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Dirogol Oleh Ayah Angkat Sejak UMUR 9 TAHUN, Akhirnya Mangsa Melapor Polis
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Edited by Lobai+Astaga at 26-5-2017 04:12 AM
Raped by foster father for 4 years, 13yo walks 5.1km to lodge police report

The teenager was sexually assaulted since by her stepfather since the age of nine.
By Kelly Koh - May 22, 2017 @ 4:02pm
JASIN: A 13-year-old girl’s rape ordeal has come to light when she finally decided to lodge a police report after being sexually assaulted by her stepfather yet again.
The teen had endured the constant sexual assaults since she was nine, walked some 5.1 kilometres from her home to the Merlimau police station, to lodge a report of the alleged rape by her 45-year-old stepfather.
State Criminal Investigation Department chief Assistant Commissioner Kamaluddin Kassim said recent rape incident took place at 4.45am on Sunday, when the stepfather took the opportunity to rape her when her stepmother, a nurse, was away to attend a course at a hospital in Johor Baru.
“The victim, who was sleeping in her bedroom, was awakened when her stepfather carried her to his bedroom.
“He removed her clothing and raped her twice although the victim tried to fight back,” he said.
He said the victim was allowed to return to her bedroom to sleep after the sexual assault.
It is learnt that the victim has been repeatedly raped by her stepfather for the past four years in the absence of her family members at their home in Jasin.
The victim, a Form 2 student, has been under the care of her stepfamily since she was seven while her biological family lives in Kulai, Johor.
Kamaluddin said a seven-day remand order was obtained against the 45-year-old stepfather to assist in investigations under Section 376(1) of the Penal Code for rape.
The stepfather, an eatery operator, was arrested at his house Jasin on the same day after the victim lodged a police report at the Merlimau police station at 8pm on Sunday.
He added that the victim was taken to the Melaka Hospital for a medical check-up. ... lodge-police-report
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Napa dok ngan step family? |
semoga diberi balasan yang setimpal.. |
Syukurlah budak ni ada kekuatan untuk bertindak, jika tidak bakal jadi JuliJalaludin mungkinnya |
Damn...berita camni lagi...sampai bila...
Kena beratkan hukuman untuk pedo... : |
melaka Dr negeri maju ke failed state gitu. Dr polisnya, judinya, perangai xsemengah, taik babinya etc |
Kesian nya kau dek, trauma sepanjang hayat |
crita mcm ni mesti slalunya melibatkan golongan yg berpendapatan rendah or kerja biasa2 je...
sangap sangat ka?
org yg kerrja elok2 sket jarang pulak dgr.. |
aku dah cakap..pedo mcm nie kalau blh keratkan totey, keratkan kaki dan diberi pengenalan di muka supaya masyarakat berjaga2...
trauma mangsa sampai bila2...
paling ditakuti, kalau mangsa pulak jadi pemangsa...
kesian ko dik...semoga beroleh keberkatan lepas nie...
mmg jahanam laki pedo tu... padanlah tak dianugerahkan anak...supaya tak mewarisi kementalan seks addict tu |
MengkuduMasam replied at 23-5-2017 09:35 AM
crita mcm ni mesti slalunya melibatkan golongan yg berpendapatan rendah or kerja biasa2 je...
san ...
satu mentaliti, satu lg pkrjaan dorg pon jnis yg susah dpt stay dkt umh lama2. bsuk2 kjer dlm mall kjer 6 hri smggu pastu dlm smggu brp kli je dpt kjer 9 jam. mostly kena wat ot 12 jam. kjer kilang cina bukit 12 jam shri. kang tk kjer dituduh pmlass |
sula dan paku semua sendi badan si setan ni.jadikan pengajaran |
kesian kau dik.. harap kau survive..
aku pernah jadi mangsa. dan aku pernah cuba memangsakan orang.
you can never move on from this trauma.. walaupun luar nampak ok. dalam hati dan kepala ada macam2 benda. sedih..  |
semoga bapak tiri tu mampus digelek lori.. |
Tlng lah ada hukuman yg pling berat utk pedo setan ni. Jnyah yg xbrsabit sjak skian lama. Klau ada pun hnya bbrapa kes yg dihebohkn, yg lain hnya diam. Diam krna tiada yg mngetahui. Ksiannya pd ank2 kcil yg jd mgsa.
Tahniah adik ni kuat n berani utk laporkn. Hrp smua ank2 dpt buat prkara yg sama skiranya trjd mgsa pedo hatta mlibtkn fmily sndiri.
Tajuk besar foster father, tajuk kecik n isi artikel step father. Kluarga kndung ada lg. Siyalnya fmily kndung tak jaga kluarga sndiri. Tau branak je
Kesiannya bdk ni..kecik2 ko dah rase keperitan hidup  |
Apa la dpt dgn bebudak....elok sula je |
Rejam sampai mati : :
Supaya jd pengajaran pd pedo2 yg lain. |
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