1901# eyka
akak, kite dh contact ngan president tu.. sbb kite uat booking merchandize.. akak dh contact die? 
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
1902# pokokbunga
kite punye link skrg xleh bukak la
cuba tanye org lain
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things throughmy eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was aglitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
ai x tahu npe bile tgk new moon cam rse x puas ati.. jln citer dh ok, tp ntah la cam ade kurg sane sini.. walaupun i bknla pandai pun bab pilem ni.tp bju, makeup artis, cam kureng jer. i prefer twilight lg.. mybe sbb tuka director..maybe..sigh
btw ade sape tahu ble eclipse rilis? jun '10? cant wait |
1903# cheesepastry
ingat aku sorang je mcm tu
ada gak geng lain
takut lupa status diri tgk rob {:1_126:} |
Post Last Edit by eyka at 24-12-2009 01:38
@pokokbunga check your pm...
@cheese.... hahahhahha
@pav... apa kak kak... hahha |
ai x tahu npe bile tgk new moon cam rse x puas ati.. jln citer dh ok, tp ntah la cam ade kurg sane sini.. walaupun i bknla pandai pun bab pilem ni.tp bju, makeup artis, cam kureng jer. i prefer twilig ...
cisskek Post at 23-12-2009 13:40 
sbenarnya...aku pn sependapat ngan ko
new moon kurg artistic compare ngan twilight wlaupun dia cuba ikut novel spenuhnya
aku tak letak harapan yg tggi pd ECLIPSE...
1. pengarah lelaki (aku tak bias ngan lelaki...tp mgkin lelaki susah nak menjiwai Twilight saga melainkan part fighting)
2. make up artist sama ngan new moon...so...edward takkan jd sehensem twilight, dressing tak cun
3. kristen akan spoilkan emosi bella dgn lakonan yg kaku...(pengarah pompan je reti nak ngajo dia ni, psl kt twilight dia better)
dan lagi...dikatakan BREAKING DAWN akan di arah skali lg oleh Christ Weitz
so...BD pn akn terima nasib sama ngan NM
so...baca buku jelah jawabnya...
takde apa yg bole memuaskan hati dgn movie... |
1903# cheesepastry
ingat aku sorang je mcm tu
ada gak geng lain
takut lupa status diri tgk rob {:1_126:}
honey_dew Post at 23-12-2009 16:18 
ramai ke lg yg mcm kite??? |
cheese, saya pun  |
newbie di sini..
jmp plak thread ni.. memang suke sgt twilight saga ni..
n sy sokong new moon punye movie xbest sgt compare twilight n lakonan bella kaku skit dlm ni tp ape2 hal twilight saga ROCKS! nak tunggu eclipse plak.... |
2. make up artist sama ngan new moon...so...edward takkan jd sehensem twilight, dressing tak cun
cheesepastry Post at 24-12-2009 09:55 
klo tgk muka rosalie dgn emmet pun teruk mekap nya... lebih2 lg rosalie tu yg kata nya sgt cantik |
Post Last Edit by alesandra at 30-12-2009 16:44
nak tanya kat sini lah ye.mungkin soklan tak appropriate....
breaking dawn tuh dah shoot ke belom?sbb ade baca kat somewhere probably tak buat 
kalo tak buat aku resmikan lah dulu ngan membaca novel.maleh nak baca page belakang,sbb korang byk mengarut hahahah:kant: |
Post Last Edit by alesandra at 30-12-2009 16:44
nak tanya kat sini lah ye.mungkin soklan tak appropriate....
breaking dawn tuh dah shoot ke belom?sbb ade baca kat somewhere probably tak buat :fun ...
alesandra Post at 30-12-2009 15:30 
setahu I breaking dawn belum di shoot lagik
correct me if im wrong... |
aa.. blom lg shooting BD
Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the rest of the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain - Bella Swan, Twilight
1917# bspotgurl
baru post production la kot ye?tapi BD mmg depa nak buat la kan? |
1921# amka
sape yg dok merembes kat mamat rob neh,makan hati ler korang |
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