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Dah tengok, this movie is most confusing movie I have ever seen. I thougt filem ni horror or thriller. But worth to watch. Pening, macam tengok kat mimpi aneh setelah tertidur habis ashar |
Serabut kepala tengok filem ni. mcm tergantung sepi.  |
aku tertidur, tv tengok aku..hehe..pening citer ni |
for sharing.I found a lot of interesting inform ation here. A really good post, very thankful and hopeful that you will write many more posts like this one.
Xde, I dah tengok tapi susah sangat nak interpret movie ni. Tak tahu film ni asal buat jadi je, atau konsep die memang cam tu. I xtahu...
I share what I found in youtube
amandel replied at 2-10-2020 11:15 AM
Xde, I dah tengok tapi susah sangat nak interpret movie ni. Tak tahu film ni asal buat jadi je, at ...
Owh yea ke? Kalau i x pernah nk interpret. Sekadar copy paste je. Kadang cite baru mmg x byk info.. |
Sinopsis kat imdb pun x banyak,
"Full of misgivings, a young woman travels with her new boyfriend to his parents' secluded farm. Upon arriving, she comes to question everything she thought she knew about him, and herself."
amandel replied at 2-10-2020 01:58 PM
Sinopsis kat imdb pun x banyak,
"Full of misgivings, a young woman travels with her new boyfrie ...
I see ni kisah nk breakup lepas jumpe mentua. Baru terserlah true colours bf die hehe..
I wonder jgk ape plot cite ni lepas bc tajuk.
Avatar u ade skit2 buat i teringat kat Taylor Lautner |
I'm Thinking of Ending Thing, kalo nak baca baik baik macam perasaan penonton habis tengok film ni. Perasaan pening memikirkan ending film ni sebetulnya apa?. iye kan. Bisa jadi film ni penulis script punya cerita belum selesai munkin ending cerita belum jadi, tapi karana deadline or something film ni harus selesai, and then penulis asal buat ending je macam pelik pening tapi memang takde arti ha..ha..ha... Mungkin awalnye film ni plotnya tak macam tu or tajuk asli bukan macam itu juga, tapi karana bingung ye bimsalabim asal jadi film utuh. tajuk I'm thinking of ending thing diambil karana penulis script bingung ending film ni mahu dibuat macam apa ha...ha..ha...bisa jadi bisa jadi 
if you compare my avatar with twilight cast, I rasa lebih mirip Kellan Lutz rather than Taylor Lautner
amandel replied at 2-10-2020 06:16 PM
if you compare my avatar with twilight cast, I rasa lebih mirip Kellan Lutz rather than Taylor Lau ...
Yaa die lg cerahkan? Hehe..i tgk skali lalu je hr tu.. |
amandel replied at 2-10-2020 06:10 PM
I'm Thinking of Ending Thing, kalo nak baca baik baik macam perasaan penonton habis tengok film ni ...
For me pulak tajuk filem ni mcm genre dark & disturbing..i thought about somebody yg nk bunuh diri.... |
Edited by amandel at 3-10-2020 01:34 PM
I baru cari tahu, film ni memang psychologycal thriller/horror novel adaption bertajuk same karya Lain Raid.
Interesting cast interview
I suke all movie genres, thaks for your info 
amandel replied at 3-10-2020 01:28 PM
I baru cari tahu, film ni memang psychologycal thriller/horror novel adaption bertajuk same karya ...
Ok now u dah dpt my attention. Cume tu la bile ibtgk trailer tu x terasa sgt vibe horror tu ..adaptation dr novel ni mesti menarik! |
amandel replied at 3-10-2020 01:31 PM
I suke all movie genres, thaks for your info
No problem  |
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