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Patung sembahan hinduism, buddha etc...mengikut pandangan agama islam

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Post time 4-11-2016 10:34 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Mengikut alquran didalam dunia ini selain manusia terdapat satu golongan lagi yang hidup bersama iaitu Jinn.
Jinn ini adalah satu bangsa yang hidup sama seperti manusia iaitu berkeluarga, beranak dan mati,Jinn tergolong kepada bermacam-macam agama sama seperti manusia.Tetapi mereka mempunyai umur yang sangat panjang serta mampu hidup beribu-ribu tahun.

Jinn yang beragama islam ada yang baik dan ada yang jahat, sama juga jinn beragama buddha, hindu dan sebagainya...ada yang baik ada yang jahat.
Mereka ini tidak dapat dilihat oleh manusia dan mereka mampu masuk kedalam badan manusia dan menguasai pergerakan manusia.
Ini yang berlaku dalam proses thaipusam, dimana seseorang hilang kawalan dan mampu melakukan aktiviti pelik diluar norma kemanusiaan.
Jinn ini yang menyamar sebagai dewa, tuhan, dewi, yang kuasa, dan bermacam-macam lagi sehingga membuatkan manusia menyembah mereka.

Dalam dunia islam pun jinn berjaya menipu masyarakat islam sendiri dengan menyamar sebagai roh, roh mereka yang dah mati atau sebagainya. Mereka yang tidak beriman akan mudah tertipu dan mengikut jalan yang salah.

HANTU adalah dari golongan jinn juga, sebab tu semua agama, bangsa ada hantu mereka sendiri.

Sebarang soalan boleh ditanya dan saya akan terangkan


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 Author| Post time 4-11-2016 10:47 AM | Show all posts

Ini ialah kaabah, bukan sembahan masyarakat agama islam, tetapi merupakan hala tuju kiblat iaitu kompas untuk solat.Jika kaabah runtuh dan cuma padang yang tiada apa-apa.. Orang islam tetap menghala ke arah ini untuk sembahyang.

Ini adalah contoh penipuan oleh orang yang tidak tahu
Arah untuk solat harus menghala ke arah kaabah bukan merata seperti ini:


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Post time 4-11-2016 11:15 AM | Show all posts
by  SlimShaddy06

Sebarang soalan boleh ditanya dan saya akan terangkan

Memandangkan kamu seorang "beginner" di sini, biar saya menberitahu - tolong postkan benda2 mengenai Islam dan Muslimat di column Muslim dan Muslimat ataupun di ruang Religion.

Column ini adalah utk agama2 BUKAN Islam dan mereka2 yang BUKAN Islam SAHAJA.

Terima kasih.

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 Author| Post time 4-11-2016 11:59 AM | Show all posts
Saya bukan post berkenaan islam tetapi berkenaan pandangan islam siapa disebalik dewa bagi agama buddism, hinduism, etc

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Post time 4-11-2016 02:15 PM | Show all posts
by SlimShaddy06

Saya bukan post berkenaan islam tetapi berkenaan pandangan islam siapa disebalik dewa bagi agama buddism, hinduism, etc

Sama lah itu.  Kedua2nya adalah mengenai Islam dan pandangan maha agung orang2 Islam pasal agama lain, MACAM LAH KAMI PERLU LAYAN SANGAT PANDANG KAMU ITU.

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Post time 5-11-2016 12:56 PM | Show all posts
SlimShaddy06 replied at 4-11-2016 11:59 AM
Saya bukan post berkenaan islam tetapi berkenaan pandangan islam siapa disebalik dewa bagi agama bud ...

aku rasa kau kena belajar melalui melancong....sila ke  india.. buat research and melancong seluruh india...kau tau nanti rahsia....jgn asyik ke tanah  suci mekah -umrah dan haji ...mindah x boleh buka


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Post time 5-11-2016 01:03 PM | Show all posts
Jinn yang beragama islam ada yang baik dan ada yang jahat, sama juga jinn beragama buddha, hindu dan sebagainya...ada yang baik ada yang jahat.

ini adalah satu ayat yg famous utk muslims goreng cerita pada non muslims...
kalau allah berkuasa kenapa DIA x  sembuh muslim?

di India semua herba2 , daun- akar kayu di jumpai sana utk kesihatan manusia....Rishi berpuasa-meditasi supaya Pencipta dpt ajar Rishi2 ini...ingat ya, Rishi ini meditasi -puasa bukan 1 bulan- bertahun-tahun - ada lebih dari 50 tahun..sehingga skg ada juga...hari  itu  saya menonton seorang pendita x makan hampir 15 tahun....mat salleh cuba kaji badan dia tapi x ada clue....

jadi dari membuat cerita jin jahat dan lain..elok kau kaji dulu

memang ada benda2 jahat yg suruh manusia membuat perkara jahat....menipu- curi duit lepas ckp dapat dari sumbangan derma....dan lain2....
roh2 yg baik x kira jin atau lain suka membantu manusia di dunia ini..


