If your cat acts like they’re starving, ignore them.
Flickr: 39311243@N05 / Creative Commons
Many feline diet plans fail because a cat either successfully convinces the owner that he's starving or drives the owner crazy with begging until they give up. But as long as you've confirmed with a vet that you're feeding your cat a healthy amount, it's safe to ignore them.
"Begging is the body's hormones telling the cat that he doesn't want to lose weight," says Zoran. "That is the dirty little secret about obesity — your body was built to keep what it has, so when you make it larger with more fat cells it is absolutely against its nature to lose weight." That's why obesity prevention is much easier than weight loss.
Witzel suggests feeding your cat in a room you don't use often, like a guest bathroom, instead of the kitchen. That way, your cat isn't associating a well-frequented room with meals and is less apt to drive you insane, or trip you. Or both. |
Dia dok nyeow nyeow mcm lapar sgt. Kita bagi la sbb kesian dia lapar. |
baru tahu trick ni.
so selama ni, saya tertipu la?
isk isk isk... sampai hati Meow pekena saya.
Sesapa tau vet Klinik yg murah utk mandulkan kucing? Sy nak mandulkan 6betina, 6jantan (stray yg sy bagi mkn di blkg rumah sy) |
udah mandul kan ke kucing nya
saya ada pi programe dekat shah alam , sekor dpt RM80 x 2 = Rm160.
tu paling murah so far tapi kena tunggu ada programe nya.
so far yg dekat dgn saya
sg buloh = RM130 girl
and Rm110 boy
Mhl juga kos mandulkn kucing |
kalau female nak mandulkan kena jaga jugak luka tu.tapi kitorang takde experience lagi mandulkan kucing male. tapi female memang lebih mahal. |
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