko saman dia, lagi mau tutup periuk nasik orang...:@ kesiannya doranggg kia-hime...
nak tolong beli saham SME tak mampu pulak...:cf:
mmmm...bih tu...avex tak leh wat apa2 ker?...adakah disbbkan terbitan korea maka dorang takleh masuk campur?... penat2 je dorang wat OST tapi takleh kuar lak...

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Post time 15-9-2010 10:49 PM | Show all posts
ekekekeeee...memula tuh aku hampir pecaya yg dorang mmg pakai baju melayu...tgk bnyk kali  ...
ibuKA Post at 15-9-2010 11:01

    bj melayu johor.. teluk belanga.. sama la tuh
tapi aku rasa mmg hensem la kalau pakai baju melayu derang nih

laaa.. sah2 la tak penah derang pakai baju melayu.. mesti la potosop

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Post time 15-9-2010 10:52 PM | Show all posts
apalah pendengki sgt SME nihh... dah ko saman dia, lagi mau tutup periuk nasik orang. ...
ibuKA Post at 15-9-2010 11:14

    avex cuma powerful kat jepung jer.. kat korea dia takde ape.. saham sme pon dia dah serah kat lee soo man balik...
sme ni kan gergasi sket.. ape la avex ada sgt.. lain la kalau dia gi ke jepun ke kan...
tapi aku baca komen ade yg lagi power dari sme nih.. mnet.. tapi suka amek kesempatan kat artis dari segi royalti.. entah la ibuka.. aku rasa kalau tak hati2 mmg kuar mulut rimau masuk mulut buaya...

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 Author| Post time 16-9-2010 10:53 AM | Show all posts
bj melayu johor.. teluk belanga.. sama la tuh
tapi aku rasa mmg hensem la kalau pakai b ...
Kia_picanto Post at 15-9-2010 22:49

   sapa2 pun nmpk hensem kalo pakai baju melayu...tapi betul...sekali imbas gambo tu mmg nmpak cam bebetul dorang pakai baju melayu...nyaris aku nk tertipu...manalah tau kan...kot2 dorang ada dtg mesia,fans soh siap bergamba pakai baju melayu ke...

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