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Post time 7-11-2016 10:30 PM | Show all posts
apasal tiru berhala agama lain?  

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Post time 7-11-2016 10:31 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 5-11-2016 05:03 AM
ini adalah satu ayat yg famous utk muslims goreng cerita pada non muslims...
kalau allah berkuasa ...

wow......... hebatnya....... jadi sudah boleh tutup semua hospital di India laa?  

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Post time 8-11-2016 09:18 AM | Show all posts
Reborn_Atheist replied at 7-11-2016 10:30 PM
apasal tiru berhala agama lain?

Idiot ... who copied who?

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Post time 8-11-2016 09:20 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 8-11-2016 01:18 AM
Idiot ... who copied who?

stupidroth too stoopid to comprehend?  

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Post time 8-11-2016 10:19 AM | Show all posts
Reborn_Atheist replied at 8-11-2016 09:20 AM
stupidroth too stoopid to comprehend?

That is your famous retard words, isn't it? You piss all over the place and expect people to entertain you. Stupid atheist retard.

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Post time 8-11-2016 10:22 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 8-11-2016 02:19 AM
That is your famous retard words, isn't it? You piss all over the place and expect people to enter ...

yr many hands god really entertained me.... did yr god reincarnated as octopussy?  

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Post time 8-11-2016 12:44 PM | Show all posts
Reborn_Atheist replied at 8-11-2016 10:22 AM
yr many hands god really entertained me.... did yr god reincarnated as octopussy?

Another load of crap that has no meaning whatsoever. Just like atheists and their pathetic existence. Hurry up and die already.

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Post time 9-11-2016 12:06 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 8-11-2016 04:44 AM
Another load of crap that has no meaning whatsoever. Just like atheists and their pathetic existen ...

god & heaven is waiting for u..... u r the one should hurry up and die  

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Post time 9-11-2016 07:41 AM | Show all posts
Reborn_Atheist replied at 9-11-2016 12:06 AM
god & heaven is waiting for u..... u r the one should hurry up and die

My God is not out there somewhere waiting for me. He is within me and He had never left.

I will not die even when the physical body which is my host dies and withers away into dust. I will live as long as the Earth and when that (physical body) crumples and become dust in Space, I will become part of the Universe.

It is YOU atheists who has NO PLACE anywhere - in this World, in the Next, nor in the Physical World or the Universe. You will be swept aside into the great and dark Void.

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Post time 9-11-2016 08:56 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 8-11-2016 11:41 PM
My God is not out there somewhere waiting for me. He is within me and He had never left.

I will ...

can u prove it?  

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Post time 9-11-2016 10:15 AM | Show all posts

And WHY do I need to prove anything to you?
You seems to be confused between Religion and Spiritualism.

Religious beliefs require proof as it involves one person's claim which he pushes onto the masses and therefore requires a proof.
Spiritualism is between me and God. Have nothing to do with you, or anyone else or the masses and therefore, only One I need to prove myself to is God. NOT you.

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Post time 9-11-2016 10:51 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 9-11-2016 02:15 AM
And WHY do I need to prove anything to you?
You seems to be confused between Religion a ...

if yr god is within u, he must be enjoying having sex with yr wife...... malay call this as SAKA  

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Post time 9-11-2016 11:07 AM | Show all posts
Reborn_Atheist replied at 9-11-2016 10:51 AM
if yr god is within u, he must be enjoying having sex with yr wife...... malay call this as SAKA   ...

Another STUPID and RETARD comment from an Atheist whose brain is in between his legs. No wonder you atheists are no different than a stray dog.

Have you ever thought that the God within me is also within my spouse and unification of two physical objects (like our bodies) are the unification of two souls (which part and parcel of God)???

Of course not. You are just a stray dog who were born out of lust and can only contribute to lustful thinking. You are incapable of having any higher level thoughts.

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